Can parents have a hot romance?

Posted by Leticia, 02 Feb

Relationships and sex may seem more complicated than they were in those footloose and fancy-free pre-parenting days.  While we love our little ones more than life itself, raising children can really put the brakes on parents’ sex life.  From the hustle-and-bustle of their schedules to the responsibility of keeping an ever-watchful eye on our kids, child rearing is sometimes quite exhausting.  And it’s that much harder when you’re doing it alone.

Parents often say they have less of a sex drive than they did before becoming a proud papa or loving mother.  Finding time for sex is one challenge, especially when your schedule always seems full.  But after awhile without it, you might forget all of sex’s benefits to your mind, body and spirit.  There can even be anxiety about this aspect of a new relationship, especially for single mothers.

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Perhaps you’ve heard these questions from your partner, or voiced them yourself...

“How much sex is enough?”

“If sex should be spontaneous, what if my life has little room for spontaneity?”

“What if I’ve gotten into the habit of not even thinking about sex?”

For answers, we turned to Dr. Jennifer Jones, a clinical psychologist and specialist in love, happiness and parenting.  The author of “The Seven Secrets of Joyful Parenting” and “Organic Sex: Why Less is More,” Jones believes that everyone is entitled to happiness.  She helps parents, couples and singles navigate the treacherous waters of modern life.

Oh and by the way, sex is a subject she has lots to say about.  “Please, let’s let go of our weird stuff about sex and our bodies and embrace it.  It’s our human right!” Dr. Jones says.

For 4 Hot Tips to have a healthy sex life even while raising children, check out this short video with Dr. Jennifer Jones.  It might be just the thing to put the sizzle back in your sex life!

Do you and your partner make space for sex in your schedules, even though taking care of the kids comes first?  What are the challenges of balancing parenting and romance?  Is there anything you’d like to get advice about?

1 responses to "Can parents have a hot romance?"

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  1.   Robby2u says:
    Posted: 02 Sep 12

    With any relationship there is work. However, when you are taking about a husband and wife or parents you must work a little harder than normal. I also think you should be willing to walk on the wild side every now and again. The key is not to let the relationship get old.

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