Valuable Advice ALL Black Women Can Use
Valuable Advice ALL Black Women Can Use As black women, we face a unique set of challenges at the intersection of our race and sex. Cultural mores, seen as “the done thing” in the black community, such as birthing out of season, accepti...
How to Follow Life's Greenlights to Success
How to Follow Life's Greenlights to Success Matthew McConaughey joins us in this episode to talk about the sobriety of grief, why having kids changes a parent’s perspective about everything and much more...
How to Feel Confident in Spite of Your Insecurities
How to Feel Confident in Spite of Your Insecurities Happy New Year! I’m going to keep this short, because I think this video is going to say it all, and be an incredibly powerful start to your year. Do you want to be more confident this year? No, ...
3 Sure Ways to Make Him Meet Your Needs
3 Sure Ways to Make Him Meet Your Needs I get SO many questions about standards in early-stage dating every week... How do you set standards? How do you know if your standards are too high, too low, or are scaring people away? How d...
Should You Keep Trying with Him?
Should You Keep Trying with Him? Have you ever wondered what the right amount of effort to put in with a guy is? Should you let him know you’d like to go on a date with him? And what about after the date… Should you let him kn...
How to Have Conversations That Matter
How to Have Conversations That Matter Did you know that there are ways s to correct the bad advice you’ve picked up about having good conversations? What about the surprising ways your smartphone affects the quality of your conversa...
How the 'What the Hell' effect keeps us making bad decisions
How the 'What the Hell' effect keeps us making bad decisions Did you know that the "What the Hell' effect can keep us making bad decisions even when we know they’re bad? Are we ever truly rational, unbiased, or impartial? Most of the time, we may think of ou...
Secrets on Being Happily Single Until You Find the Right Guy
Secrets on Being Happily Single Until You Find the Right Guy Today, I want to keep this short so you can go straight to watch this video. It’s not just essential watching if you’re single right now… It’s essential watching in the context of the year w...
Is Their Behavior a Deal-Breaker {WATCH}
Is Their Behavior a Deal-Breaker {WATCH} Ever found yourself in a situation where the person you are with is doing something that affects you negatively, only they don’t see it as a big deal? They tell you they don’t think they’re doi...
Why sometimes the only way to do something right is to do some things wrong
Why sometimes the only way to do something right is to do some things wrong Sometimes the journey to finding ourselves can be short and direct, with a clear line taking us from point A to point B. Then there are those times when it’s a meandering trail that winds through th...