How Small Standards Transform Your Relationship {VIDEO}
How Small Standards Transform Your Relationship {VIDEO} Are you happy in a relationship or not? Well, I am not here to get you into one. All I care about is that you are the happiest human being. In this video, I am talking to various women about men. An...
New 'Bewitched' Reboot Has an Interracial Component and... I HATE It
New 'Bewitched' Reboot Has an Interracial Component and... I HATE It Coming from ‘the girl who swirls,’ and the co-author of Swirling: How to Date, Match & Relate, Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed, you would think any media representations of interracial couples...
How Do You Respond if a Guy Disappears and Follows Up a Week Later?
How Do You Respond if a Guy Disappears and Follows Up a Week Later? One of our readers was concerned about how to respond to a guy who has disappeared. Not just the kind that disappears for months... just the kind who contacts you after a week or so. There goes... "I ...
Watch 3 Playful Flirting Secrets Men Can't Resist
Watch 3 Playful Flirting Secrets Men Can't Resist So, I want to know what flirting means to you. Does it mean seductively glancing over the bar whilst caressing a cocktail glass? Does it mean subtly leaning over so that he smells your perfume? Or do...
Crush Your Fear of Rejection in 3 Minutes {VIDEO}
Crush Your Fear of Rejection in 3 Minutes {VIDEO} I don’t want you to live in fear. I don’t want you to ever give someone the power to feel less than your worth. Watch this video!
What?! Successful, Non-Black Men Don't Like Curly and Kinky Hair?! {Watch the Video}
What?! Successful, Non-Black Men Don't Like Curly and Kinky Hair?! {Watch the Video} I interviewed several non-black men who are high-achieving and date black women on this issue, and all of them basically said that if they wanted a woman with straight hair...
I Am No Longer Attracted to the Man of My Dreams
I Am No Longer Attracted to the Man of My Dreams One of our readers voiced her concerns about her dream man. Once upon a time, he was the full package. Now, not so much. The email read: "A few years back I found the man of my dreams, a man that was...
A Letter of Encouragement to Black Women from Interracially Married Man
A Letter of Encouragement to Black Women from Interracially Married Man I received this letter yesterday that so touched me, and I was delighted that he asked me to share this with you. With all the racially-charged rhetoric and fear-mongering, notes like this bring so mu...
How to Break Out of Your Dating Rut {VIDEO}
How to Break Out of Your Dating Rut {VIDEO} I want to ask you something, and it’s a little personal. Well, two things actually... #1 Are you single? #2 On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you currently with your dating life? The reason I ask...
How to Finally Stop the Agony of Waiting for His Text {VIDEO}
How to Finally Stop the Agony of Waiting for His Text {VIDEO} Your phone buzzes. It’s a text from him ;) You can feel your stomach flip over with excitement. Every message he sends is like sweet honey for your brain. “Damn”, you think, “I’m an addict....