When A Guy Traps You In "Relationship Limbo"... {VIDEO}
When A Guy Traps You In "Relationship Limbo"... {VIDEO} Ok, I can’t hold this in any longer, so I’m just going to come out with it: This is my new absolute favorite video my team and I have ever released in over a decade of creating content. I know yo...
Why Can't Men Refrain from Looking at Photos of Sexy Women and Fantasizing?
Why Can't Men Refrain from Looking at Photos of Sexy Women and Fantasizing? Is it okay for men to be mentally unfaithful while in a loving relationship when it is so hurtful for women to do the same?
QOTW: "When Does the Age Thing Get Ridiculous?"
QOTW: "When Does the Age Thing Get Ridiculous?" Got a letter from a follower of this blog (not the man pictured here) with a question about age and online dating. Thought this is a good time to get all of you involved with giving him some answers! ...
Why Do Women in Their 30s Not Want to Date Men in Their 40s?
Why Do Women in Their 30s Not Want to Date Men in Their 40s? One of our male readers was wondering... "I’m a 42 year old single male who recently left a 5 year relationship for various reasons, but mainly because I wanted kids and she did not. I thought that ...
The REAL TRUTH: Why Men Stop Chasing You {VIDEO}
The REAL TRUTH: Why Men Stop Chasing You {VIDEO} When you make it “official” with a new guy, at first it feels like you can do no wrong. He laughs at all your jokes. He smothers you with kisses, tells you never to change, and can’t find anythi...
5 First-Date Moves That Make Him Want More {VIDEO}
5 First-Date Moves That Make Him Want More {VIDEO} Women think going on a date with a guy is simple. You dress up, groom yourself, and head to an overpriced bar. Then you talk, ask questions, blah blah blah. Gulp down a few drinks. Maybe a kiss. En...
Dating Advice That Might Make You Mad
Dating Advice That Might Make You Mad I was going to post this in the comments for my last blog, but felt it was worth its own post. It’s in response to another ad nauseum debate between two camps on this blog: Women who think that eve...
How Do I Finally Let Go Of My Ex For Good?
How Do I Finally Let Go Of My Ex For Good? I received a question from one of our readers, Jennifer on moving on after a break up. It read: Evan, I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years and I’m a big fan. Your advice has helped me...
Weird: Get Over Him AND Get Him Back? {VIDEO}
Weird: Get Over Him AND Get Him Back? {VIDEO} I have to be careful here because I know how so many women are desperate to hear the secrets of how to get a guy back in their lives. Maybe you feel in so much pain like you’ll never be happy again ...
QOTW: My Daughter's Father Doesn't Want Her to Like Non-Black Boys
QOTW: My Daughter's Father Doesn't Want Her to Like Non-Black Boys I received this note from a fan… Hi Christelyn! I need some advice…So I have a 6-year-old daughter & we live in a majority white community. I love it. Anyway, a little white boy has a crush...