You Have To Kiss A Lot of Princes Before You Marry The FrogYou Have To Kiss A Lot of Princes Before You Marry The Frog You’ve been through a LOT when it comes to love. You’ve dated guys with whom you felt the most incredible connection, only to find out that they weren’t serious about you. You’ve dated guys wi...
Why Love Advice Doesn't Work For You... Yet {VIDEO}Why Love Advice Doesn't Work For You... Yet {VIDEO} This is difficult for me to admit. But the truth is, the average woman who reads dating advice (yep, even mine, sadly) will never make it work. Maybe she’ll try a couple of lines on that cute guy a...
Everything You Know About Attraction is Wrong {Video}Everything You Know About Attraction is Wrong {Video} What is the secret that makes a man look into a woman’s eyes and think, “She is the one for me?” It isn’t her looks. It isn’t her masters degree in literature. It isn’t the fact that she ...
Matthew Knowles Blames His Mother for His Colorism. Who's Surprised?Matthew Knowles Blames His Mother for His Colorism. Who's Surprised? In an article that initially appeared in Ebony but then mysteriously disappeared that Madame Noire reported Matthew Knowles, patriarch of Beyonce and Solange, started dating his now ex-wife Tina beca...
4 Dangerous Reasons You Fall In Love Too Fast (VIDEO)4 Dangerous Reasons You Fall In Love Too Fast (VIDEO) Joe met Lisa on a trip to the Bahamas. He saw her sipping a cocktail and asked her what she was drinking. (It was a Mai Tai.) He ordered a Whisky Sour. Then it was on to talking all night. They ki...
The Most Important Dating Advice You'll Ever Hear - Don't Do AnythingThe Most Important Dating Advice You'll Ever Hear - Don't Do Anything One of our readers, Robyn, dropped us an email which read: I am a 33 year old single woman. I seem to always attract “great guys”, and we always have a lot of fun. But anytime I want to gently “...
Serena Graces Vogue and Gives Us All #SwirlingGoalsSerena Graces Vogue and Gives Us All #SwirlingGoals Serena and baby Olympia grace the cover of Vogue’s February issue, and I can just tell by looking this little one keeps mommy busy.
The Secret to Standing Out from Everyone...The Secret to Standing Out from Everyone... ... It's So Much Simpler Than You Think I have some very cool secrets of communication to share with you today. But first let me ask you a question: What do you really want from 2018? To finally get ...
Why Don't Men Hate Being Single As Much As Women Do?Why Don't Men Hate Being Single As Much As Women Do? One of our readers Elaine dropped us an email wondering why women hate being single. It read: Dear Evan, Why don’t men hate being single as much as women do? I know you say most men are marriage-m...
So... What Do Black Men REALLY Think About Black Women Dating Interracially?So... What Do Black Men REALLY Think About Black Women Dating Interracially? I know some of the fans here are probably saying, “Who cares?” You may not, but I guarantee you that there are many, many, MANY black women who read this blog still incredibly concerned about what...