Get Your Ex Back With These Words
Get Your Ex Back With These Words The agony of a breakup is awful. I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemies. But sometimes pain is good. It forces us to take pause. It forces us to re-evaluate. Like any great loss, it can actua...
QOTW: Black Girl Wondering If The Guy She Met Online Is Really Attracted to Her
QOTW: Black Girl Wondering If The Guy She Met Online Is Really Attracted to Her This week I got a question from a black woman who has just met this man online. He tells her she is beautiful and she believes it. The other day, she asked him to describe the physical features he fin...
QOTW - White Female with Korean Guy Having Cultural issues Over a Cat
QOTW - White Female with Korean Guy Having Cultural issues Over a Cat Our question this week comes from a 23-year-old white female. She has been dating this Korean man of 24 for two years gave her quite a self-esteem boost with his flattery and compliments. Much as la...
American Born Indian Woman: "My White Fiancee says I am not American"
American Born Indian Woman: "My White Fiancee says I am not American" Our question this week comes from a 26-year-old Indian female who has been born and raised in America. She has been dating her White fiancee for three years and are meant to get married in December. ...
White Female Gets Annoyed at Mother in Law for Calling Their Daughter's Name the Latino Way
White Female Gets Annoyed at Mother in Law for Calling Their Daughter's Name the Latino Way Names. Whats in a name? William - Billy, Robert - Bob. Mary - Maria? Well, that's a problem today. Our question is from a Latino man married to a white woman. They have a daughter named Mary. Well, h...
QOTW: Indian Woman Wonders She is Attractive Enough for Her White Boyfriend
QOTW: Indian Woman Wonders She is Attractive Enough for Her White Boyfriend Beauty... Standards of beauty. White has always been considered as the main marker. So when a beautiful woman of color questions her beauty, its not a shocker. Well, this Indian woman has been with a...
QOTW: Do Rainbeaus Go For Bald/Short-Haired Women?
QOTW: Do Rainbeaus Go For Bald/Short-Haired Women? Hair is very important to Black women, especially when it comes to the issue of desirability. With me discussing the issue of hair and black women is my friend Victoria. Victoria wears her hair really...
Get Him To Chase You
Get Him To Chase You For many years I've talked about women "making the first move". However, until now, there's something I've failed to clarify... It's a key piece that will allow you to avoid the #1 biggest mistake wo...
Never Make This Flirting Mistake If You Want To Attract Guys
Never Make This Flirting Mistake If You Want To Attract Guys You’re on a date with a guy. You’re both sharing stories. He tells you that he plays the guitar. You notice that he seems really proud when he tells you about playing his first gig. Then without m...
This Curvy Girl Got Lots of Dates on Interracial Dating Central
This Curvy Girl Got Lots of Dates on Interracial Dating Central I just LOVE getting letters like this! The kind that are such inspiration to many. Well, ‘QueenEkuba', is her handle. She shares her story about her journey on Interracial Dating Central. Have a rea...