Is He Right For You? Find Out With These 4 Questions
Is He Right For You? Find Out With These 4 Questions Most of us know all too well that our healthy skepticism over whether someone is right for us is the FIRST thing we’re willing to throw out the window in the name of chemistry and a connection. In...
The #1 Rule For Avoiding a LOVE BOMBER
The #1 Rule For Avoiding a LOVE BOMBER Why do some people move quickly, shower you with love, and then become emotionally unavailable and lose interest? It can feel confusing. They chase and chase and chase, and then you feel like a ligh...
Surprising entrepreneurial truths from a LinkedIn co-founder
Surprising entrepreneurial truths from a LinkedIn co-founder If you want to get a front-row seat to understanding the mind of a venture capitalist, LinkedIn co-founder, Reid Hoffman is your guy. He’s an investor at Greylock Partners and co-author of several b...
Toxic Codependency or Healthy Closeness? How to Tell The Difference
Toxic Codependency or Healthy Closeness? How to Tell The Difference Having a reliable and steady partner may not get as much attention as other “sexier” attributes, but it really is a beautiful thing. Knowing you can depend on someone romantically, physically, an...
Lessons from Dwayne Wade's Bigger-Than-Basketball Life {AUDIO}
Lessons from Dwayne Wade's Bigger-Than-Basketball Life {AUDIO} Photo by: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com A lot of celebrities fall into the trap of being defined by the one thing that made them famous, often undergoing a crisis of identity — if not a complet...
The SURPRISING REASON People Cheat and Find Their Partners ANNOYING {VIDEO}
The SURPRISING REASON People Cheat and Find Their Partners ANNOYING {VIDEO} According to a new UK-based study, “A third of people actually find their partner to be the most annoying person they know due to their infuriating habits.” So wait . . . While we’re providin...
Dirty Jobs and Peripatetic Moments - Mike Rowe {AUDIO}
Dirty Jobs and Peripatetic Moments - Mike Rowe {AUDIO} Did you know our guest on today's episode, Mike Rowe of Discovery Channel series Dirty Jobs started his show business career in opera — to get women? That's right. Apparently, Mike has seen some s...
Men vs Women. Who Suffers More in a Breakup? {VIDEO}
Men vs Women. Who Suffers More in a Breakup? {VIDEO} Did you know that men and women respond differently to breakups? My brother Stephen and I talked about recent research that showed differences in how men and women process emotional pain, how long the...
Why Rationality Seems Scarce and Why it Matters {Audio}
Why Rationality Seems Scarce and Why it Matters {Audio} Have you noticed that the representatives of every generation between 'The Flintstones" great-grandparents and our own will, at some point, shake their wise old heads at the folly of youth and procla...
These 16 Things Can't ALL Be Dating Red Flags, Can They?? {VIDEO}
These 16 Things Can't ALL Be Dating Red Flags, Can They?? {VIDEO} In this video, I invite you to play a game with my brother Stephen and me as we dive into a topic everyone’s asking about: red flags and amber lights (or “yellow lights” depending on where you l...