How to eat what you want and still zip your pants
Avoiding the holiday bulge... without weight watchers...
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With so many fad diets, quickie procedures and surgeries what's a person to do about not picking up the holiday 10? Here are a few tips on how you can make the holiday rounds without getting round for the holidays.
Hey this is Leticia, and I know all to well how the holidays can be a fun and stressful time. It's fun because we finally get to see those friends and family that have been away all year and stressful because...we see friends and family that we haven't seen all year. It seems like we try to pack in all that we missed into a long weekend or a few days. And where does most of the activity take place? Yep, around the kitchen table is where you'll find most of us.
I don't know about you, but I always seem to rationalize things by saying, "oh, the New Year is coming and I'll get on my new eat right plan then". Somehow that justifies eating things that in my right mind I'd never eat all together, in one sitting, with a bunch of other people doing the same thing. Then to make matters worse, we have to reinstitute family nap time. Stop the madness right?!
Here are a few of my tips for doing something different this holiday season:
Tip 1: Buy a water gun or silly string and give it to your favorite family members. Tell them to shoot you whenever they see you with food in your mouth (if you're not sitting at the table during meal time). Tell them to say things while they're shooting you that are positive like, "You know I'll love you no matter how much you weigh".
Tip 2: Start looking and trying on clothes that are two sizes to large for you. Once you're in the dressing room imagine yourself in these clothes and they fit a little tight. Now remember this feeling when you get ready to eat something extra or that you know isn't good for you.
Tip 3: Write down all the things that you know you're suppose to do and ignore it. I mean really, it's the holidays you're supposed to over eat and complain about all the weight that you've gained. That's what New Year's resolutions are for. That's what keeps the fitness centers in the peak at the beginning of the year. If you didn't gain weight, think of all the skinny people that you'd put out of work.
Seriously, because you do know that I've been joking right? We all know by now, what we're supposed to do to get in or stay in shape. Unfortunately, we make different choices and find ways of justifying them. We are all adults here, and the reality is that you are going to do what you want to do and you will either be proud or ashamed of it later. If you want a better body, job, attitude...whatever. Live a better life filled with better choices. Decide what you want and marry the idea with the action and the result will be success. Even though we all know the right answers, sometimes we just need to hear someone else ask the question. So, here's the question one more time... Who do you think is responsible for making you happy, healthy and wise? Leticia can only do so much...step away from the silly string!
30 responses to "How to eat what you want and still zip your pants"
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fkoi says:Posted: 24 Apr 08
I am pretty sure that giving my family license to shoot me under any circumstances is not a good idea, especially at holiday gatherings. My experience is that if I want to make a life change, I have to do it for myself. It is great to have support, but short of 24/7 vigilance for the rest of my natural, a natural which would then be full of resentment for the 24/7 vigilantes, it is on me to change.
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Sharon says:Posted: 23 Feb 08
Does anyone know if Sailor Boy found a match??? Watched a cute movie last night "Why did I get MARRIED...?" Southern smiles, Sharon
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 13 Feb 08
Thanks Coco....My idea is to come here and have a bit of fun while trying to learn something...catch up with old friends... maybe make a new one too
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cocokisses says:Posted: 11 Feb 08
Lighten up Jojolove! Water does work...and it gets rid of the hunger. The trick is to have fun. it does not appear that you are having a lot of that. Running around with the silly string burns calories. Try it sometime. Life is too short to be so serious! Take a note from the work with them for goodness sake!
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jojolove says:Posted: 04 Feb 08
The water trick is all fine and dandy but who really gets full and stays full off of something that is tasteless??? I know I dont. Once again its about what you choose to put in your mouth. When you get hungry grab some friut instead of chips. One most fruits contain mostly water, Most friuts have fiber which can keep you full and fresh fruits are low in caloires.
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jojolove says:Posted: 04 Feb 08
Silly string and water guns are you Kidding me! You want to loose weight stop stuffing your face with food and get your butt off the sofa and exercise. Its that simple. The diet word should be banned Diets dont work you have to control your portions and exericse so food does nt turn into fat. Food is supposed to be fuel so our bodies can function. People should also learn to read lables and look at all the poison and chemicals being used to keep our food fresh. And people wonder why girls are having periods at the age of 9 and 10 its because of the trash you put in your mouth and that is something you have to control Silly string and water guns get real!
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cocokisses says:Posted: 14 Jan 08
Good for you Moss. Like most, I am working off the weight I gained last year :)
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Fala says:Posted: 09 Jan 08
How is that my fault Mossimo??? I didn't shovel that food in your mouth!!! LOL
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 08 Jan 08
I gotta figure out how to lose the 3 holiday pounds I gained....damn you Fala!!!
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Fala says:Posted: 07 Jan 08
Good tip Sharon. It's always important to drink plenty of fluids every day.
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Sharon says:Posted: 05 Jan 08
Here's a trick I use...I drink alot of water...keeps the stomache full so you eat less...sure you might have to use the restroom more...but liquids are good for you! Southen smiles and world peace, Sharon
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hiimsteph says:Posted: 24 Dec 07
Well I think that people should wait after the holidays to go on a diet because during the holidays you surrrounded by all that great food and goodies, outting yourself on a diet will be the equivalent of torturing yourself. So, enjoy the holidays while you can and then have you plan to get in shape afterwords.
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Fala says:Posted: 23 Dec 07
So I can eat what I want and not gain a pound because during the holidays none of it has any calories? Yeah, that's what I thought you said.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 19 Dec 07
We need an Afro Christmas party so we can all shoot each other!
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 17 Dec 07
I like the silly string idea. My family has a lot of fun when they get together. I am sure they will have a blast catching each other eating too much :)
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Ok, I finally got my pants zipped, now who can help me get em back off