How the Horseman Met His Renegade
If you think “Renegade47” and “Horseman64” sound like a good match, you’d be right. The singles who posted profiles on our site with those usernames, Mary and Terry, are two peas in a pod. “This wasn’t my first rodeo,” says Mary when asked if this was her first online dating experience, “but the other rodeos were canceled due to ‘rain,’ haha!”
Terry turned to the internet when his community failed to produce a love connection for him. “I couldn’t find the real thing locally,” explains Terry, “but I knew she was out there somewhere!”
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“Less than 30 days” after signing up, Terry exchanged Flirts with Mary. At that point, Mary had only been with us for 10 days. In Mary’s profile, Terry definitely found a kindred spirit, though he notes she was “totally the opposite of what I grew up with.” What really sparked his interest was “that she said ‘no talking after the bobber hits the water,’” chuckles Terry. Looks like fishing might be something these two have in common!
Mary liked his profile and the way he conducted himself, citing “a sincere smile and transparency from the start” as reasons for her interest. Mary says that “when I couldn’t get past his photo/rereading his profile” it was a clear sign to give the guy a shot. “We both sent Flirts back and forth, and then I broke the ice and sent a message.”
From there they started talking, laughing and bonding. Despite the obstacle presented by the “850 miles and two states” separating them, “all of the late-night conversation” convinced Terry that these two were ready to meet in person. Mary says she agreed “because I needed to feel God’s presence with both of us there. So I flew to Colorado to meet him, and we spent the weekend together.”
After getting off the plane, Mary says her instant impression of Terry was favorable. She tells us “that small voice we all have said, ‘That’s him!’” when she first laid eyes on him in real life. Terry remembers thinking, “She’s the one. I knew it from the first hello!”
Mary didn’t realize, based on Terry’s profile, “how calming his spirit is.” He says he was surprised by “how down to earth she truly is.” Mary marvels that “the surprise was how comfortable and at home, we both were, instantly.” Terry chimes in with this: “Agreed!”
After her outing to Terry’s neck of the woods, Mary was sold. “He is nothing I ever thought I deserved,” she says. “Truly.” By this point in the game, Mary had no doubts about the viability of their bond. In fact, she was ready to commit… “I was sure I’d marry him,” she declares. Turns out Terry was on the same page. He tells us, “I was trying to figure out how to propose!”
So how DID the ring box come out? “We were barreling down the highway on my birthday,” remembers Mary. “He had just picked me up at the airport, and my proposal was on the back of my birthday card… I said ‘absolutely’ at 65 mph on the freeway!”
Mary says that her new relationship has rejuvenated her. “It gave me life,” she reveals. “Everything up to this point was just existing.” Terry is delighted by the changes in his own life. “It gets better day by day,” he says of what he shares with Mary.
As is customary, we surveyed the happy couple on their dating recommendations. “Pray about it first, and be patient,” advises Mary. “You can find your prince without having to kiss a bunch of frogs!”
Taking his cue from his sweetheart, Terry keeps the fairy tale theme going. “You don’t have to conquer a kingdom to find your princess,” he reminds us.
Let’s hope they live happily ever after.
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This is beautiful.