How to find bliss from suffering
When searching for purpose, most of the time, the path isn't always obvious or direct. It might be filled with obstacles, wrong turns that never make sense or it might just be a seemingly endless circle. But Akshay Nanavati, author of Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear into Health, Wealth and Happiness, looks as such paths differently. To him, the path is just but the evolution that guides us to the destination.
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In this episode, Akshay shares with us about his own path, the bumps he’s endured while feeling his way forward, why he embraces fear and pain as the signs that show him he’s going in the right direction, what he considers his own “worthy struggle,” how he prepares himself to suffer well, and what we can do to excel despite the path we’ve chosen for ourselves as long as we’re willing to keep moving. Listen, learn, and enjoy!
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