How To Get Him Interested in More Than Just Your Looks
Posted by Matthew, 10 Jul
Ever wondered what makes a guy decide to message one woman on dating sites over the hundreds of others he chooses to ignore every day??
Most women believe that to succeed on dating sites, looks is the main determining factor. No, it’s not just looks.
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Matthew Hussey is a renowned dating expert and author. His latest dating book Get The Guy is a New York Times bestseller. He's the go-to relationship expert for Rachael Ray, Katie Couric, Ryan Seacrest, Meredith Vieira and many others. And he's a relationship columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine and the resident love expert for "The Today Show." Here he shares his proven strategies to get a man to do anything you want, from tirelessly pursuing you to treating you like a goddess to committing to you for life.
1 responses to "How To Get Him Interested in More Than Just Your Looks"
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I have an idea for an article. How about this - HOW TO GET >HER< INTERESTED IN MORE THAN JUST YOUR HEIGHT AND MONEY I think it's about time we stop with this bull crap against men. Don't demand us men to not NEED to AT LEAST be attracted to how a woman looks. Sorry but women do the same thing. Only they use the cover up of HEIGHT. Although even tall men who are out of shape or overweight aren't getting their message boxes filled on a daily basis. The feminism in this country needs to take a chill pill and a back seat to think about all the ridiculous requirements that women focus on when dating. I think I speak for a lot of men when I say: Stop making it all our fault.