How to Make What Matters Effortless {AUDIO}
Do you want 10x the results of any endeavor without putting in 10x the effort? , Do you find yourself procrastinating on a project because it’s not perfect enough to your liking? Did you know that “easy” does not (always) equal “lazy” and that you can work smarter rather than harder to avoid earning the meaningless badge of honor that burnout has become in the modern workforce?
Joining us today in this episode is "What’s Essential" podcast host and author of the New York Times bestseller "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" Greg McKeown about his latest book, "Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most".
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Here, we discuss what we can do to best handle everything coming our way and make sure we’re enriched by these opportunities rather than feeling waterboarded by them.
Listen, learn, and enjoy!
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