Interracial porn getting us off?
I do not deny the fact that the use of race in fantasy scenarios aids the process of arousal … hot Latina women, big black d*** … you know what you search for when looking for porn online.
The race of these actors and actresses, as set by most porn films’ themes or as construed by the viewer, becomes a vehicle for the fantasy, used solely for the sake of helping the viewer achieve an orgasm. And race here becomes a fetish … dissolving the fantasy of interracial sex.
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There are various categories geared to satisfy various fantasies. And just to give an example (no offense intended), sex between a black man and an Asian-American woman, is kinda comparable to sex between a dom and a sub … one of the images used to fulfill the desires of the audience sadly through considerably dehumanizing means I must say.
Violence is often combined with sex in hardcore interracial porn and when you add racism and verbal abuse to the equation, interracial sex in porn takes on a whole different meaning of: ‘in order to have proper sex with someone of a different race, or to enjoy that fantasy, defilement is essential.’
Much as porn is quite trivial in the eyes of many, it makes us take a moment and analyze our perspective on others who are different from us. It’s no wonder we have sexual stereotypes. So, has interracial porn taken on such a racist tone due to our society being racist? Will there come a day when interracial couple (in the sexual context) wont evoke specific images from our damaged history?
Compared to mono-racial porn, it kinda raises my concerns when I can rarely come across a person of color (even if the sex act is between people whom one would consider “minorities᾿ or people of color) who is not rendered an object by way of fetishism or exotification … playing a role reflective of a stereotype. With all the perversion and dehumanization that comes with interracial porn, one really wonders if there ever will come a time when we will be objective about interracial sex … seeing it simply for what is - two (or more) people having sex – without thinking about the interracial element.
Which brings me to this question: Does race support a system of hatred toward certain ethnicities, as demonstrated in interracial pornography? If this is what we get off on, what does it say about us?
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53 responses to "Interracial porn getting us off?"
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WHURR says:Posted: 02 Feb 10
I'm busy watching Papa Smurf bang the hell outta Strawberry Shortcake...luv this interracial porn stuff!!
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homesteader says:Posted: 02 Feb 10
I still spell incorrectly myself / " Schudules " = Schedules . You haven't got to Believe me either / LOL , just my own personal opinions .
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homesteader says:Posted: 02 Feb 10
P.S. I was a Tractor-trailer Engineer / Technician , there are many different jobs we had to do in order to move Freight . Knowledge of locations , State laws , low bridge clearances , Safe driving in all situations , paperwork , proper time usage on Logbooks and of Bills of Laden / packed tight - packed right the Manual part of moving Undamaged Goods from coast-to-coast with Time Schudules in mind . I LEARNED these Talents FROM Schooling . AS long as there are tests / there will be Prayer in schools , Hehe . Still when in doubt as to Sexual Pleasures / I would read a book or watch a movie to Increase my Personal knowledge as to how it was done .
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homesteader says:Posted: 02 Feb 10
Honeykissed6 ; some quote what they learn from the Bible alas it is still personal interpretation . I.E. their own opinion . Some learn from Videos of a Sexual Nature / the Bible never taught Mathematics either . To only read one book ( the Bible ) does not make a Complete Scholar / Even at the University level of Education one must read English text also to Achieve Graduation Status . FearlessCrusader ; " ignoranct " properly spelled is ignorant / Thank you for your Knowledge shown here .
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Molly says:Posted: 02 Feb 10
I thought I was the only one who likes porn! quite frankly I would like to see more Latino men with white women. They are great in bed!
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HoneyKissed6 says:Posted: 30 May 09
FearlessCrusader, since you just HAD to comment...I believe your an f-ing prude that couldn't get next to a womans panties even if she handed them to you. Porn is not the act of sex, it is stimulation. Trust me, I know the difference though I doubt that you do. May be you should try it...get that stick out of your ass! How dare you get up on your high horse to denounce something I do or like for my sexual gratification! Ever heard of Live and Let Live? Since you've taken your crusading and bible thumping attitude to the extreme, I'd be afraid to leave you in a room with children. You're that damn scary! And if I am a sexual pervert, I'm a damn good and happy one! I'll rejoice in my leather and lace and you can freeze in hell in your tightie whities! And stop being a damn cyber-stalker, douche bag! Lately all your negative comments are in response to mine. And i didn't ask YOU a damn thing in regards to this topic. The question was rhetorical. And you're HARDLY an expert that can contribute meaningfully to this topic so I didn't really expect something noteworthy to come out of your mouth. If I want insight into the King James Bible and New Testaments, I'll look you up. Au Revoir
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FearlessCrusader says:Posted: 28 May 09
Honeykissed, since you asked...I believe what that says about you is that you are an ignoranct sex pervert. Sex is not a spectator sport. If you ever experience the real thing, you'll know the difference.
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HoneyKissed6 says:Posted: 12 May 09
Interracial porn is viewed as racist by those who are racist (hint for Cyrus). The rest of us sane people feel that porn is porn. The sight of skin tones contrasting is sexy. With that said, I love it everyday! I'd never give it up! Porn is about the visualization and stimulation...that's it, plain and simple. If its interracial scenes that make you horny then that's what you should watch. So what does this say about me? I hope it says that I'm a sexual being and I have no problem watching porn for its entertainment value (or educational! ) and there's nothing wrong with me. And the men lucky enough to grace my bed aren't complaining. We should all make love like a porn star!
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hazeleyedbri says:Posted: 04 May 09
I love 2 watch interracial porn with black women and white men and black and white women.WQomen on women period is a turn on 4 me. As far as all that other crap about beastiality and all that that's just ignorance and if a woman wants 2 put herself in a position like that that's her choice.
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Cyrus says:Posted: 04 May 09
Interracial porn is hilarious because it is so true. What black guy doesn't want to treat a nice white girl like that. Black people are racist, what better way to take that out then on porn? I don't watch interracial porn because I consider it bestiality, and I dont like seeing one person getting raped by 6 overly horny animals with mutated penises. It can be racist though, for the white girl that is. Just read these comments, all of them have been made by black guys who just love jocking up on white bitches and turning them into slaves for payback, which white people don't care about because those girls are cum dumpsters anyway, and the black guy has a look on his face like he just struck gold hahahahahahhahahha
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bcs says:Posted: 12 Mar 09
Interracial porn is the best porn out there. i love watching little white girls getting streched out by big black cock. Like Mandingo he's the best interracial star out there, he really only does sence with white girls. And its so hot...
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homesteader says:Posted: 28 Dec 08
I have watched many of these sexual entertaining movies in my life . My opinion is that they are to be used as Educational Tapes for those of lessor experience , I know they have taught me alot about Happiness in the eyes of many others . Love Les
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whtfemalehavinfun says:Posted: 22 Dec 08
I prefer interracial porn myself, but i also prefer blk men... i look at it as foreplay... my man and i watch it together.. we learn, mock (lol) critique each other and jus have fun... ya only live once all the racial accpects i dont see
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f3ralanarchy says:Posted: 17 Sep 08
i must agree hazel eyed....IR lez porn is hawtttt!!!
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riverflowing says:Posted: 31 Aug 08
Ok I have looked at porn but never just interracial porn. Far as get me off hmmmmmmmm not to sure. Yes i got aroused but then I was like damn," wheres the real deal". lol. Porn is fun to watch but Id rather have the real deal or watch it with a female.
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meron says:Posted: 30 Aug 08
Hmmm, I'd have to agree that I prefer Interracial Lovemaking in my fantasies! I would like to see a reflection of the man I want to be with and myself. I recently found out that "Playgirl" is now making more female interest type movies and pix for their website and checked it out. Very feminine and romantic. Still Prefer Romantic and Erotic Poetry and Stories! I agree with you SoVulumptuous, we should not be ashamed and admit we like to watch our men and women express their love and sex through Porn. And, since it is not real or very close to Real Life,... Yes, I always end up wanting the real thing!!!
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71James says:Posted: 30 Aug 08
Ria, I hope you don't analyze your own sex life as much as you do porn. And here I thought it was just about getting off. As for the demeaning ways women are refered to, you find that regardless of their race. I can't recall ever seeing any porn titles where a woman wasn't refered to as a b**ch or sl*t. Violence in porn is nothing new either. Snuff films, rape fetish videos, etc. have been and will continue to be out there as long as there are people that want to see them. Your question "If this is what we get off on, what does it say about us?" makes me wonder what kind of porn you get off on, and what you think it says about you.
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Keke24 says:Posted: 24 Aug 08
I noticed if you browse certain websites that have interacial porn some I have seen kind of degrades the women. There are some websites where i have seen white men interact with black and hispanic women where they write these stereotypical reviews about them then do the sexual act which intends to make the women subhuman. I wont name the websites, and im not saying there are not pron websites that have the same outcome with same race sexual relations but i have notice this trend where race in porn especially a interacial scene is somewhat makes you think and i dont think i should have think when im watching porn.
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Sovoluptuous says:Posted: 17 Aug 08
I'll admit i watch interracial porn,But for me it gets kind of boring after awhile..Not to mention the guy in the flick is hot and i can't have him lol.
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all2honestguy says:Posted: 14 Jul 08
i love interracial porn and im happy to see blck women admitting they like it to cus then it doesnt just make guys whte guys the badguys here.everyone likes it come on! and blck girls look so good doing it .so there. lol
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EMBRACE_ME says:Posted: 24 Jun 08
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Rebita says:Posted: 17 Jun 08
I too am a porn watcher. Much of it interracial as I am attracted to all races. I will say this. There is a variety of porn out there. I have thought about this though. For example, much of the porn with Black women in it (regardless of what race they are with)has names that focus soley on over sexualized stereotypes of Black women (see booty for example), or being from the ghetto. There is however, some good stuff in that genre. YOu just have to spend time looking. I do think its bad there is so much horrible racial stuff out there in genre, but I agree with someone above. It is because the people running the industry arent the most socialogically advanced and they think or they are giving the ignorant people that do still exist in this country what they want.
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worthurwhile says:Posted: 11 Jun 08
I am with you amantebelle! - not sure why many women will not admit to it but anyway, I watch porn, I think its a great way to 'spice things up'. Interracial porn in my opinion is super hot! just writing about it makes we want to watch some!
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charmyluv says:Posted: 03 Jun 08
i love porn, i love watching white men with black girls, i think mostly people watch and love porn
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dada says:Posted: 27 May 08
porn is just an item like any other commodity on the market these days.So if you like the interacial stuff then by all means go for it if it gets yo off!Some get of with far much crazier stuff.I myself prefer to act it rather than watch it.And guys please lets be straight with each other we all have watched porn at one time or another and will probably watch it again.
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SxyWhtTiger says:Posted: 22 May 08
Interracial porn love it...especially when it includes a white man and a black woman since I'm only attracted to black women. But of course two white men and a black woman is hot too...even two black women and a white man is good. I agree with amantebelle and sbf4swmmn 100%. Why do people always blame racism and violence on porn? Its not that way at all.
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sbf4swmmn says:Posted: 20 May 08
I will admit the only kind of porn Im ever into is interracial porn that includes white men and black women. My logic behind why this is is because Im mostly attracted to white men and actually prefer to date them. I like watching two white men get it on with a black woman.... however weird that may sound lol.
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fkoi says:Posted: 20 May 08
I do not enjoy watching porn ("the explicit depiction of sexual subject matter, especially with the sole intention of sexually exciting the viewer"). We live in a time when video and photos which would have shocked earlier generations are a regular part of TV commercials and openly displayed on magazine covers that are not at all pornographic. I think the opening of sexual vistas is a good thing and I am well equipped to draw my own conclusions to draw my own conclusions about where the line between celebrating beauty and sexual titillation is crossed and/or severely blurred. Repression of sexuality has done a lot of harm and no one who knows me would consider me repressed. At the same time, I have only viewed pornography as defined above on a couple of occasions and both times at a partner's request and as part of a larger agenda. The objectifying of another person based on their sex, race, etc. is just not exciting to me. Besides, I prefer my sex to be in 3-D and completely interactive.
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Ria says:Posted: 19 May 08
nice one Nandi. That I threw in on purpose... just to drive a point home. Did i?
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lovely2see says:Posted: 18 May 08
Very interesting article...could use a litte more taste though...
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Nandi says:Posted: 18 May 08
amantebelle, You got one more LOL, I have watched porn and I did not have the "racial intentions" on my mind at the time...However, porn is just fantasy and comes is wide varieties to seduction to whip and chains I suppose...How did I know ria, would throw in the "big black penis" theory...Because that is just a stereotype...Because quite a few of those interracial porn...Wouldn't touch those endowed "white guys" either... I think the good thing about porn is that it is so broad, everyone can pick and choose what they want to look at... This is about an "issue of concern" as whether or not Cheney can shoot straight LOL...
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amantebelle says:Posted: 18 May 08
Wow, I guess I'm the only woman whos gonna admit she likes watching porn! I've seen interracial adult films, but i did'nt really sit and anlyze how racisit it was. I only look at it for what it is, two people getting it on and I'm to busy getting off to look any deeper than that. I save my criticisms for things that are worthy of my intellectual pusuits.
Reply to this comment - says:Posted: 17 May 08
This is why I have a problem with the whole category of “interracial᾿ erotica: it carries far too many negative connotations and racist undertones. Race has become a selling point in the adult industry because we the people have idiotic notions about race and sex.
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walker331 says:Posted: 16 May 08
I am not afraid to admit that porn can be great. There are times when it just fills a need. As with any type of porn made there is a target audience trying to be reached. So there is always gonna be some porn that is a little more aggressive or tame. If you don't like the aggressive stuff then stay away from it. You can find just about any type of porn you want to find. You just have to go into it knowing that it is designed to fulfill a fantasy for some type of audience. None of these girls are being forced to be there. This is their job. Personally I stay away from the aggressive, name calling stuff. I just enjoy the sexuality between the 2 actors and personally prefer the white men with the black women. So if you like porn just find what turns you on and take it for what it is.
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nkalakatha says:Posted: 16 May 08
world without porn is unthinkable, its good to shake hands with your girlfriend, I mean your right hand. have a wank and all your troubles out of the window, relief!!
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 16 May 08
I did not now Dr. Who was into porno. A new line of work perhaps?
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Larry25 says:Posted: 16 May 08
I love Interracial porn, there I'm not ashamed of enjoying tastefully done adult films, if more people participated in this genre, it would alleviate many abnormal behaviors...think about it! Lawrence aka georgejefferson
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xeltron says:Posted: 16 May 08
Dude, you are right! that is the most hilarious comment i've seen on this site yet
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Inga59 says:Posted: 15 May 08
I think certain people who are not content with their life and with who they are will always try to discriminate other people. Certain men who can get no other satisfaction try to feel better when they show people of other colour as Sex-Monsters
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kingtrev0r says:Posted: 15 May 08
Its funny I saw a clip on Youtube the other day where some white porn star chick was on a couch with about 4 african american men. She was clearly a low-level trashy type porn star and was talking about these guys like they weren't even human. She called them "n_gger" repeatedly and they just smiled and laughed. Sure, they knew they were going to soon stretch her out in a hundred different ways but it just made me angry. I'm a guy who'll freely admit to watching porn---any man who says otherwise is lying. However, I must agree that most of the interracial crap is pretty pathetic and I rarely watch the interracial stuff. The guys are caricatures, dark skin, big muscles, and a snarling angry appearance. Just like on TV--the big, scary , dark skinned animal about to stretch out the white/asian/latina woman. I hate that sh*t....
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the_dude says:Posted: 15 May 08
the guy above me looks a bit like the 3rd Doctor Who - Tom Baker. Tom is most people's favourite Dr Who, certainly mine, and he had a hot amazonian-type assistant at one point. Plus K9 of course, K9 rocked! Not sure what this has to do with interracial porn but I think the lack of women posting on this thread suggests they all agree porn is great.
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TheVisionary says:Posted: 14 May 08
Well, we are all adults here, no need to pretend. I absolutely prefer to see black women in my porn, and that preference is inspired by my pure passion and love for black women. Not all porn is violent or inspires hate, I personally stay away from all that, and always have. When the models look like they have passion for each other, that's what keeps my attention. I notice that intensity most often in porn featuring black women and white men. Not to say there is never anything violent, I think there is no place for choking, and there are a lot of movies that are not considered to be "violent" in every racial or non-racial category with some of that for some reason, but if you like to view non-violent erotica involving any race, it is available.
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hazeleyedbri says:Posted: 14 May 08
I like interracial lesbian porn. I love 2 watch 2 women go at it with each other. I also love 2 watch 2 women of color with each other and wish I was with them in an oreo cookie scenario. Any women out there who'd love 2 make my oreo cookie fantasy come true feel free to drop me a ling.
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hazeleyedbri says:Posted: 14 May 08
I like interracial lesbian porn. I love 2 watch 2 women go at it with each other. I also love 2 watch 2 watch 2 women of color with each other and wish I was with them in an oreo cookie scenario. Any women out there who'd love 2 make my oreo cookie fantasy come true feel free to drop me a ling.
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Kundo says:Posted: 14 May 08
hallo you are so beautiful to me..I would like to lick you and your c...I to see you..
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blue1 says:Posted: 14 May 08
porn reduces everyone to objects not just an interracial couple.
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ethereal99 says:Posted: 14 May 08
I'm not into porn, but I can see interracial porn as just a type of porn for people who do like such things. Don't agree with the racial hatred part, there's too much of that with or without porn.
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I'm an uneducated Georgia Redneck. I love white Black women all sades of Women..thank God for little girls that grow up to be women. I've had sex of all kind with all colors of females. It was fun I enjoyed the sex and them as people. I love to watch others have fun. as long as its boys and girls. Not that same sex bothers me. I just don't swing that way. I like women that can take charge but understand I am a man not a whimp. Hottest thing I saw watching porn was this Black couple, she was sitting on his lap and has a big "O". If she faked it she is a darn good actress, made me want to give the wife one. Like comments by folks below. Comment by WHURR Comment by HoneyKissed6 on 29 May 2009: HELL yes! Comment by f3ralanarchy on 17 September 2008: Oh yes Comment by hazeleyedbri on 4 May 2009: The below comments are just hot... but HoneyKissed6 is at the top for me. The better half also liked watching and doing it with her dark sweet treats as well. Did't throw it in anyone's face just loved loving is all. Comment by charmyluv on 3 June 2008: i love porn, i love watching white men with black girls, i think mostly people watch and love porn Comment by worthurwhile on 11 June 2008: I am with you amantebelle! - not sure why many women will not admit to it but anyway, I watch porn, I think its a great way to ’spice things up’. Interracial porn in my opinion is super hot! just writing about it makes we want to watch some! Comment by Rebita on 17 June 2008: I too am a porn watcher. Much of it interracial as I am attracted to all races. I will say this. There is a variety of porn out there. I have thought about this though. For example, much of the porn with Black women in it (regardless of what race they are with)has names that focus soley on over sexualized stereotypes of Black women (see booty for example), or being from the ghetto. There is however, some good stuff in that genre. YOu just have to spend time looking. I do think its bad there is so much horrible racial stuff out there in genre, but I agree with someone above. It is because the people running the industry arent the most socialogically advanced and they think or they are giving the ignorant people that do still exist in this country what they want.