Is she just a booty call?
Posted by Matthew, 01 Aug
Sometimes in life, we meet people that we have some instant out-of-this-world sexual chemistry... they are just irresistible. Does this mean you act on it?
In this week's episode of LOVELife, I take a question from Natasha about being intimate with a guy too early on and ruining her chances of an actual relationship.
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We discuss the ways she can respond to a late night "booty call" and finally get the relationship she wants.
Hope you enjoy the video and feel free to air your thoughts.
Matthew Hussey is a renowned dating expert and author. His latest dating book Get The Guy is a New York Times bestseller. He's the go-to relationship expert for Rachael Ray, Katie Couric, Ryan Seacrest, Meredith Vieira and many others. And he's a relationship columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine and the resident love expert for "The Today Show." Here he shares his proven strategies to get a man to do anything you want, from tirelessly pursuing you to treating you like a goddess to committing to you for life.
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