Pimp my profile...please

Posted by Leticia, 01 Mar

While cruising through the site, it occurred to me that some folks are natural daters. They pick the right pictures, write the best one-liners to capture the attention of others and then...there's everybody else. Some of us just need a little more help. So, here is my public service for the month. I've taken the liberty of selecting a few profiles and I'm giving up my own personal thoughts. I'll pick on the guys first.

Let me start by saying that I had such high hopes after spotting this members picture. He kind of looked like Jamie Foxx if I held my head side ways and closed the eye closest to the computer. He had answered all the questions, none of that "find out later". He even took the time to write a nice detailed answer for the question...How would you describe yourself? Here's his response:

"I dont even like to talk about myself becaue somethings just hard to explaine, its best you get to know me and see wat I'm all about, cause alot a people write things bout themselves and a bare fuckery and lie they tell you, but I'm a good person and sweet and always as usual da ladies come first. Dont take talk from nobody, I dont trouble nobody or disrespect nobody so I expect da same but anyways if you cool, you done know sey a love and unity a doit, but my heart is full of love and accept anyone for who they are cause all and each one of us has differnt dreams and different goals in life we just aint da same and who am I to juge, so anybody can be my friend as long as you true and ya'll keep it real and be ya selves!!!"
Now, before you say a word...I just cut and paste. If you think it was hard reading it, try recording it. What can I say that hasn't already been said above? Now I understand that we have many people from different places and their dialect and grammar may be a little different from mine. However, being as this fine young (29), year old man is from London, translation was not the problem. The English language was.

Find your soulmate on DateWhoYouWant

To quote the late great James Brown, "please, please, please..." if you are not a good writer stay away from long paragraphs. Simple short sentences will do.

Here are some of my favorites:

"Writer seeking new chapter"...if this was Sex and the City, I'm Carrie's job, Miranda's attitude, Samantha's spontaneity and... Charlotte sucks"
ARE WE ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS when were seeking the love of our life?? Instead of asking what do you like to do, whats your favorite color, etc... Shouldnt we be asking more pertinent questions? For example:
Dogs in the bed, Dogs in the house... Or... Even... No dogs at all?
The home thermostat... Do you like your bedroom and home cool... Warm... Or... Blazeing inferno?
I'm vanilla hooked on chocolatte, I love it, I think it's beautiful. I'm looking for a lady who would join me and share with me. Sharp and classy, but feminine. Must like to travel and be adventerous to try new things, free spirited and not stuck-up. And who likes to talk a lot, because I do. I'm a fun person and need a fun person in my life, that's a must, if I can put it this way
The one reoccurring theme that I found on many of the pages is an easy one to fix. It's called spell check. What I really love about our site is how easy we make it for you to find someone based on your preferences. You can search by ethnicity, new members search; search by whose updated their profile or photo recently. You can even search by birthdays.

So, with so many ways to be found...make sure that your profile speaks for you. I won't even mention the guy whose profile said that he was "looking for a wife". I was cool with that, ask me what his screen name was..."bootycall69".

Okay, enough pimping for one day.

1 responses to "Pimp my profile...please"

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  1.   misotall says:
    Posted: 28 May 08

    I gots da coment cherry!

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