Does what you think matter...literally?
If you are what you eat, then the same can be true about what you think, right? How much power do we really have over our own minds and body? Also, if we change the way we think about something, can we really change that thing? There are many people in our universe that have beliefs that mirror ours or are in direct opposition to our own. How do we define our personal space and thoughts in a world that thinks it knows us better than we know ourselves?
Energy exists all around us. It's manifested in and through many things...people, animals, objects. As humans, we also sense energy in different ways, using our sense of sight, sound, and touch. You hear the motivational speakers and enlightened thinkers say it all the time. "If you believe it you can achieve it". "Words have power, thoughts have power". Let's really think about it. You don't have to believe in Karma, Chi, or live the Zen life to agree that the power of your thoughts, at the least, do affect the way you feel at any given time during any given situation. So, with that being said we can all agree that our thoughts do affect us.
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Now let's go a step further and talk about how our thoughts affect the world around us. Many of us know the person that repeatedly get's involved with the "wrong guy/girl". Those people that do this usually say the same thing or at least think it. "I just seem to always attract the wrong person". There are several thoughts in play. First is what they think about themselves, for example, self-worth and self-esteem. Second are the thoughts they have about the type of person they want to be with. Either of those thought processes could be the reason why they always attract the wrong partner.
It's my belief that your thoughts are alive and they help to bring your desires to you. Most of us should at least attempt to exercise our gray matter more and nurture thoughts that will in turn nurture and enrich our lives. Easier said than done right?
Well, I won't go diving into quantum physics or anything like that but, we all have to come to the realization that we have more control over our lives and the world we live in. The individuals that are able to better tap into the power of their thoughts usually are the ones that have what I call the "Charmed" life. You know that person that everything seems to come to them with little effort? They catch all the big breaks. For the most part they do what they want to do, get whatever they set their minds at having... including that special someone.
In my experience these individuals tend to be those free spirit types. What better way to be than a free spirit, someone that has come to gain control of their world through the mere power of their thoughts. Translate that to dating and attracting that special someone to you and you're destined to have them. Your thoughts radiate energy and that energy radiates from you. Now will your energy attract or repel that person you seek? Take stock and be conscious of the thoughts you keep. You may just be repelling the love you seek.
Responses to "Does what you think matter...literally?"
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justknowingu says:Posted: 06 Mar 07
Good article....starting the day(if you're single this is how you start your day!!)..with a cup of coffee and a "grateful" attitude about life...will help you to see possibilites and the silver lining!!---
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nicefella115 says:Posted: 04 Feb 07
we always worry about what other people think.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 15 Dec 06
Its funny how my friend says he hates drama, but is constantly causing it. The mind is fascinating. Great article!
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Jade74 says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
What a person thinks is very important.You get to know something about that person by what they think.
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xhotlover says:Posted: 06 Dec 06
The mind body connection is very strong. Yes, thoughts are things that have a life of their own. Be careful what you wish for, cause you just may get it.
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embraceme says:Posted: 22 Nov 06
very interesting .. makes you really think about other peoples minds..
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Fala says:Posted: 09 Nov 06
This is a really interesting point of view. I think the idea of looking inward, at your own thoughts, actions, and experiences, to find answers to your own questions makes a lot of sense.
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Coco says:Posted: 23 Oct 06
Great article...very interesting but suprprised not many other comments on it.
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Carla says:Posted: 25 Sep 06
How powerful the mind is.....very interesting read......
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sweetest1 says:Posted: 20 Sep 06
This is very interesting.. the mind is a very powerful thing!!
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whytb0y says:Posted: 17 Sep 06
only you know you . when you let others make decisions for you , 10 out of 10 times you do not like their choices.
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marquez097 says:Posted: 12 Sep 06
The mind is a powerful thing. It is amazing how it has influence over our body.
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cyrilcorsini says:Posted: 08 Jun 06
I came from the island of St.Lucia in the West Indies as a kid growing up never was color a problem. I knew people had different colors or looked different but this is not something I ever experienced in my life and I do not know why it is a big issue in this country. We are all God's creation and we must learn to love one another no matter what race or color we or ethnicity we are. Love for every one.
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Sounds as if someone knows and understands "The Secret"