The Biggest Myth About Strong Women
Strength is allowing yourself to be served.
The biggest myth about strong women is that they can do it all... they don't need nobody. My caller today believes she is the ultra independent type of woman. In this episode, I take her through a gentle process of coaching to come around to the mindset we all need other people in order to be strong.
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We talk about how relinquishing excessive independence in a relationship is like growing a team as a CEO, and how you can use this to make yourself more approachable.
Make sense? Listen and let me know...
4 responses to "The Biggest Myth About Strong Women "
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Eam60 says:Posted: 28 May 14
I have always felt that "humans are social beings" and we need each other in some way, whether its friendship, social gatherings, out in a crowd, with family, love etc.
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As a black woman with no brothers and growing up without a father in the home, I realized in my twenties of things were going to happen in my life, I had to make them happen. I earned my Bachelor's degree, Master's and a doctoral level degree in Education each time while working full time. There was and never has been a knight in shining armor to make my life easier, not even when I have been married to BM. I have been strong because I have had to be not because I wanted to be. I would love for a non - BM to come into my life and partner with me. I am not talking about financial security although that would be nice! I am speaking of something simple like preparing dinner and washing the dishes. I get up at 4:45 or 5:00 in the morning for work and sometimes don't get home until 6:00 or later. I stand and walk all day because I teach. I think that I would be a great partner for the right man...