The first date that never ended
Mark’s co-worker had good things to say about online dating, so he was convinced to give it a try. While Mark wanted to meet a great woman, this was all new to him, so he took a passive approach at first. He didn’t search for promising profiles and relied on women to make the first contact.
One night, Mark was checking his email and, on a whim, decided to do a quick search on our site. For some reason, a particular photo and the accompanying essay spoke to him. “She had a beautiful smile,” Mark notes. “Like an angel handed down from heaven.” Based on what Tyann wrote, he sensed she had a warm and caring personality as well. Mark decided to change his strategy from “defense” to “offense,” put himself out there, and see what happened.
Find your soulmate on DateWhoYouWant

Mark sent Tyann a flirt. A few minutes later, he realized that a personalized email would be even better. She replied to his email almost immediately. “After talking a few times, we made a first date,” Mark remembers. “We met for dinner and a drink…”
The couple-to-be hit it off immediately, so neither was in a hurry to break the spell and leave the restaurant. When the place closed, they went to a nearby tavern and continued their conversation there. When the tavern closed—at four in the morning—these smitten singles just went out to the parking lot and kept talking for another hour. Finally, as the sun came up, they parted ways at last!
Not long after their epic first date, Mark and Tyann began seeing each other exclusively. They’ve been together ever since.
“She’s an inspiration to me!” says Mark of his beloved partner. “We see a long, happy future together.” They’ve introduced their children to one another on group outings and go to church together.
Mark is grateful for what his decision to date online has brought into his life. “Thank you for playing a part in our success story,” he says. “She makes me smile every day!”
179 responses to "The first date that never ended"
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Macy23 says:Posted: 01 Feb 11
Am so happy for all those who have gotten their partners from this site and may the Lord guide you and bless you all through. Thanks to this site.
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Max says:Posted: 29 Jan 11
Happy marriages for both of u. I wish u long healthful and peaceful lifes. I wish i could had mind like this. God bless. Max John
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amonteiro says:Posted: 28 Jan 11
To meet your bashert is wonderful!!! Blessing and peace to you all. I'm so happy for you.
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donchi234 says:Posted: 24 Jan 11
thats a good thing i wish i can find the love of my life here
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luci80 says:Posted: 15 Jan 11
Am happy for you guys and may God forever bless your lives.Its my humble prayer that i too will one day testify myself too on this wall.good luck.
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Sabila says:Posted: 14 Jan 11
Congrats. May God bless your couple.May that love ever last forever.I'm happy for you.But wish one day I could testify myself as you did.
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Jewell31 says:Posted: 13 Jan 11
Wow...guess it's true what they say..>Let yourself be surprised!!!!! wish you both all happiness
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sunniidai says:Posted: 06 Jan 11
Condrads to you two!!! And keep it strong!!!
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Sweetthing00 says:Posted: 04 Jan 11
Congrats I wish you both all the best GOD is always good, I wish if I can find my LOVE!
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PrncsRapture says:Posted: 02 Jan 11
All I've got to say is "Girl, he's fine!" You two look great together.
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FAQ says:Posted: 01 Jan 11
it's a good relationship so keep it up GOD BLESS U.
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lvdee says:Posted: 17 Dec 10
I work at a car rental and can attest to online dating working because of the number of people that come here to get married and when asked how they met I'm suprised at how many tell me about meeting on line - YEAH for online meetings
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darklovely11 says:Posted: 16 Dec 10
I am so happy for the both of you. I haven't met anyone from this site that I wanted to be with yet. It seems this site has more younger people than people of age. I read a lot of profiles on here, and chatted with some of the guys. Most guys want to experiment with black women.. some only want sex....and some are serious. I have yet to find that special man to share the rest of my life with. So to all that have found your true mate....Congrats.....and may God bless you to stay together forever.
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misse01 says:Posted: 14 Dec 10
You are so right, it is hard to tell who is genuine and who is not. You do get some bad ones I have experienced that. Congrats Mark and Tyann!!!!!! perhaps there is still some God fearing Christians on this site after all. God Bless and may God continue to Bless your union.
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Prettyfase says:Posted: 13 Dec 10
Oh my goodness so this is real? Most of the men esp both the black Americans and whites always just want to see me naked and they are real perverts, wanting to show their dirty dicks. Didn't know there are serious men on this site. Congratulations Mark and your wife to be am so happy for the both of you.
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Fearnel says:Posted: 11 Dec 10
Oops what the heck is gunine? lol I ment genuine!!!!!!
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chigurl says:Posted: 10 Dec 10
Congrats to you Mark and your soulmate. I wished you both all the best. However, it appears that the majority of men on this site are not interested in finding a life partner. Most are game players or just looking for a hook up. Many are not interested in finding love with someone of the opposite race. It is just hard to decipher between those who are genuine and those who are simply seeking to satisfy their curiosity.
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Fearnel says:Posted: 11 Dec 10
Congrats to both of you. Its so nice to see that real relationships do happen here. As chigurl just said its so hard to decifer who is gunine and real. I have found nothing but game players and scammers
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CD12 says:Posted: 08 Dec 10
To All The Women I've Loved Before ( Willy Nelson)
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Rockwithme09 says:Posted: 08 Dec 10
What can i say i am a sucker love.... what else is there.... wish you guys all the best
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mikky12345 says:Posted: 07 Dec 10
god is good and mercies all the time..thank you i wish you all the best and catch lot men that is nice brother. i pray to meet my too wisdom
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mikky12345 says:Posted: 07 Dec 10
am so impressed am ,all my dream is to a woman of my dreams my love and my soul forever i wish you all the best in life thank you regard wisdom
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mikky12345 says:Posted: 07 Dec 10
hello mark am happy for you that you find a new life and a new future woman. i pray to me mine one day thank you you are great regard wisdom
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susan says:Posted: 06 Dec 10
wish u all that is best and i envy u. U make an admirable couple.
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venesa11 says:Posted: 07 Dec 10
That story is really amazing. Impressed to know its all happened here. Men out there this story is for you, read it and make it happen you.. it mean when you see some thing you like dont west time go for it and give a try... good messege for me too... I wish you two all the happiness you are made for each, your picture express it all... good luck to both of you... be blessed...
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sweety35 says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
congratulations to you both Mark and your future soulmate, may God bless you and shower you with everlasting love from above. I LOVE YOU GUYS. Remain in love ALWAYS!
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Switty10 says:Posted: 06 Dec 10
Hi you guys!!your story is simply amazing. !! wow..,its almost like a fairy tale. I wanna wish u all the best and a very bright and happy life for the two of you. True love they say comes once in life, and if your lucky it knocks on your door a second time, the important thing is to grab it with both hands when u have it and never let go!! cheers!!
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rulooking4me says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
I am happy to find out that there are some happy endings on these sites. I wish the happy couple all the best. If only it could be like that for the rest of us who are alone and looking for a partner. Hopefully people will decide to take a chance and send a personal message and not rely on the flirt to do all the work. God bless
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curiousshy says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
that was good and romantic however i prefer to be contacted first coz its easy for aman to convince awoman but not easy for awoman to convince aman how good she is!!!
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asoulful1 says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
This is a great inspiration. Emails are so much better than flirts especially, you are really interested in a person. To all the guys/girls who see someone they really like and make that first contact, Cheers to your hearts desire!!!
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CD12 says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
It's funny! that women don't reply much to flirts on site while in the real world women are the biggest flirts on the planet. While a message hits the heart where the arrow has been sent to hit the mark.
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girlygirl says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
Congrats! Hoping the same for myself! Very inspiring!!
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cafemoche says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
I have a similar story and it is going well.
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kdencee1 says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
nice story, although it really doesnt happen like that. the majority of men on here dont even have a paid membership its just a big hang out site to me
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prof7 says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
Congrats on finding your soulmate...May God bless you..
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sweetD727 says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
That is truly a beautiful thing. What we are looking for can't be found unless one of us is assertive in the quest. Wish you guys the best!
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Cami47 says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
Thanks for this story. I thought only women did that. I have never been the first to initiate, but after reading this story I guess it wont hurt to try.
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Empress26 says:Posted: 17 Jan 11
Cami both men and woman do what they have to do to get what they want. I have a sister who was nearly got trick into sending for this guy from Lagos in Africa they spen almost 6 yrs chatting almost everyday sweetest words .... they are really good with pretending... but dont think your the only one thyre trying to trick...while he was trying to get my sis to send for him he had other ladies he was trying to do the same thing. just so happen that my sis saw multiple ladies sending him message and post on fb so she contacted a few, and to behold that they all had the same story that they were seeing the same guy. People you all need to be very careful.... dont you guys watch the news dont get played for a visa...
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Ruth116 says:Posted: 18 Apr 21
Males like him are worms! Glad your sister got wise to him and kicked him to the curb.
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spetter says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
I made 5 solid contacts on your site and kept eliminatig them 1 at a time, until I came down to 2. It was hard to decide but one of the ladies won my heart and soul with her honesty . She never asked for any thing ! I was impressed seems like a lot of women are here to just see what they can get from a man . Not this one ! I am planing a trip to Ghana to be with my new love soon and we are in contact every day . looks like you have another success story ! we are planing on a wedding soon after I arrive and then I can bring her back to America ! Thankyou for your web site sincerly Ronald Spetter . Phoenix Arizona U, S .A p/ s will let you know when we are married
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kissime says:Posted: 11 Dec 10
Good luck with that, spetter. You should definitely bring her to America. She's your Queen-to-be. A Queen-to-be forever. A Queen who'll do whatever his highness desires. She's your Queen-to-be. A vision of perfection. An object of affection to quench your royal fire. ...oh, can't you see she's coming to America. I have a nice feeling about you & your love.
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Empress26 says:Posted: 17 Jan 11
kissim your to funny you got jokes your cracking me up, she is definitely coming to America see the funny thing about this is that, she can be 1 out of those millions who is honestly genewine well i hope so cuz if not mr Spetter your being played for a Visa .... best of wishes ... but seriously though Spetter did you honestly read what you have written, i quote " WE ARE PLANNING ON A WEDDING SOON AFTER AND THEN I CAN BRING HER BACK TO AMERICA" wow your not going to Ghana to see what it would be like to be around her in person , see me and live with me is a complete different story. We cant tell you what to do but if i were you i would certainly take another approach......
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kissime says:Posted: 18 Jan 11
Empress26 , I hope she is genuine...& their love last forever. I am so serious. It's so hard to find love. I was just in a goofy mood when I wrote this. I just kept thinking of that movie :) sorry, Mr. spetter. But I'm sure when you see your queen you're going to say " Girl, you look so good, someone ought to put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit''
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PrncsRapture says:Posted: 02 Jan 11
Ghana, are you crazy. Don't do it or you might be a Goner. No joke. If you are serious. Pay for a non refund ticket for her from Ghana for her to come to America, because if you send her a ticket, she will get a refund, keep the money and any other money you send to her. It is the oldest scam in Africa. Do some research, my goodness, it was on Oprah. One lady lost 42,000 dollars thinking she was sending for a man and he cashed in the tickets and made bogus checks in her name. If you go there, you better be careful and stay at a well known resort, it there is one. Just don't visit her village without an escort.
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softblondy says:Posted: 05 Dec 10
couldn't read it too good. writing too small and not dark enough.
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free_me says:Posted: 04 Dec 10
sure wish it was that easy for me been on this site and others never had luck like that God Bless this relationship be happy stay strong in one another..
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decentpaulson says:Posted: 04 Dec 10
am very very very very happy,how i wish my own will be like that.
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wanda says:Posted: 04 Dec 10
i wish you all the best , ive been single for two years now . wish i could find someone to spend some time seems like everyone i meet is never what i think he is . just wish i had someone special in my life to spend christmas with . i pray to god everyday to send me that special someone. goodluck to all of .
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julim says:Posted: 04 Dec 10
may god bless that couple, and may he also bless me and l also get one of my choise.
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zippie says:Posted: 04 Dec 10
Faith is taking the 1st step even ehen u dont see the whole staircase. it good you went an extra mile you never know where your happiness is. Wishing you all the best!!!!
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Tannie56 says:Posted: 04 Dec 10
long life and everlasting love to you both
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Cniva says:Posted: 04 Dec 10
Congratulations!!! n wish U all the best on your new 4mily...!!! Cniva.
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Sweetthing00 says:Posted: 04 Jan 11
Congrats GOD is good, I wish if I can find my love.
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nika32 says:Posted: 03 Dec 10
Im happy 4 u... I hope all continue to go well.
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lovie49 says:Posted: 03 Dec 10
I am very happy that happen to them and hope and pray they work.
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SpicedMocha2 says:Posted: 02 Dec 10
I wish you two well. You both look happy.
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nikkihill70 says:Posted: 24 Jan 11
i like these sucess story did u guy stay out the chat room...troube
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Petiteandfit says:Posted: 02 Dec 10
All men need to read this, I'm glad you took a leap and sent a message. Women respond to messages more then flirts. I wish the two of you peace and happiness. Petiteandfit
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you both are blessed-hearing your story just give me hope that I may find my special someone .