The government can't keep them apart

Posted by Leticia, 13 Apr

Jeff never had trouble meeting people, given his gregarious nature and his line of work—he’s a snowboard instructor, drummer, and D.J. whose handle is “DJake.”  But he’d found he was most compatible with black women and he wasn’t meeting many of them in his area.  What’s more, Jeff was very eager to meet his match and knew that hoping for the occasional chance meeting might keep him waiting for a long time.

“I wanted someone to fill my lonely heart, and yesterday,” Jeff says.  So he decided to try our site.  “Within the first month, I was talking to so many ladies that I quit searching to meet new ones,” he marvels.  “Several of them are now some of my best friends.  I’ve been teaching one of the girls’ daughters how to do magic tricks!”

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Kalama was getting plenty of attention of her own, but she had specific ideas about the kind of man she was looking for.  When she found Jeff’s profile, it struck her as a bit long, but fun and genuine.  She liked that Jeff knew what he wanted.  His profile declared he was “Ready for Love.”  Their personalities seemed compatible, and so did their relationship goals—both wanted to start a family, sooner rather than later.

There was just one wrinkle to iron out—Jeff was in Ohio and Kalama was in Africa!  Undeterred, they started talking on Skype.  This was enough for Jeff to learn to love Kalama’s laugh, her beautiful smile, and her witty sense of humor.

Jeff decided to go to Africa for a visit to see if their connection would work in real life.  The pair met in person for the first time when Jeff got off the plane in Zambia.  “When I finally met her, she was the same person as on Skype, but so beautiful,” Jeff recalls.  “Her embrace felt so much warmer than a keyboard!”

The young couple felt a little anxious at first but their nerves settled down as their conversation took off.  Jeff and his sweetheart would dance for hours at a local club, until they were the last people on the dance-floor.  Later that night, their first kiss came in the back of the cab on their way home.

Jeff would spend seven weeks with Kalama’s family.  The couple toured the area to see Africa’s wildlife in its natural habitat and visit the world-famous Victoria Falls.  Along the way, they fell madly in love.  By the time Jeff headed home, he was a married man.  Yes, it’s true—Jeff and Kalama got hitched!

Sadly, difficulties with Kalama’s immigration are keeping the couple apart for now.  But Jeff and Kalama are making plans to reunite in Africa.  In fact, they hope to visit impoverished villages in Zambia, offering children entertainment, inspiration and gifts.

“Kalama’s smile, heart and love are greater than I ever could have imagined,” Jeff says.  Something tells us that no government can keep this couple apart for long.

349 responses to "The government can't keep them apart"

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  1.   Fancy123 says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 11

    Gud luck guyz,am jelous but not in a bad way....happy life.mwah mwah

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  2. Posted: 24 Sep 11

    He said many other things, and I'm sure he meant nothing by that statement.... don't be petty. @dbaker: The "boat" things are for Cubans, I believe. If they are fleeing Cuba, once they arrive on the American manland (usually by boat) they will be allowed to stay. If the US Coast Guard stops them, however, they would have to turn back

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  3.   dbaker says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 11

    What a wonderful story about two people from different worlds and, countries who met, came together and, fall in love over the internet and, long distance. As a man who has also, loved people from countries like africa, uganda, etc Or, who's ancestors were brought here who, later fought in the civil war to gain their freedom from slavery, had difficulty in the years afterwards being made to use different bathrooms, forced to sit in the back of the bus, banned from voting till the law was changed, forced to sit in another section at cafe's we've finally, come together so why, shouldn't they have gotten married? I've got many friends who met someone of another race, fell in love and, got married and, started families. I even, went to school with a few who married someone of another race. Hey, I was even in love with a few fellow students of another race. But, as I understand the law (unless, someone can prove me different) she (kalama) now, has duel citizenship and, shouldn't have those problems she is currently having. She was born in africa which, means she is a citizen from there and, she married an american so, she shouldn't have any, problems getting through customs, etc because she's an american now and any children of theirs if, she's in the U. S. are automatically citizens of the U.S. I also, heard that if, someone from another country wants to live in the U.S. and someone from her country is trying to keep her from coming into the U. S. if, she's on a boat and has just gotten to the U.S. all, she has to do is step off the boat into the U. S. and she's automatically an American ciitizen or, if, she's pregnant and, is in American waters and, her child is born in American waters her child is automatically an American citizen. I also, heard a story about a 5 year old boy who's mother was from Mexico but, he was born here. He has to live here in the U. S. while his mom as to stay in mexico. Let's not, forget Elian Gonzales. He was seen by a naval vessal that threw him a rope and, pulled into American waters No sooner, did he step onto American Ground he should have been declared an American citizen. Yes, Yes, I remember, his father was living in Cuba but, he had relatives here. His father, didn't come to get him for a bit so, he went to the U.S. embasy and signed his first name to a paper makiing him an American and was forced to go back to cuba. In some ways some of these people got justice while others got none. I wish the man and his new wife luck. I hope, to meet them some day. I hope, to be as lucky as him and his wife someday and find someone on here.

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  4.   deltlandy35 says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 11

    all what a sweet love story, i hope everything works out for them, come too think of it thats, what everybody on this site wants, so wish well, god bless:)

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  5.   honestand40 says:
    Posted: 02 Sep 11


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  6.   shawneb116 says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 11

    girl you should be a model... but you guys really look happy

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  7. Posted: 10 Aug 11

    Oh wow, Bitter Sweet Love Story. Dont worry, Love conquers all.

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  8.   essence321 says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 11

    beautiful story, which you both the best in life!

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  9.   Ladyshay000 says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 11

    Beautiful story, beautiful couple. Good luck and God bless.

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  10.   Lovin43 says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 11

    There is one truth that I can say about Jeff's and Kalama's love. What God has joined, nobody can separate. The God who created Jeff white and Kalama black is the same God who made them meet. Since it is in God's will for sure, they will make it. Governments come and go, but that God who doesn't change will make it happen! Wish you a happy family. Under heaven there is time for every activitiy. Ecclesiates 3. God bless Jeff and Kalama

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  11.   poli100 says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 11

    that is great .....hope all will one day be like that

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  12.   lovelie1981 says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 11

    This is great Jakey. Just read your story. Didnt know you already put here. I wish you all the best. I know some do not believe you but as a friend I know you two and you are doing great. Let me know when Kalama arrive to US so me and my boyfriend can visit. Cant wait. Love ya Jakey, say hey to Kalama next time you talk to her.

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  13.   LloydXmas7 says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 11

    Go Kalama and Jeff!

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  14.   Therapyman says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 11

    Stories such as these give us all hope that we will eventually meet a suitable partner or soulmate. Of course relationships are not a fairy tale but its a nice place to start, to build the foundations of a long lasting relationship. To find someone to share lifes downs as well as ups is an important aspect of a real partnership. Wish you all well in your search!

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  15. Posted: 05 Jun 11

    Very inspirational story.You're in my prayers and I hope that two of you will end up together coz this story is proof you were meant to be together.It's always amazing how God brings two people together from such great distances.God bless you both.

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  16.   Happy_Girl says:
    Posted: 24 May 11

    Having married a Scotsman I know how hard it is to prove a real relationship and not an effort to fraudulently get in the country. Before I could I move to Scotland we were told not to marry in the states but to get a fiancee visa then marry in the UK. If we had married in the states it would taken me an additional 6 months to get in the UK. It is not easy to prove to the government you're not trying to take advantage of them.

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  17.   JackPA says:
    Posted: 21 May 11

    This is a beautiful love story. I give Jeff credit for traveling to Africa to meet his true sole mate. I wish this couple the best of health and all of the happyiness that God will provide for them.

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    • kemi98 says:
      Posted: 10 Jul 11

      That is os true it is better to get married in the country you are trying to come to first rather then your own country first.

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  18.   collegeqt89 says:
    Posted: 20 May 11

    This is so sweet. The girl is beautiful!

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  19.   mzcola says:
    Posted: 17 May 11

    What a beautiful story of romance via internet...

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  20.   chinomnso says:
    Posted: 16 May 11

    wow!! This is really amazing.I already gave up on finding love here but with this,its just a matter of time.Am happy for you guys and will like to say that you guys should never give up.immigration or no immigration ,be happy atleast to have found each other and please try to be together be it in Africa or in overseas where Jeff stays but sure that with time,things will work out good.I pray for this kind of favor from God to find that one who is ready and not later ready to merge and to love but the question is how many men here in the site is ready for this challenge.How many men could be like Jeff.I even lost confidence in this sites but the thing is i will go on now with this new strength from you guys.Wish you all the luck even part of mine,you need it now more than me and when all is well,i wish you give me back my luck,i will sure be needing it to find that one like you two did.

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  21.   Missy000 says:
    Posted: 13 May 11

    Wondeful story. I've lived through immigration. I think they should have documented his trip with photos etc. Had him come home and apply for a fiancee visa for her. I hope they are strong enough to endure what they have to. It can be a several YEAR wait. I hope it goes quickly. Don't give up!!!!

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  22.   Shahzad says:
    Posted: 11 May 11

    i wish them ever in love, pray for me dear..........

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  23. Posted: 09 May 11


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  24.   Ulysseas says:
    Posted: 02 May 11

    yeah nice good looking couple, wish them all the best

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  25.   DirectGuy says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 11

    Having been assigned abroad, I have become more humble and understanding. I too have been handicapped by immigration issues. Met someone, fell in love , brought her to America but yet due to buracracy matters and much time and money, immigration still is not allowing her to stay. It's under appeal. I truly feel for this couple and if it is sincere, I pray that it will work out. "Love is a terrible thing to waste'

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  26.   hawa4real says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 11

    wow, what a worderful love to both of u.

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    • kemi98 says:
      Posted: 10 Jul 11

      I understand you on the money part because to me I think that is what it is all about with immigration is money. Because if you ever just keep track of all the paper work you fill out and money you send. You will see how much it cost and realize that its just a money thing before you get them over here with immigration.

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  27.   jblistic says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 11

    Lucky you girl. Wish you guys luck. Just believe in God everything will work out well for you guys.Congrats guys. God bless you guys.

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  28.   fifi84 says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 11

    Girlfriend I know everythings gonna work out just fine for u both!!Miss u!xx

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  29.   francoisee says:
    Posted: 23 Apr 11

    what an amazing story im happy tht lve seen this story frm someone frm my own country,lm. wow !l feel so happy for them.congrats guys.God be with u.

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  30.   edna says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 11

    @Titi2 Darling off course you know where i'm from by reading my profile. Ooops did you want to say you knows me personally ? huumm...i doupt that. By the way did u eat pepper soup before droping your comment? Cos you where so peprish on it. Please next time you read an atticle like this where people do drop their comment, read it and drop your vote by clicking LIKE or DISLIKE. Without fighting war against someone just because he/she express his/her own opinio. Just an Advise.

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    • Titi2 says:
      Posted: 21 Apr 11

      @Edna - Excuse me, I meant to say 'I do NOT know' where you are from, it was a typo. I was merely making an observation and not 'fighting' any wars. Stereotypes set a precedence for the ignorant and it's correcting them that enlightens people. Correction: doupt = doubt you knows = you know opinio = opinion atticle= article peprish= is not a word, just some unrecognised street colloquialism pepper soup = is renowned for being sweet(even Julia Childs would agree) so that I'll take it as a compliment- thank you

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    • edna says:
      Posted: 23 Apr 11

      @ Titi2 You are ridiculous!!.... making corrections at someone. when you just confirm that what you wrote on your previuos comment, was not what you meant. Miss (sapientona) Find that on the dictionary you kept beside's you. With this i close chapter

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  31.   twroach76 says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 11

    I completely agree that true love can't be separated by the government and immigration is something else. I met a beautiful girl from Uganda about 4 years ago on here and we have been back and forth which now have been married for a little over 8 months now. The first time we filed with immigration was for a fiancee visa which seemed to take for ever and decided to stop waiting. So I came back to Uganda living there for several months as we got married. Then had to come back to the states to finish up school and work. While doing all that we filed for a spousal visa which still this day we are awaiting to hear something as we approach the five month mark. We even have a congressional line helping us and even gone public but don't understand why it seems like I am immigrating to my own country sometimes. So we our waiting to see what happens but the overall answer will not stop us from living a normal married life together. We have several friends and contacts all over Africa and even looked at moving to South Africa. Anyway don't loose up on hope because we need to keep our faith because God will break those government doors down soon. I know regardless where we live we still want to be able to travel back and forth like civil human beings either in the states or somewhere across the world. With all of this we have formed a mission and cause to help others with immigration and even world power issues throughout poverty situations. I have a degree in law and continuing to provide help to others. Our ministry is called "Fish Bowl Ministries" Bring the water of life to both body and soul. We even have a store front on Facebook called "Hadassah UG-Beads & Jewelry" which we sell handmade jewelry to raise funds for support. Come check us out and be a part of the cause and helping others out. I hope this gets out to everyone and this site can make several people happy falling in love. I like to call it "8500 Miles" of love that God brings to people together to form one happy union of marriage. So Jeff if you need help come contact me and we will see what we can do to bring your beautiful loving wife to you. God Bless!!!

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    • Syl38 says:
      Posted: 20 Apr 11

      I know the feelings you guys are going through because I went through the same thing, I was frustrated, mind you we got married in uganda in March. I joined my husband December of the same year but in between it was very frustrating. I had to keep calling Nairobi because the Canadian High Commission in Kampala didn't seem to really know why it was taking so long. These are the same people after getting them every document they requested told me it would only take them 3 months to process. So armed with prayer I called the Nairobi office and each time I made sure to talk to someone to make sure my file was moving. Am a christian so I did what the Word of the Lord says; pray without ceasing and I left the rest to Him (sometimes it was hard). But I have say that it is good to be patient because we as humans want things done right away, yet sometimes a little longer is also good. God's timing is different from ours we look at the now, He at the future which we don't know. Because while we where lamenting about this whole thing I now realise that God was working on me . My faith was being tested all the time. I could go on and on but I just want to say pray for God's favour and don't loose your cool because trust me some of those people in the imigration office are very rude and ignorant (every time I picked the phone I rebuked the devil). You are going through a season of testing. Mike Murdock says "The place of testing is always the place of trust." The Holy Spirit will always carefully time your Season of qualify for your Season of Reward. The Holy Spirit does not give you rewards for surviving your test. He provides you a test to qualify you for the rewards He desires you to experince. So guys, wait on the Lord. He will renew your strengh in Him (HE'S GOT YOUR BACK). you are blessed!!!!!

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  32.   till2000 says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 11

    I hope she loves him and that he was not a pawn to get her into the US.

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    • kemi98 says:
      Posted: 10 Jul 11

      Hi After reading your coment on how hard the U.S. government is to us on marrying out the country. It is truely sad because it like the car telling us that we can only marry people in our country. Now as for your little problem have you ever tried applying for a visitor pass for her to come here. Reason I said that is because I have some friends who are married to people out side the country. Have you tried the sudent visa or traveling visa.That way she can come over to visit or go to school while eveything is worked out.

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  33.   Tayra01 says:
    Posted: 19 Apr 11

    I agree with you Titi2.I was born in Africa and grew up there moved in USA few years ago where it is sunny and hot. My skin tone is still the same! Sorry @edna you are mistaken.

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  34.   Titi2 says:
    Posted: 19 Apr 11

    What a sweet story, I certainly hope the US immigration pull their finger out and get the ball rolling for these two. @Edna- Honey I know where you are from but I think you are mistaken. Not all African people born, bred and living in Africa have 'opaque, shinning, oily skin' . I'm Zimbabwean, which is Zambia's neighbour where Kalama lives. You'll find fair skinned, dark skinned people everywhere even light skinned people you might think are of mixed race but aren't. It's not only black people living in cold weather that have lighter tones/complexions. Kalama has the same skin tone as half my Zim and South African friends who were born, live and work there. I don't think you meant anything bad by your comment earlier but in future please try not to generalise or stereotype and use it as fact.

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    • edna says:
      Posted: 20 Apr 11

      @ Tayra01 sorry didn't drop my comment to for u to prove me right/wrong

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      • dhayes45 says:
        Posted: 17 Aug 11

        Yes, I agree berobella, besides isn't what this website for, interracial dating if you don't like it stay away from the website, God sees the heart within

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    • berobella says:
      Posted: 08 Jul 11

      what is wrong with you? why so bitter? this is such a wonderful story and all of you've got is negativity- maybe you're in need of love.

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  35.   Nengi1979 says:
    Posted: 19 Apr 11


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  36.   meluran says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 11

    Love can run through ages so you will fulfill your dream I BELIEVE in your Love Very Good Love can be hard in the begining but once you get on , Its heaven !!!!!!!!

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  37.   ny3541 says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 11

    Isn't that something. If she had snuck across the boarder, she'd have little trouble remaining here, but try to go through legitimate means...

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  38.   purr29 says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 11

    Wow! what an amazing love story :) betting it wont be too long before they are together wherever they want to. True love always conquers all..... :)

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  39.   Iceburger says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    I have read this story and I feel Jeff is not being honest. One, he's a DJ and found himself talking to so many people. I believe most of these were either here on this site or within his line of work. Hes even teaching one daughter of a lady he met magic! Then, found another online, after a few days, they are married. My oh long did it it him to know others were not what he wanted? Which area is this that he lives without black persons? Of late, the US and other formally tight governments have made it easier for visa applicants, especially spouses. If he's genuine and loves the lady, he can as well pack and head for Zambia and never go back. Emmm...did I miss the wedding pictures that support the story? Otherwise, the headline of this article for now, should read differently....remove can't and replace keep with keeps!

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  40.   leoaking says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    Sweet ass on her. He looks nerdy. Good luck getting into US. I always wondered how that all works.

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  41.   poula says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    wooooooh that love story sounds cool,i also hv aboyfriend on this site who seems to be serious like jeff dont tell me that i wl be going thro what kamala is going thro bcoz am afraid

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  42.   Decentdude says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    @ 28...Edna. U re just jealous and a big time pessimist! Zambia isnt West African...or Nigeria...its southern Africa...perhahs u need to get back to school to refresh...Kalama is 100% African and im very proud of her story...well for Jeff...u re a lucky sud!!!!

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  43.   jesthern says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    hahaha wel thats really a gud story its just like ours coz we are married but we are still apart since we cant hear anything frm immigration they just keep on telling u to wait over and over so am but that has not stop us from talking on phone,email and skype so ma dear friends Jeff and kalama just hang in there as long as u love is stil there am sure something will work out

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    • edna says:
      Posted: 20 Apr 11

      @ 47 Decentdude its pathetic to be proud of a story u read from an internet. I need to go back to school just the way You need to go and see a psychiatrist.

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  44.   redryder44 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    Two great looking people who found love! I wish them a long life together and a speedy solution to their getting through the problems of the government keeping them from returning to the US together. His staying with Kalama and her family and returning to entertain and visit other places can only strengthen their relationship. they will have much to share from this, and I wish them a long and joyous life together! Another proof there is no racial barrier when it comes to love! Larry

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  45.   brebri58 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    Iam so happy for the two of them. Iam also searching for a woman of color to spend the rest of my life with.

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  46.   karatina says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    beautiful story, goes to show that love true is very much alive. What i would like to know is what is the problem with immigrations?

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  47.   viktor777 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    Wow, this is so great - Jeff is so lucky guy! I hope they will be patient in visa case. I wish lot of happiness to both of them!!!

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  48.   lovable_1 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    This story is a load of crock........if they are married and she cant stay in his country then he should be willing to live in hers.

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  49.   lillypie says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    congrats,there is no distance on this earth as far as away as sure you will make it guys.some of us are also praying for that miracle to happen to us!GOD BLESS YOU!!

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  50.   hosea says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 11

    that's so cool of them, they will make it

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