The government can't keep them apart

Posted by Leticia, 13 Apr

Jeff never had trouble meeting people, given his gregarious nature and his line of work—he’s a snowboard instructor, drummer, and D.J. whose handle is “DJake.”  But he’d found he was most compatible with black women and he wasn’t meeting many of them in his area.  What’s more, Jeff was very eager to meet his match and knew that hoping for the occasional chance meeting might keep him waiting for a long time.

“I wanted someone to fill my lonely heart, and yesterday,” Jeff says.  So he decided to try our site.  “Within the first month, I was talking to so many ladies that I quit searching to meet new ones,” he marvels.  “Several of them are now some of my best friends.  I’ve been teaching one of the girls’ daughters how to do magic tricks!”

Find your soulmate on DateWhoYouWant

Kalama was getting plenty of attention of her own, but she had specific ideas about the kind of man she was looking for.  When she found Jeff’s profile, it struck her as a bit long, but fun and genuine.  She liked that Jeff knew what he wanted.  His profile declared he was “Ready for Love.”  Their personalities seemed compatible, and so did their relationship goals—both wanted to start a family, sooner rather than later.

There was just one wrinkle to iron out—Jeff was in Ohio and Kalama was in Africa!  Undeterred, they started talking on Skype.  This was enough for Jeff to learn to love Kalama’s laugh, her beautiful smile, and her witty sense of humor.

Jeff decided to go to Africa for a visit to see if their connection would work in real life.  The pair met in person for the first time when Jeff got off the plane in Zambia.  “When I finally met her, she was the same person as on Skype, but so beautiful,” Jeff recalls.  “Her embrace felt so much warmer than a keyboard!”

The young couple felt a little anxious at first but their nerves settled down as their conversation took off.  Jeff and his sweetheart would dance for hours at a local club, until they were the last people on the dance-floor.  Later that night, their first kiss came in the back of the cab on their way home.

Jeff would spend seven weeks with Kalama’s family.  The couple toured the area to see Africa’s wildlife in its natural habitat and visit the world-famous Victoria Falls.  Along the way, they fell madly in love.  By the time Jeff headed home, he was a married man.  Yes, it’s true—Jeff and Kalama got hitched!

Sadly, difficulties with Kalama’s immigration are keeping the couple apart for now.  But Jeff and Kalama are making plans to reunite in Africa.  In fact, they hope to visit impoverished villages in Zambia, offering children entertainment, inspiration and gifts.

“Kalama’s smile, heart and love are greater than I ever could have imagined,” Jeff says.  Something tells us that no government can keep this couple apart for long.

349 responses to "The government can't keep them apart"

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  1.   Boog19 says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 14

    I have met & fell for a woman in South Africa & plan to go see her in July . I live in the U.S .

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  2.   Oclady4u says:
    Posted: 23 Apr 14

    It's a process, but if it's real, it's worth it. 10K miles, facebook every day... And we fall more in love with each other every say day.

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  3.   nutella11 says:
    Posted: 30 Mar 14

    They look so happy. I hope to find my special one soon too. Honestly who cares what people will think when two God's creatures want to love each other and have a family? I still haven't met anyone yet, so Ahem...HMU

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  4.   nurriya says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 14

    This is the most beautiful story, God bless them in their love.

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  5.   130ratan says:
    Posted: 09 Mar 14

    Talent does what it can; genius does what it must. WISH YOU ALL BEST

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  6.   apprie says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 14

    Woooow,nyc match wish u all best ,,,me 2 wish to get to get mine soon...

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  7.   Sweedylove says:
    Posted: 19 Jan 14

    Wow, this is what we call love, distance can never be a barrier. The immigration can't stop love. Sooner or later all will go well. Put your trust in God. I will pray for you guys too. I WISH YOU EVALASTING LOVE. God Bless this marriage.

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  8.   LemonThyme says:
    Posted: 09 Jan 14

    I really don't believe what I am reading. I have been a lifetime paid member on this site for over 10 years. I think all the pics here are fake and it is done for adverstising only. I will never believe it happened from this site. so sorry, this is my opinion.

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    • lynekiki says:
      Posted: 29 Jan 14

      that's not true LemonThyme i joined this site 2 months ago and i already have a man who loves me and i love him and we met here.

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    • sholzie101 says:
      Posted: 22 Sep 15

      I also joined exactly 2 months ago and i met my woman here who is in Canada (I live in the UK) and we are crazily in love...our story would be up here soon. never say never.

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    • MedyB says:
      Posted: 27 Jan 16

      Do you still believe what you used to believe a year ago or you found your match?

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  9.   deman63 says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 13

    nice couple a good typical example... love across the distance

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  10.   lynekiki says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 13

    good luck love birds

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  11.   coachez23 says:
    Posted: 14 Nov 13

    hey guyz, thankyou alot, keep it up.

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  12.   Hope_1999 says:
    Posted: 12 Nov 13

    heart warming........

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  13.   xxsorbetxx says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 13

    Aww another favorite success story for me, i can really relate to this. I live in the United Kingdom and before i started vacating in the United States i never much thought of getting together with an American really. Though upon my first visit there i was blown away, people were so lovely, warm, welcoming and just adorable, that i was shocked, us here in the UK are not so open nor do we often take time take interest and care about strangers, it was really refreshing and many are so ambitious but yet you would never tell as they seem to be able to humble themselves and be down to earth and make you feel their equal, it was all just so refreshing. I know it sounds so cliche and probably it is not 'so rosy' everywhere in the states, hell the worst cases of racism i have heard of usually comes from the States if i am honest, we are more integrated here in the UK despite our often lack of acknowledgement of one another. But my point being every time i have been to the States i have had a wonderful time and everyone i met was warm and inviting and it piqued my interest and attraction toward Americans i suppose. Now with that found interest, naturally i wanted to explore it, but every State person who takes an interest on here so far rules me off based on distance which i find pretty closed minded, i believe it can work if you want it to and put your heart and commitment to it, why would it not. This is a typical example of finding love afar and committing to it and i think there is a lesson to be learnt here guys, don't you? I know they are still working on being able to live together but it is actually much easier in some scenarios than others. The UK is much easier tackle i should think, i do not even need a visa when i vacate to the States but rather simply a visa waver which is like £9 and it gets approved in less than a day. My suggestion guys is to think more outside the box and be open minded to ALL possibilities otherwise you could be missing out on great opportunities waiting to be explored.

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  14.   statician says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 13

    @Hani i disagree with you.For this world a genuine wife always comes from africa.But all depends on whom you met.See this there are also men and women from Europe who wants dual citizenship and also who wants to get advantage of sexiest women from Africa.You sound as if your jelousy of that gal from Zanzibar who met her soul mate.We are all looking for love else where because its hard to find people we are attracted to in our countries.

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    • PatW says:
      Posted: 28 Jun 14

      Why did you say that you can't find people you are attracted to in your own country ? That sounds rather strange to say.

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  15.   Hani_7 says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 13

    What a lovely story! Hope it works out for the couple. A word of caution to men/women in the US on dating men/women from Africa. As I originally was from there, some people are genuine in their quest for love for people residing in the States, however there are also many men and women looking to take advantage of naive/gullible Americans in order to move here and get citizenship. I have seen many people, who once they get their papers initiate divorce proceedings from their American spouse as they have already accomplished what they wanted. Please be very careful because if it seems too good to be true, it usually is! Good luck to all..

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    • PatW says:
      Posted: 28 Jun 14

      I really believe this. I don't want to be used as a ticket to get to the U.S. I believe its easier from that side because of them just trying ro get here. It's much easier requirements heeded from the African side. It's to the Afrikaan advantage to make the rules easier. The U.S. doesn't allow that.

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  16.   statician says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 13

    Fiance visa works.Am in Uganda,i read and passed through the whole process.And consulted the American embassy here before i joined this site.Its much possible for white man to first visit, then he comes back for civil marriage or church marriage it can also be given after only meeting in person bcos its the only a core recquirement for a fiancee visa.then a visa can be given with in 24 hrs after all the paper work is done.I have many friends who passed through the same and succeeded.I want to meet him here

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  17. Posted: 02 Sep 13

    nice couple

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  18.   Silverelite says:
    Posted: 13 Aug 13

    I really hope everything works out for you guys!!! Sometimes you have to dig deep and fight hard for what you love

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  19.   Moimoi says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 13

    Stunning and inspirational couple who are obviously crazy about each other. Hope they have got through all the political hoops and built a life together.

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  20.   dave_74 says:
    Posted: 26 Apr 13

    I first read this story 2 yrs ago and it became a great inspiration. I really hope there was a happy end to this and they are finally together.

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  21.   Coey8 says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 13

    What's that thing called when you are willing to wade through mud cheerfully even when others keep piling up more mud? Whatever its called, you have it in truck loads!! Don't give up on each other. God bless :)

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  22.   sweettoyou says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 13

    Great story! It's nice to know that a man would go to such great lengths to find the woman of his dreams. To some men, an hour or two drive is "long-distance". Jeff is the new Knight In Shining Armor: the man who will cross an ocean for his woman. Go ahead, Jeff! Thank you for the example of determination!

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  23.   oriri says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 13

    mm i love this story i hope to find my prince chariming here. i wish you guys good luck and may the immigration office get out of your way.

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  24.   supermutant says:
    Posted: 03 Mar 13

    Wow. Thanks for that story! I just met this gorgeous lady in Singapore and we have skyped and are both smitten. It is good to know that the amount of distance wasn't a turn off to you both. I am willing to put the screws down and get this to work, and reading this made it reassuring that you both put your love for eachother as the main focus and not the parts that would drive other couples apart. Kudos, and best of luck and love to you both.. And well, I say this in a manly man way, but you two are going to have adorable kids!

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  25.   dzNOLA says:
    Posted: 22 Feb 13

    This story was from April of 2011?!? I hope you guys have been able to GITTER-DONE!!! I met my lovely wife here in January of 2012. We flirted, e-mailed, went off-site and burned up the phone lines between Jamaica and New Orleans for months. We married in Jamaica in December of 2012, and are slogging away through the spousal visa process. Curious how easy it seems to be for folks who want to KILL us to get here....but to be IN LOVE...another story!?! My sweetie and I are very hopeful that we can get her visa approved in time for her next birthday....on the 4th of July of all things!! So far we got great news last week that her petition packet is COMPLETE and has been forwarded to the US Citizenship and Immigration Service for processing. We still have our background checks, and the ever-important visa interview at the American embassy in Kingston to look forwarde to. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you dig up the cash (yes, I did have to resort to auctioning off some of my body parts!) to HIRE A LAWYER who SPECIALIZES in SPOUSAL & FIANCE IMMIGRATION matters. You can encounter too many frustrating delays with some form that wasn't filled out right, or something was missing. That causes your petition to be kicked back with a "REQUEST FOR EVIDENCE" that could delay you for another 4 to 6 MONTHS!! Kalama & Jeff, y'all look GORGEOUS together!!! I certainly pray that by THIS time, you've made significant progress to finally have her at your side!! Go be with you always, my friend!

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    • ineedone says:
      Posted: 17 Nov 15

      I wish you all over lasting love and understand in your relationship, GOD blessed you all. ve in your relationship

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  26.   shanora403 says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 13

    lovellly story love the fact that the distance did not stop there love hope i find someone too:)

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  27.   bories says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 13

    Hey you two!!! What a lovley storry and you are so blessed in menny ways, please stick to eatch other and let your love for eatch other rules. You'r both look so very happy and still inlove. My God bless both of you and your future family. Thanks for sharing yor story with us. Just keep your love going.... Lucky you,she's very prity you both shines !!!!!!

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  28.   Beto1369 says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 12

    Good for jeff and kalama dont let nothing stop you from getting the woman of your dreams dont let govrn jugde your actions your in love and thats powerful enough for both of you god sees and cares and loves yall with all his might you'll get bless more dont lwt nothing stop you ok bro keep up the good work remember he sees all god bless:)

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  29.   Tente says:
    Posted: 04 Dec 12

    A love like Kalama and Jeff, should remind everyone of us that it is possible to find love even thousands of miles away. I wish them all the best and hope that we on this site can support them to unite. I am moved by people like harleymike60 who are actually trying to offer their help. keep it up and may you find your love as well. I am from Zambia and encouraged when I read stories like this.

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  30.   Nayusa says:
    Posted: 26 Nov 12

    What alovely couple! Good luck dear.

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  31.   wdt2 says:
    Posted: 25 Nov 12

    Good luck & with much success to the both of u

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  32.   laberry says:
    Posted: 28 Oct 12

    Nicey Nice guyz,.....

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  33.   Ishimwe says:
    Posted: 22 Oct 12

    Gud 4u kalama!

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  34.   Babyboo04 says:
    Posted: 15 Oct 12

    Great it's good to follow your dreams,more blessings to the both of you.

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  35.   Edah23 says:
    Posted: 01 Sep 12


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  36.   alanr says:
    Posted: 31 Aug 12

    Been thru this,my wife is from Philippines,stick the course my friend,they wanna see legit,genuine love,patience is needed,needed badly for govern take their time n more u call dey avoid.

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  37. Posted: 26 Aug 12

    Jeff & kalama good story an beautiful pics. I wish u both the best an hope u will joined together. The paper work of this country is bull. But I'd call some one to help if u need it

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  38.   teri says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 12

    nice story .hope i could finnd mr right and be with him forever.goodluck to u nice couple .GOD bless

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  39.   precious456 says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 12

    Love is so precious and so hard to find. Savor each opportunity that you are together. Life is so short. Many NEVER experienced the joy of true love. Hang in there and continue to pray. Question: What color is the SOUL? May God bless the two of you.

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  40.   MsPrettyred says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 12

    This should be settled by now. I had coworkers who went through the same thing and it took about a year. Blessings to you both!

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  41.   dave_74 says:
    Posted: 26 Jul 12

    I'm curious, did she ever make it to the USA to be with her husband?

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  42.   Texasgent65 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 12

    Guys I just went through the Immigrations mess with lawyers with my wife from Ghana and it takes 10-17 months for full approval . The only thing I can say is your a beautiful couple but pls watch the hatred in the united states toward mixed marriage of our races and. Ultires. I live in Texas where my wife was taken by local laws due to an old white lady saying bad things were happening and our great god knows there was nothing and because I'm white and my wonderful wife was new here I'm fighting a legal battle to get her back. Yes it's not all whites here it's also a black family that has their own issues causing trouble so in closing here I say in the name of our great god almighty pls all lets get over skin color and race and understand people that have this very deep spiritual love in their hearts and soul deserve to be together till death do we part as our marriage vows state. If anyone out there has a suggestion and advise I would be soo appreciative. God bless this beautiful couple here and may we all be blessed with real love.

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  43.   Shaywu says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 12

    ShaI think this a beautiful couple.

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  44.   bgspud6969 says:
    Posted: 13 Jun 12

    Hey my brother. It will be a while before she will be able to be in th U.S. I should know. a buddy of mines went thru the same thing you are going thru. As long as you have the money and the time to wait, she will be able to be here for a life time.God is there in talks corner. Just have faith.

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  45.   mosi says:
    Posted: 15 May 12

    what a wonderful love love and i wish this people should continue up to death it sounds fantastic

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  46.   aguba says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 11

    all i wish them is love, care and let no criticizer for i know God must surely see them through...ok

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  47.   Cassie92 says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 11

    I hope that you two can be together! :) Your love is beautiful, and this government is unaware that love has no borders... Ten years just to attain permanent residency? Stupid. More years to be a citizen? Stupider yet. We act like we can individually own the earth, but earth is given to all man. All things deserve to dwell where their heart lies...

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  48.   Wellamella says:
    Posted: 14 Nov 11

    What a beautiful love story and how sweet love can be.... My advice: Always pray & don't give up, d Almighty God dat brought U guys together didn't make any mistake, so He's gonna iron-out ur situation 4 Good,only believe cos He alone has d final say as he Bigger & Greater than any Government; so they have no options than 2 bow before him and obey his commands. Hopin 2 hear Ur Great testimony. Lest i 4get, Congratulations & Happy Married life. God's blessings will rain endlessly in dis holy Matrimony. Lots of Luv

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  49.   dalzybabe says:
    Posted: 18 Oct 11

    You go girl, reppin Zambia HARD!!! We Zambians know how to love and treat our men!! I wish you both the best..:)

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  50.   Islandoll1 says:
    Posted: 10 Oct 11

    Hope you are together soon.

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