The Reason African Women Find it EASIER Than AA Women to Swirl
There was an interesting comment posted under a story we did on Loving Day about African women in interracial relationships versus African American women and thought it was worth delving into.
"One thing I have noticed is, most of these women in IR relationships are Afric@n women or foreign bl@ckk women or bl@ck women from the islands. they are not usually AA women. Is there anything Afric@n women know about IR relationships that we don’t know. Do they have any tips they should be sharing with us? Most IR relationships I see on Instagram and YouTube involving bl@ck women it's usually foreign bl@ck women. More than half of these women featured here today are foreign black women. Just asking for a friend. Lol…"
This response comment was notable…
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"These are my tips as an African woman (Togolese who grew up in Ghana) married to a white American man for a decade. First white people love non-native blacks because of the exotic appeal & also less baggage. Chris has said before that many white men in America love African women. Single AA women should tap into this secret & date European men. They adore you!!! Second, Africans don’t have hang-ups on mixing with whites. Africans identify by ethnic groups, not on the basis of race. Race isn’t an issue in most African countries. Third, African women are socialized to be hypergamous, prioritize marriage & having a child outside wedlock is scorned. Fourth African parents push their kids to get the highest education possible. This is why Africans are the highest educated immigrant group in the US (with PhDs & Ivy League education) even ahead of Asians. High education gives African women access to quality men. I & many of my IR married African buddies here made it a priority to find a husband while we were in college. By 30, 90% of my female classmates back home in Ghana were married. AA women are the highest educated group of women in America & single AA ladies should snag quality men they meet in college & at work. Finally, African girls are trained by older women to be happy, humble & domesticated. I’ve heard many non-black men on YT say these qualities are what they love about their wives."
This right here is comment gold. Essentially African women’s ability to think of their SELF INTEREST over all things allows them to interracially date and marry without a second thought. The issue African American women have that they don’t is a constant indoctrination of “white people bad” and to not believe so is a betrayal to the race. We’re still in chains, while African women allow themselves to be free.
I’ll close with this comment because it basically does my job for me.
"Hello from a fellow African, Ethiopia! I agree 100% with everything you said. I have 5 brothers, 3 are engineers and 2 are doctors. All 5 of them brought their wives from Ethiopia. One of my brothers actually fell in love with a black American woman, but they had a falling out on race issues. She wanted him to be a “race hustler” and he was having none of it. He just didn’t feel like white people were his enemies.
And this is what it all boils down to. Constantly holding on to the past, blaming innocent people for things they never participated in. In Ethiopia, the largest interracial marriage is between Italian men and Ethiopian women. If you know the history and the atrocity the Italians committed in Ethiopia before they were driven out, you would think Ethiopian women would avoid them like the plague. But, the idea of holding today’s Italians responsible for what their country did in the 40s under a fascist ruler is a foreign concept to Ethiopians. Africans, move on. Congolese women marry Belgium men by the thousands, do you remember what they Belgian men did in Congo, a Holocaust of 10 million innocent lives? Africans forgive and move on. Progress is on their mind not “race hustling.”
Hypergamy is a lost pursuit in the Western world. I believe the equal economic achievements of both sexes have a lot to do with it. In the Western world, women don’t need to “marry-up” to survive. If a man will not take care of them, the government steps in. However, in developing countries things are different. That’s why we still have bride prices (dowries) in the 21st century. Trust me though, if the government wasn’t taking care of women in 1st world nations, women would be practicing hypergamy like crazy! I think CK needs to have a GooglePlus hangout on hypergamy with all of us participating."
And yes…we DO need a hangout about this very thing.
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21 responses to "The Reason African Women Find it EASIER Than AA Women to Swirl"
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DC- says:Posted: 17 Sep 17
If in the U.S., mabe because African women see men outside of Black race differently.
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SaikiObaro3 says:Posted: 25 Jul 17
Actually, I find this article a load of TOSH. In my view and observation, African women are attracted to 'white' men MOSTLY for adventure and/or financial security. I am a British-African male. Most 'white' males in the UK are not half as educated as I am, even if they have bachelor degrees yet they are in incredibly well paid jobs which I could only dream about and command executive positions I could never reach even where I had been the innovator of new processes and thinking. I am not the only British-African in such situations. Also, this article sublimely paints the 'white' male as something to be desired by the female of current African origin (I say "current" because the human species originated in Africa, anyway). This suggestion of the 'white' male as desirable is, of course, self-denigrating by the female of current African origin. So, sad, I believe.
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IAMUNIQUE68 says:Posted: 15 Jul 17
"First white people love non-native blacks because of the exotic appeal & also less baggage." This statement isn't necessarily good. Seems more like generalization.
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PusiCat says:Posted: 13 Oct 18
I totally agree. Honestly AA are independent we have our own shit. We are not looking to be saved!
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 04 Jul 17
I really wish we'd stop with this liberal politically correct nonsense of referring to black Americans as "African American". I'm sure someone from Jamaica or Guyana wouldn't appreciate being referred to as "African". The liberal left are the most racist of all with this crap.
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rooms says:Posted: 05 Jul 17
As a jamaican i don't like it, but i learn to live with it.
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UnicornGyal says:Posted: 09 Jul 17
As a Jamaican, it doesn't bother me. I have been here since I was 7. After the indigenous people were basically eradicated, Jamaica was largely populated by African slaves. And yes, I know Chinese Jamaicans, White Jamaicans. They are the minority. I don't worry about labels.
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Ruth116 says:Posted: 15 Apr 21
Phillip Chen, who was once Rod Stewart's bass player is of Chinese descent and born in Jamaica. Here's a little music trivia for y'all. That's him playing bass in the tune, "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy".
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Coolms says:Posted: 23 Feb 18
I agree with you on this. I prefer to be called a ''black American'' not a African American it's not because I hate myself it's nothing like that, I was not born in Africa and I feel like its an insult to the Africans that actually grow up and lived all their lives in Africa. to me the people that come over from Africa are the true African Americans.
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Ruth116 says:Posted: 15 Apr 21
I prefer black American over the term, "African American". I'm of Scottish, Puerto Rican and Blackfoot origin and am pleased with them. I think that African American attempts to cancel them out, thanks to that "one drop" rule. Did you know that actor, Levar Burton was born in Germany? Yet, he's referred to as "African American". Whether American-born or African-born, you're a beautiful woman and wish you Godspeed in your search for Mr. Right.
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BrownQueen36 says:Posted: 01 Jul 17
Africa has less racial bias than America. That is why many African women date or fall in love with non blacks and vice versa. Here in America, there is a lot more racial tension. This makes it more difficult for white men and black American women to date IR. In addition, you don't have to have the highest education, most money or status to date a decent person. It's a matter of the heart.
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 04 Jul 17
I'm not sure that's it's solely "racial tension" in the USA. I think the "tension" and stress in this country comes from women who seem to only value men who are financially well off and extremely tall. And yet these are the very same women who claim feminism and equality for all. What a joke.
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UnicornGyal says:Posted: 09 Jul 17
I see a lot men who only want slender, perfectly even-toned women in IR relationships. How many times have I read articles here on how we as black women need to get fit, etc. to find our IR man! If the woman is successful why is it wrong if she too wants a successful man?
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 24 Mar 19
Exactly. BW have to be a certain way but the men don't have to have any standards.
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DC- says:Posted: 17 Sep 17
For Black women who have never been approached within one year from a White man...our preferences would be irrelevant.
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this article is concerning and very untrue
i agree