They Would Fight for Their Love
Shane and Sharicka had something in common long before they ever met—both were very busy with work and family. And both saw online dating as the most efficient way to meet new people while fulfilling their personal responsibilities.
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One day, Shane noticed that Sharicka had viewed his profile. He checked out hers, liked what he saw, and sent her an email. “We hit it off from Day One,” Shane remembers. What impressed him the most were her smile and evident intelligence. She felt the same way about him. They even shared an interest in mixed martial arts!
The couple’s first date was at a Chinese restaurant. As their conversation touched on various topics, Shane wasn’t sure what kind of an impression he was making. “Sharicka thought I was a radical nut,” Shane jokes. “However, we met for a second date. Now we are married!”
Having made that lifelong commitment, the couple look forward to a long and happy future together. They feel they are a perfect match—best friends and soulmates—so they’re very glad they took time out of their busy schedules to look for love online.
211 responses to "They Would Fight for Their Love"
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natejewa says:Posted: 22 Oct 12
wishing them all the best. a faithfull man is what i call happiness.
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OAKBUFF says:Posted: 04 Sep 12
Happiness -I love to see it. Your joy and smiles illuminates the atmosphere. Blessings and blessings -congratulations!!!!
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QTpie1968 says:Posted: 01 Aug 12
What a great couple. I wish you two the very best, and I pray you have a long and happy life together.
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lynnee says:Posted: 06 Jul 12
nice couple god my bless your guys give me the receipt place
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blackorkid44 says:Posted: 27 Feb 12
This happens to be my favorite couple :-D
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DiverseT says:Posted: 25 Dec 11
I wish I had found this site years ago. However, I intend to make the most of it now. Congratulations to the couple. To the naysayers: Might I suggest that if you don't have anything positive to say, say nothing. We won't mind.
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kingscafe says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
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Lovin43 says:Posted: 21 Oct 11
Such success stories inspire me very much. I wish them the best. May success be theirs!! It is because of such stories that I keep on coming back this website! I also give a word of thanks to the team for the job well done, to give us a chance to meet people without hassle and tassle. With jobs that keep us out of our homes for more than six months or so, where cud one get the chance to meet people, chat, make friend and even something bigger. God bless Shane and Sharicka. Long live the website
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ariannab208 says:Posted: 21 Sep 11
I am thrilled to read this story, I myself have found my one true love on this site and he's 17 yrs old than i so it does happen. Age is irrevant!! I wish you both all the happiness in the world and to all the negative comments find something more productive to do w/ your time. God bless you both.
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honestand40 says:Posted: 02 Sep 11
you guyds look great together really just keep smiling you can do this .
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akishbyi says:Posted: 12 Aug 11
wow!!! Am speechless.In fact i wish mine would be da same.wish you all the happiness in the world.
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NeeNee45 says:Posted: 19 Jul 11
I really love the story of Mr. Shane and Mrs. ShaRicka you guys are perfect what other people think and how they feel does not matter it is you guys that matter no one wear the pants in your home you both look like you love each other and when it come to wearing the pants communication is a plus and never stop praying to make the marriage stronger and never go to bed angry and always tell each other you love each other .and Mrs. Sharicka do Mr. Shane have a brother or uncle lololololol i have try the page no luck but God is good.....keep smiling even when times are hard keep smiling when you both make each other mad keep smiling and watch how much the love grows......Sincerely Mrs. NEENEE45....8`)
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beautiful808 says:Posted: 17 Jul 11
hello you guys make a wonderful couple and who cares about age... those people must still be living in the stone age or something. You only have one life to live honey bunches (Shane and Sharicka) and live it the way you want love muffins.... congrats on your soon to be one year anny!
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GenoCO says:Posted: 03 Jun 11
To all of those that wished us well, thank you for the positive comments. Stillsmilin and I are very happy. I will be forever in debt to this site for helping me find my soulmate. :)
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Rainance says:Posted: 01 Jun 11
You like love! May you walk in beauty for many years to come!
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jack says:Posted: 30 May 11
LMAO she married him because he got money
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GenoCO says:Posted: 03 Jun 11
Hi Jack, wrong...I am a systems engineer. Stillsmilin (my wife) owns an IT consulting company. She is the big success in our relationship...not me.
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collegeqt89 says:Posted: 20 May 11
wow.... did anyone else read his shirt? it said: "This is what the world's greatest twat bandit looks like" Classy... -_-
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GenoCO says:Posted: 03 Jun 11
Hi collegeqt89, I hope the shirt did not offend...not my intent. Stillsmilin and I have a whole host of funny was done as a joke to get a laugh.
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Kenubyian says:Posted: 17 May 11
Cute Couple - wish them continued happiness! SMH at all those who are mystified at the really don't get it??? They both shared an interest in martial arts hence the title...just a pun on words so lighten up! And Shane's t-shirt (in the fist thumbnail pic) is pretty darn hilarious!
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Stillsmilin says:Posted: 16 May 11
We are very happy. It's a little comical, however, to comment on one's wording with errors in your comment. I did not mean to imply that happiness is based solely on the ability to find a spouse or partner. My wish for happiness stems from a purely holistic sense and doesn't need to be taken so literally. I might have been able to say, "I wish you all well" and you still would have over-analyzed that I meant to say that people in search of love are somehow ill or not well. At the end of the day, life is always better with a good partner. I'm sure that we can both agree with that.
Reply to this comment- says:Posted: 11 Oct 11
There are haters all over the world and i think that they are to stupid to understand why the title was what it was. Keep smiling, loving and enjoying your man. Best to you both! p.s. does he have a brother?
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Violets_123 says:Posted: 12 May 11
You sound happy and satisfied. On a different not - This comment is poorly worded - "I truly hope that each of you find happiness." It does not mean people wanting to find a soulmate have not found happiness.
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Stillsmilin says:Posted: 11 May 11
Hey there, this is one half of the happy couple. My hubby came across this posting. I never imagined life being THIS complete. Shane is truly God sent. We appreciate the support flowing in. We'll be going on a year of marriage this August. I can't say enough about how lucky I am. We are best friends and's a good thing! We are both professional and deeply devoted to one another. @ checkit, the generational gap is nothing compared to the ignorance gap you choose to showcase for all to see. We are happy and content beyond our wildest dreams. I truly hope that each of you find happiness.
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historian says:Posted: 04 May 13
Congrats to you guys, Sharicka!!! You are one LUCKY woman!!! He's gorgeous and you are beautiful.
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EarthAngel3 says:Posted: 07 May 11
And yeah i get they both share an interest in mxd martial arts, the wording is still poor.
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EarthAngel3 says:Posted: 07 May 11
I think its a horrible pun; it made no sense, that's all. Poor wording. I wish all who find true love the best. Long life and marriage to Shane and Sharicka.
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blueboi101 says:Posted: 04 May 11
Interesting! Wishing d couples all d best. In their marital journey. Pls can I subscribe tru western union?
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clssychk says:Posted: 04 May 11
Great story, great love, great couple!!! Look forward to my turn...
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SeDanJohn says:Posted: 01 May 11
Lovely story and beautiful couple. The very best to you both!
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Tayra01 says:Posted: 01 May 11
Beautiful couple and nice story.I wish you all the best!
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prettyblak says:Posted: 01 May 11
Woow! Thats a cute well-matching couple. Keeps me hanging here with great hopes...''that this is my year too'' Praying for u guys! Live happy forever!!
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karobia says:Posted: 01 May 11
lam looking one to fight with, but l wish them long togetherness
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lemecpourtoi says:Posted: 01 May 11
Sweet story, all the best to them. Gives the rest of us some hope.
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browneyedgirl says:Posted: 01 May 11
Great story! Good luck you two. It gives me hope to hang in there. My love is just around the corner.
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BrwnnBeauty says:Posted: 29 Apr 11
great pics..great story..thanks for sharing!!
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Nichole1973 says:Posted: 01 May 11
Why are you guys so negative? Everything in life we have to fight for, be happy for them. They make a wonderful cooke, I'm happy for you guys. I pray it last.
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Galvsailor says:Posted: 08 Mar 13
You are a breath of fresh air!! Thanks for your comment and being so lovely also!! Layne in Galveston
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Chaos says:Posted: 28 Apr 11
Checkit, lighten up!!!! The gentleman appears to be older; however, who cares. If she is happy and he is happy and the two are together for the right reasons, more power to them. Time waits for no man. Enjoy life now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEACE !!
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Kingkev67 says:Posted: 10 Mar 18
Yup , time . Time to tweet , call , and ruin another life. Happy. Got it good. This guy thinks people are stupid. If I see you I know you see me. One thing though happy scumbag . I don't stalk. She is every thing described, imagine it being ripped from you while you was providing . You know, a real job. Truly, if being shady is what your built on, then the darkest corners Hell will be quite comfy for you and you're morals. Be sure to tell the little one how brilliant you are. The way you aquire love.
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Nkiruka says:Posted: 28 Apr 11
The "Fighting" for the Love has to do with their shared interest of martial arts. It's a play on words.
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checkit says:Posted: 28 Apr 11
I do not know what they are fighting for? mismatch or generational gap?
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Onyx_King says:Posted: 10 Aug 11
You said it..both! But, ya know...everyone wants to be wanted and loved..
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EarthAngel3 says:Posted: 28 Apr 11
excuse me, why would they fight for their love?
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EarthAngel3 says:Posted: 28 Apr 11
title is misleading. why are they fighting for love? the story never says.
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rellis922 says:Posted: 03 Nov 11
Hello EarthAngel 3, it is because they both are liked mixed martial arts...fighting.
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hotrod2009 says:Posted: 28 Apr 11
What an adorable couple. I wish you all the happiness in your future together.
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It is like a dream but real ,all that period ,being patient really God answers prayers.