Urban Cowboy?
We weren’t the first dating site Sylvia tried, but hopefully, we’ll be the last. “This was not my first experience,” Sylvia says. “I had tried [Internet personals] for several years, off and on.”
“A lack of appropriate potential partners” inspired Steve to post a profile on our site. After choosing the username “KindaCowboy,” he was “minimally confident” about the potential results, he says. “I was not that confident either,” Sylvia chimes in. “But I felt it was the best way to be as specific as possible about the type of man I wanted.”
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One year after signup, they finally connected. “I sent him a Flirt,” Sylvia recalls. The reason being? She was intrigued by his profile. “It seemed to match what I was looking for,” she explains. After reviewing Sylvia’s profile (her username was “Misssjk”), Steve came away impressed. Her “character” stood out to him as a key quality to have.
After chatting and getting to know each other, the pair didn’t waste time putting together plans for a date. “We both knew what we wanted and we didn’t want to delay meeting in person,” explains Sylvia. “Dinner at a local restaurant” was what they landed on. “He didn’t look like a cowboy,” laughs Sylvia, adding, “He was cute!” She says it was surprising “how interesting he was.”
Steve was surprised, too. “She looked younger than her picture,” he says. “I was pretty sure we’d go out again, even though she was only 60% of what I thought was my type.” Sylvia was on the same page there. What made her fall for Steve was “his determination and life experience.”
Though distance was a challenge, Sylvia says that she was convinced this relationship could be special when she “saw how he tackled problems.” In full agreement, Steve soon popped the question. His bride-to-be looks back on that moment, recalling Steve getting down “on both knees.” Briefly. “He asked if he could get up because his knees hurt,” she laughs. “But then he said his life was better because I was in it, and asked for the honor of becoming my husband.”
Finding love has changed Sylvia’s perspective. “It’s restored my faith in happily ever after,” she tells us. For Steve, the relationship has increased his comfort in his own skin. “It has given me a special calmness,” he reveals. Finding love has a way of increasing one’s inner peace.
Now that he’s engaged, Steve has become a believer in the efficacy of online dating. With enthusiasm, he declares, “It is worth kissing a lot of frogs to find your princess!”
Sylvia advises singles to peruse profiles with an exacting eye. “Be selective,” she suggests. “Be certain of your standards. Read profiles carefully.”
Here’s hoping that Sylvia and Steve will never need to read another dating profile.
12 responses to "Urban Cowboy?"
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Dupree2cool says:Posted: 11 Jul 21
I call my self the urban black cowboy how funny
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Paisley72 says:Posted: 11 Jul 21
How Awesome is That?!?!? I love stories like this.
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Erbd says:Posted: 11 Jul 21
Well congrats to U guys...because it's not really anyone out there that is
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Ruth116 says:Posted: 18 Apr 21
Ah, lovely! God bless and congratulations Steve and Sylvia!
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M04654 says:Posted: 03 Dec 20
Good story hopes to get my soul mate am lonely God help me
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Perl205 says:Posted: 04 Feb 20
Beautiful story hoping I can meet that special someone too.keeping the faith.
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Congratulations to both of you!!