Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?
Have you noticed a recent surge in Asian men and white women being together lately? Bruce Lee and Linda Lee Caldwell were one of Hollywood's first Asian man/Caucasian women celebrity couples … and that was in the 60s! So what's changed?
The question is, why is this interracial combo not as widespread as other interracial combos?
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There is definitely a higher percentage of Asian women with white men than ever before. Why?
The video below was taken by video crew who asked random and predominantly Asian guys and girls "Why Asian girls are attracted to white guys". Guess what... Stereotype! Stereotype and more Stereotype!
According to the video, most respondents described Asian men as being too shy or unassertive. The woman also stated Asian men were too effeminate and even too short! Apparently this is turning Asian women away and they are beginning to look elsewhere.
Asian stereotypes have been created by society in general. Enough articles have been written about what I would like to call stereotypical racism in the Asian community – for instance, how Caucasian men actively seek an Asian woman because of their exotic looks and supposed submissivenes?. How many have this so called Asian fetish or yellow fever?
Asian females, on the other hand, have constantly been disgraced and labeled "white-washed" women busy trying to climb the social ladder by their own communities and are finding more acceptance with races other than their own.
So what about the rise of interracial relationships between the Asian man and Caucasian woman? Is it that Asian men are fed up with their female counterparts and that they take revenge by dating Caucasian women? (just a thought) Or just that there are fewer Asian females in their dating pool so they are expanding their own horizons?
My conclusion is that maybe it's not that at all. I think people should be intelligent enough not to allow trivial stereotypes to conform to their preferences on who to date. Why do you think there is a rise in the Asian man-Caucasian woman interracial combo?
447 responses to "Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?"
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ugh says:Posted: 24 Sep 09
Isn't it painfully obvious? There are more white women dating Asian men because Asian women are taking all the white men. Also, I can tell you that being an Asian man today is equivalent to being a black men 50 years ago, minus the institutional racism.
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AMLuvsWF says:Posted: 23 Sep 09
I am an Asian male who was born in Hong Kong, grew up and university educated as an American citizen in the United States. I have been living on the west coast cities both on the U.S. and Canadian borders for over one third of a decade now. I have seen many changes in interracial relationships, especially Asian and non-Asian dating and marriages. I have friends and relatives who are interracial married (Asian and Caucasian). I have seen sucessful interracial marriages and not so successful interracial marriage who ended up in divorce. Among those sucessful interracial couples, they are happy families with beautiful and intelligent half-half mixed children. I embrace those who have overcome styero typed and cultural barriers and make their interracial relationship worked. I personally attracted to middle class white women who are brought up in the west coast cities, like in the Pacific Northwest, such as Seattle, Portland and Vancouver, B.C. White women who have lived among a multi-cultural mixed society are tend to readily and openly accept the other races who are different that the main stream. I am a better than average look, handsome Asian male, 5'10" tall and weight 168 lb, light brown eyes and dark brown-black hair. I am an average body, fair skin, tanned and have hairy muscular arms and legs. I am always mistaken by Asians (Phillipino, Chinese, Korean, and others Asians), as well as Caucasians that I have Asian-Caucasian mixed parents. They always asked me, "Does any of your parents a "White" person?". Both of my parents are Chinese descent. I have not dated too many races other than my own and Cacasian girls. I am attracted to Cacausian girls who are cheerful, passionate, intelligent, open-minded, and who like and accept the other cultures, (especially mine-the Asian- Chinese cultures). My first girlfriend was a blonde hair Cacasian girl. Then, I had many dates with Asian and Cacausian girls with European origin nationalities, (blondes, burnettes, raven hair, red heads). I am specially fond of dating strawberry blondes. I found them very passionate, irresisible and sexually arousing when it comes to an intimacy relationship. There are a trend of interracial dating and marriages lately. I have seen many Asian girls going for Cacausian and non-Asian guys, and many of Asian guys dating and marrying Cacasian and non-Asian girls. I would encourage people accept and marrying other races, Asian, Cacausian, Latina and Blacks. The next ten, twenty to thirty years, you'll see more mixed race marriages. The mixed race marriage children will rise up to be the next generation of America's elits and future leaders.
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nicole_marie says:Posted: 23 Sep 09
hey, i'm a white Canadian female who is currently involved with a wonderful Chinese guy. I don't understand why everyone wants to make this about race? I love my boyfriend, he's a great guy who is super nice and I think he's really sexy. I know he loves me and also finds me attractive. He's not the tallest guy in the world(about the same as me 5'6") and he's super thin, way smaller than I can ever hope of being, but to me he's perfect. He's incredibly funny, sweet, nice and intelligent. I just spent 4 months in China and thats is when we met. Currently we're doing the long distance thing as I'm home in Canada and he lives in China. He comes from a traditional family, and a very small town even though he has been attending college in Shanghai. His family has accepted me. I spend time trying to learn about Chinese traditions and cultures and am also trying to learn chinese. He is also asking me about canadian culture and is constantly working on his english. We do this because we love each other and want to make our relationship work. We respect each other. Of course sometimes we have cultural misunderstandings, but we know that doesn't mean either of us is wrong, its just different views. So I think you should be with the person you love, and who loves you, regardless of race. It doesn't matter. People are people. Acceptance is key.
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Jade says:Posted: 22 Sep 09
I find it really petty that some people on here have to get at other races because they are insecure about their own! Saying that white women are fat just is a way to make yourself feel better! I am not in any way racist and fully support the comments on here that express love excluding race. I am of chinese and (majority) caucasian descent with a chinese guy and couldnt be happier! I do think that asian women are very beautiful and friendly but I think its out of order when they feel they have to be rude about caucasian women. (if you notice way above, its not caucasian women hating on your race so dont hate back!)
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FASIANWOMEN says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
I am an asian man that likes only Western women. I've dated only White, Black and Latin women who I find more attractive than asian women because they are more feminine. Western women are more voluptuous, have bigger breasts, butt, hips and longer legs. They are also more beautiful. Their faces, their hair...to me there is nothing more beautiful than a White, Black or Latin woman. But beyond that is their personality. They're fun to be around because they are lively and passionate. A lot of Asian women try to act that way, but deep down inside they are critical, cold, insecure and just plain boring. Worst, their kids come out that way. My wife is a White woman and I couldn't be happier. We have five beautiful children who are very popular and make me proud to be their father. They have my respectful and hard working ways and the charming personality and looks of my wife. I have found happiness and it is NOT with an asian woman. White, Black and Latin women are definitely the best.
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Andrew says:Posted: 19 Sep 09
Kudos to the dude that blogged this. But you're 'hypothesis' as to why Asian men seek white chicks, are so bullshit. I’m an Australian born Asian, but I’m barely Asian at all – Slim but very toned and muscular, extremely sport, not a nerd – hate math but I’m in the top English class haha – I don’t limit myself to the Asian cuisine although I love it and I have quite big eyes. Personally, I’ve had a white girl attracted to me a while ago, but didn’t get the chance (or even the guts) to talk to her because she moved out. It just seems so hard to find any white girls interested in Asians, or maybe it’s just me because I’m shy and timid… See that’s the thing, the majority of Asians are shy, but this goes hand in hand with their respect and love. I’m stereotyping here, but white guys treat their girls like a simple asset, or something they show off, whereas Asians take love seriously, and love their girlfriends with all their emotions. Asians are so underrated and they’re the target of satire in the media, and that pisses me off. I’m sure I could start a relationship with a white girl because I’ve been given that bright smile or that wink from a white chick many times… it’s just that I’m way too damn shy, and that irritates me. I guess I still have time tho, I’m only 16. But a big message to all you white girls out there – Seriously, go try out an Asian, they usually create long lasting and loving relationships NOT TO MENTION, the gorgeous, gorgeous children that are made from an Interracial relationship, take for example – Misa Campo or Leah Dizion. They’re HOT. AMWF (Asian Male, White Female) relationships are just usually so cute and last for quite a while or even forever, simply they look right together. Here's a video I posted up on YouTube talking about interracial relationships/ AMWF. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcFni-uv3r4 God bless for reading my whole post and keep these comments rolling!
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tabs says:Posted: 11 Sep 09
So, I am a white woman dating an asian man. We get looks out in public and even some rude comments are made toward him, but not me. Most of the time he just shrugs it off, but if I see that it hurts him, I stand up for him/us. I think it's more that people think it's like a circus act, "And now in the center ring..."; So "uncommon" that it needs a show of it's own. No one knows HOW to react so they make asses of themselves by throwing on a sloppy accent or references to famous Asians (ex: Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li). However, none of this has hurt our relationship. If anything, it's made it stronger.
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awsome says:Posted: 10 Sep 09
Asian men and caucasian women are more common in certain parts of the U.S. but it's not as common as white men and asian women couples like in the west coast for some reason. I see white men with asian women all the time in Seattle. One reason why we see more asian men dating white women in some parts of the U.S. is because it's easier to be attracted to someone from similar background like education, culture, class, etc. Many asian men are highly educated to be doctors, businessmen, engineers, etc and so naturally, any woman regardless of race will be attracted to that especially white women since there are more of them. Even though we may be seeing asian and white interracial couples, there's still some obstacles for asians especially in the media. For whatever reason, the media tends to be very one dimensional towards asian men (not so much for asian women though there are stereotypes for them too). Also, asians living in the U.S. are kind of invisible and they are referred to as "the silent race." Asian Americans don't really get credit for anything whether it's good or bad and are usually left out. BTW, that youtube video is lame and irritating to watch but thanks for pointing that out, people can really judge for themselves to see how ignorant and narrow minded some people are (disappointing there were even asian women on there stereotyping).
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xolang says:Posted: 02 Sep 09
I'm Asian, and all of my relationships so far have been with white women. I personally have always found Mediterranean (Turkish, Balkan, Italian, Portuguese, etc.) women more attractive than most of Chinese women anyway.
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I_Am_Asian_I_Love_HAPPAS says:Posted: 02 Sep 09
And i dont like these girls........
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I_Am_Asian_I_Love_HAPPAS says:Posted: 02 Sep 09
The types of women chosen here are all of the same type who desire the same characteristics in a dream man. Lets be honest though, if there was a guy who crossed their eyes and was good looking, despite the expectations of super high intelligence, the girls would fuck it.. Im asian.. I love Women... A white chick would be cool but i also settle for better overall choice.. HAPPAS!- I love hot happas.
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NBGchick says:Posted: 26 Aug 09
Also I have lived across the street from a Japanese female/Caucasian male couple my whole life..they are wonderful people..they met while he was in the military..by the way they are an older middle aged couple...he is not rich from where I can see so she is not a "gold digger" as some of these comments have made it seem..and the thought that asian women are submissive is just a big generalization because she is anything but that and actually most of the asian women that I have met are very strong minded and confident..I think that maybe their kindness is mistaken as them being doormats..anyways that's how I feel..who agrees?
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NBGchick says:Posted: 26 Aug 09
Some of you all are sooo ignorant! I am an 18 year old beautiful brunette "white" girl [german,french,Cherokee,blah blah blah>>I'm actually a natuarlly tan female if we want to be specific..anywho]..I'm not fat..actually I find it odd that someone would say most white women are fat because where I'm from white women are always insulted because they are "too skinny"..but both of those statements are just idiotic steriotypes..I have been attracted to men of many different ethnicities and would date a man of any race if we were compatible.. Just seriously ppl need to open their eyes and realize that we are all children of God and we are all beautiful..and I don't care how corny that sounds..anyone who feels the need to argue with my comment..kiss my white ass!!hahahaha. P.S. Asian guys are sexy! (=
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NBGchick says:Posted: 26 Aug 09
Some of you all are sooo ignorant! I am an 18 year old beautiful brunette white girl..I'm not fat..actually I find it odd that someone would say most white women are fat because where I'm from white women are always insulted because they are "too skinny"..but both of those statements are just idiotic steriotypes..I have been attracted to men of many different ethnicities and would date a man of any race if we were compatible.. Just seriously ppl need to open their eyes and realize that we are all children of God and we are all beautiful..and I don't care how corny that sounds..anyone who feels the need to argue with my comment..kiss my white ass!!hahahaha. P.S. Asian guys are sexy! (=
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Shotgun007 says:Posted: 17 Aug 09
To "Sterlingbros'....the last statement of your comment on 06/18 was very funny. I think the media and other industry help perpetuate some of these unfortunate instances of stereotypes and continue to give life to them in one way or another. ___________________________________ About the Blog Article: Anyways, I'm a black female and while in college, I've always felt that Asian Men were attractive. As I look around in my community, I can't help but realize how driven- -family oriented- and well spoken the Asian Men are. I don’t believe any of the stereotypes that I’ve heard. But I can't say that I've witnessed a lot of Asian men/white women couples though. I think I saw one on Wife Swap once, but that's it. I'm looking to see more African American women and Asian men couples, which is a rarity but times are really changing. I'm out everybody... Take Care...
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Victoria says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
When white women started dating/marrying black men most white men were furious but you never really hear white women complain about white men going off and dating/marrying asian women.
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rka says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
I’m an AM from Malaysia and had my fair moments with interracial dating, but never date with WF yet, so far. I always found WF as an attractive, smart, highly independence and fun to be with. Maybe these conclusions are derived from limited samples from much wider population - I worked in finance, and now Oil&Gas, and just moderately traveled to Europe/US. And... Oh yes, I got a few friends and relatives with IR relationship to WF/WM. FYI. For those who haven’t been here in Malaysia, it a normal thing to have interracial relationship. (Of course the percentage is much smaller, but it is well accepted). We got Malays, Chinese, Indian, Sikh, aborigines, and a small US/Europe community etc) I guess the same goes to Singapore. The public policy goes along the way over here. I was asking myself why I never considering dating WF before? Then the answer appeared was simple and clear: it’s easier to date women from your own background. It is never about being racist or prejudice. Its takes a lots of open minded, tolerance and patience for any IR to work out. Sometime you might exhaust along the way. It’s like you are swimming against the tidal wave. With my demanding work, the least I want to have is a problematic relationship. I give the highest respect for those succeeded in interracial marriage /relationship. It takes lots of sacrifices for both parties to make it. And I believe they are handsomely rewarded by being happy, if not more than the same-race couples. And for me, I never rejected the idea of dating WF. In fact, I’m seriously considering it right now. You never know where your soul mate is……..And when you found one, all those so called problems and issues will be damn worth it to be wrestled down with.
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miri2008 says:Posted: 08 Aug 09
I am a Caribbean woman, and for sure no main stream American media has told my story. For this reason, I have a heightened awareness that anyone wanting to know anything real about any cultural group who has recently immigrated to the U.S. would have to see those people's story being authentically told by themselves within the context of their own culture. This is why I enjoy watching foreign films, where often sub-titles are required, as people tell their own stories about their own realities within a relevant context. The term 'Asian' is as much a misnomer as the term 'Black', ‘Hispanic’, or ‘White’ as these are categories meant to facilitate generalizations and foster stereotyping. I have watched many Koreans tell their stories in their own cultural context, and it is a different story than the ones told by the Japanese. Obviously the Taiwanese story is far different from the Philippino story and so on. When you take the time to listen and learn about someone's culture and outlook from their own perspective, it really permanently erases the caricatures and demeaning misrepresentations perpetrated by some 'other' who wants to caste themselves as superior. Anyone not blinded by bigotry will readily admit that there are stunningly gorgeous males and females in every ethnicity that there is. There are gifted intellectuals in every ethnicity that there is. There are amazing artisans and artists in every ethnicity that there is, etc… Just the same, there are average and homely looking people in every ethnicity, as well as people who just do regular things and hold regular jobs without much fanfare. Every social ill known to mankind afflicts us cross-culturally, and we are all susceptible to physical illnesses and ailments. And, yes, we all bleed red. Maybe it is time for more people to consider freeing themselves from being bullied and oppressed into making a political statement in their selection of a life partner. It’s really bad when someone else attempts to put restrictions and limits on what you should expect to be able to achieve, who you should consider dating and marrying, where you can go etc… But, you what’s infinitely worse? When you are trapped to the extent that you put those limits on yourself! For those who are sticking to tradition in their selection of a life partner more power to you. For those whose capacity to love does not see other ethnicities and cultures as boundary markers more power to you. To have someone at your side to share mutual respect, caring, camaraderie, friendship, companionship and passion is a life blessing that has eluded many – if you’ve found that, enjoy your blessing! You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone who is not paying your rent/mortgage or feeing you.
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omondieu says:Posted: 03 Aug 09
A very interesting thread indeed. I just thought I'd throw in my two cents. I'm a third generation Canadian of Ukrainian descent, and I've recently developed a preference for East Asian men (I'm particularly fond of Korean men, myself). Working at an establishment that caters specifically to Korean families has fostered my admiration and respect for the culture and language (so much so that I'm now trying to learn Korean!). Not that I ever had any lack of respect for any Asian community: most of my friends in highschool were East or Southeast Asian. My white friends and family poke fun at my soft spot for Asian men. They insist that I will never find a life partner in one, due to culture clashing. Well, both of my parents are of Ukrainian descent, both born in Canada. However, they could not be more different. My mother is more "traditional" (being family oriented, stressing the importance of keeping one's cultural language alive, being a devout Christian), whereas my father is the exact opposite (has no desire whatsoever to spend time with family, is ignorant of Ukrainian culture and the language, and is totally indifferent to religion). Their differences (among other things) ultimately drove them to separate and divorce. The funny thing is that my mother's parents forced her to marry a Ukrainian (she was madly in love with an Irish guy at the time), convinced that the union would be more harmonious. Her brothers however, both married non-Ukrainians, and are still happily married. My point is that sticking to "one's own kind" does not always guarantee smooth sailing. We may find ourselves to be more compatible with people far outside our own cultures than with people within them. Let's stop letting skin colours and cultural practices govern our relationships.
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Darling2 says:Posted: 02 Aug 09
Comment by Jude.Did you ever see a 23 year old white bald man?did you ever come across the druggies with no teeth with tattoes from face to toe. Piercings from eye to the toe? Young white fat girls who cannot walk but limp?thats is weird so please be nice stop attacking Asian men.Every race have their own kind of GIMPS.Stop blowing your own trumpet :-)Let us be kind to everyone while posting funny stuff here.My apologies lol
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Member says:Posted: 01 Aug 09
Within a country you've got similar numbers of men and women of all races. If things are fair there should be just as many Asian men-Caucasian women relationships. But there aren't. So are Asian women loose or are Caucasian women prejudiced in a nasty way ? There has to be something going on here. As regards Asian men being "defeatist" lets be clear; surrounded by the majority race and stereotyped at each turn since very young children, what the hell do you expect ! They're hardly likely to behave in a way that might culminate in them feeling bad about themselves. Often it's far better in the short-term at least to retreat into a shell, than risk it and be presumed by others as a chauvinist who want's to bag/hump a white girl. As if this isn't the mindset of Caucasian men, and the initial basis of all relationships, ie. sexual attraction. Digressing, I agree with Lisa's sentiments entirely; I always use my tongue - it's a far more dextrous appendage.
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Excalibur says:Posted: 27 Jul 09
Ok, i was walking and there is about 4 white girls walking together, then they saw me and started bursting our with disgusting laughs and waited for me to go near them, then when i got close to them because they happened to block where i was heading towards my home, all they do is shouted out and ran away (also some giggling) and started accusing me. I was sitting at the bus stop and suddenly a Cambodian dude walked past me, stared at me and gave me the glare with one part of his lip all pumped up and looked down on me. Then he walked away and walked back again with a White girl on his hand. LOL, i noticed that white people like bad and evil dudes don't they? they always go for racist liars lol, i will never date one crazy bitch like that. EVER
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Excalibur says:Posted: 27 Jul 09
White women are more attracted to men with long and big penis that they always have fantasy about. I've noticed the majority of White women like to date bad guys that enjoyed lying and blinding their women
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Danielle says:Posted: 26 Jul 09
I am a white woman and recently began dating an Indonesian man. For the first time in many years I can see myself getting married again. He is sweet, considerate, loving and fun. He is not rich and sends money home regularly. My friends see this as a financial burden and would be a source of tension in their relationships. I find it refreshing to be with somebody so caring and responsible. If for some unforeseeable reason this relationship does not work out I will date other Asian men. Since we have been seeing each other I have noticed several Asian male and white female couples. I’m not the only one … just search sexy Asian men on facebook.
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John says:Posted: 21 Jul 09
King, Do not stereotype Asian women as easy to pull,they aren't. Some are just as hard.And Asian men spend too much time practicing Kung Fu. And you have been affected by the western media in terms of racial stereotyping. How would you like it if someone said "Black men cant be good husbands because they end up in jail before they reach 25". That would be mean, right. Please don't generalize people of race.
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Kisselda says:Posted: 18 Jul 09
I'm an Asian girl, who is currently having a sweet wonderful relationship with a caucasian guy (Finnish). There are so many obstacles...but we are working on it. e.g. currently long-distant but gonna meet soon. Being with someone out of your own race, would give you another perspective of life to look from. I have learnt alot more things from him than i have ever learnt from people of my own race. To TleighQ, im definitely not bitching at you...but i dont want you to think that all asian women are...quoted...."VERY materialistic, and dont want to think about anyone else but themselves". I have been knowing this Finnish guy for 7 months but i have never asked him what kind of car he drives. Or how much money he makes a month, a year. Or how big is his house. Or if he has any insurance policies. All im asking from him is his sincere love. Im praying for everyone's happiness and joy, no matter who you are with :)
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TleighQ says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
Hold on guys... I am a white female and i am engaged to an Asian man from Indonesia. this is what he tells me... He comes from a country where all the woman look the same (no offense to anyone) its hard to find "white people" in any asian country. he also says lots of asian girls are fakes and after money and nothing else (this is what HE says, and he's actually from an asian country. so nobody bitch at me!!)Asian girls (guys as well) are VERY materialistic, and dont want to think about anyone else but themselves. When he came to america almost 3 years ago, he said people here are so much nicer then there. how we met is a long story, but like i said, white people to them are different in looks, culture, and life. we have our troubles because of culture difference, but we love each other. Sure im lost when he is at work speaking Chinese (hes knows 5 languages O.o) but there again its a different expireance. like here in the US, lots of guys have asian fetishes.... because its hard to find here! look at any porn site and i promiss 9 times out of 10 they have an "Asian Fetish" section... the same concept goes for asian countrys about white people. he tells me its actually a privledge and an honor to be with a caucasian because all his friends want "white girlfriends" and his family is very happy that he is with an american girl. I never dreamed that i would marry a man from asia, but it just happens. we are different from one another and thats why we also love one another.
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46&2 says:Posted: 22 Jun 09
People are attracted to attractive people no matter what race. If a white girl finds a specific Asian man attractive, then so be it. Everyone has their own taste in what they consider "beauty".
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Jimmy says:Posted: 19 Jun 09
I think a lot of asian men find white women beautiful... it is no longer that asian men only date asian women. There are a lot of better fish in the sea.. why stick with the same old stuff?
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Sterlingbros says:Posted: 19 Jun 09
THERE IS NOT A RISE IN THE ASIAN MAN-CAUCASIAN WOMAN INTERRACIAL COMBO! Where is this nonsense coming from? It seems like you see more of this combo, but really, aren't there a rise in general with interracial dating of all races (some interracial couples more than others particularly between white man with asian woman and black man with white woman). Asian men are still not seen as sexy compared to other races, especially in the entertainment industry (i.e. movies like "21" and the recent Dragonball Evolution), because asian men aren't considered bankable. Just for fun (don't take this seriously), asian women in the U.S. = SEXY! but asian men in the U.S. = TECH SUPPORT!
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Kelli says:Posted: 16 Jun 09
I am a white female involved with a Thai man. These rumors floating around about asian men are unfounded. My fiance stands 6'2, 175 pounds and is very well endowed (8.5 inches in length and 6 inches in width)a fabulous lover! He is always respectful and treats me like a queen. People need to get over these pejudices. When I look at him I see the man I love, not an Asian person.
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Joie says:Posted: 08 Jun 09
I am a Filipina. I have never dated anyone since I am more focused in empowering myself as a woman and in knowing my responsibilities in my society. Besides, I have never experienced any peer pressure to engage in a relationship when I was a teen. Most of the people of different cultural orientations think of Asian women as submissive and inferior. In the Philippines, there have been a huge progress in the social and political status of women. In truth, before the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, Filipino women were already playing important political roles. I have friends who are very dedicated to success; they know what they want from life, and they also know how to achieve them. I have noticed, however, that we all have one thing in common. Our definition of success goes hand in hand with our capabilities to sustain our families. This is due to the fact that the concept of family ties is deeply embedded in the Filipino psyche. Our concept of marriage is also influenced by our religion. It is in the Christian doctrines that "wives should respect their husbands and in return, husbands should love their respective wives." As for me, relationship will not work without respect. Besides, respect is one of the ingredients of love. I grew up seeing my mother asserting her own ideas to my father when she thinks she is right. This is possible because they communicated well and respect is still there. I also grew up making my own choices because our father encourages us to do so. (My father was an ex-soldier).
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kris20003 says:Posted: 07 Jun 09
I've dated men of all races, including Asian men, and have had both positive and negative experiences. At the end of the day, I was the common denominator in each of the relationships and the quality of the relationship mostly depended upon how much I loved myself, my willingness to communicate my boundaries and to respect his, and how I would allow myself to be treated. Some people seem to think they show some degree of "intelligence" in their ability to gauge the actions, worth, and value of an individual based upon stereotypes. And don’t get me wrong, as I respect that each individual has had some bad experiences with some racial and cultural groups and better experiences with others. But, those experiences can and should not be used to justify typecasting an entire group of people. Not only is it ignorant and unfair, but it becomes hypocritical when you complain about others projecting their prejudices onto you. And trust me, in this world, someone is always manifesting their prejudices on someone. The reality is that stereotypes, whether positive or negative, are MYTHS and fear-based. And they're generally wielded by people too lazy or cowardly to step outside of their comfort zone to find out the universal truth that within us all exists the ability to do good or evil, to be dignified or degenerate. Rather, they rely upon accounts from others, far-away observances, and experiences with maybe 10, or even 100 out of over 10 million of a group of people, to validate their ignorance. As much as people want to cling to their stereotypes about one group being better or worse than the other, human behavior TRANSCENDS race and some more "enlightened" people here spoke to that in earlier posts. Look at world history and both the atrocities, compassion, and courage committed by EVERY single racial group on this planet. Some within the same “racial” groups still bear grudges against each other. Do you think all of that somehow dissolves just because you have a preference for one group and a prejudice against another? There is NOTHING new under the sun each individual makes a choice to exercise their free will, regardless of the influences or pressure upon them. But, an entire race or culture of people should not have to bear the responsibility for the wrong or take credit for the positive actions displayed by someone of that same group. We are ALL linked and interdependent, whether you like it or not. And another universal law is that what goes around comes around. And the issues you have with others are ultimately issues that you have with yourself. After all, the prejudices you have are coming from within YOUR heart. And what you speak reflects more upon YOU than it ever will about who you speak about. Change your pattern of thinking and stop looking at people based upon stereotypes and symbols. Be BRAVE enough to look beyond the stereotypes to the humanity and the DIGNITY of that person, regardless of race, ethnicity, and religion. You’ll be surprised at the wealth of love reciprocated when you extend it. As the quote goes, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
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sweetie says:Posted: 23 Apr 09
im an asian.All my life i have been living in asia and of course dated asians men.Coming from a family who are intolerant bout other races somehow makes it difficult for me to date others who has different beliefs from me.There was time when my family incite fear in me when they found out im dating a chinese man.While another time i was nearly been chased out of home.That happened when was in my mid 20's.one of the chinese guy i dated for many years somehow dint appreciate me. i was being cheated over and over again.Because of the love i had for him i stayed and forgive and trying to convince my ex that im willing to let go everything behind just to be with him.Somehow he never changed and in fact he even had the cheek to accused me that im the cause of his "hypogonadism" as he believed i sucked his "chi" out of his body.After years of hurt and pain he dump me and ever since that i never looked back.i have lost faith in asian men from what i been through in the past.Mostly asian men that i dated are cunning,never appreciates or respect me as a woman and egoist.Shortly after that i met my current bf who is a caucasian.i had never dreamt of dating caucasian before and since this is my first time i was truly surprised how different he is from the type of men i been used to.He has all the admirable qualities that im looking for and what important is that he truly loves me and sincerely wanted to marry me.He also doesnt have any issues when it comes to my background which is coming from a conservative family as well as different beliefs.I cried tears of joy knowing i finally found my soulmate.I dont know bout asian women dating caucasian all because of the physical aspects and asian women being submissive.For me i wouldnt mind dating anyone as long as he loves me and accepts me for who i am.Its just so happened i found love in a white male who loves me as much as i love him.And im also not saying all asian men are undesirable or bad.Its just me that unlucky in the past.
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Nkiyomi says:Posted: 17 Mar 09
I see alot of truths and some untruths in these postings. I grew up here in So Cal, the O.C. to be specific. Mixed couples are very common, as well as same race couples. It has to do with demographics, the larger the population, the more variety of people living many lifestyles and different reasons for getting together. Here in So Cal, most mixed couples don't even get a second look from people (Californians tend to also mind their own business more as well). Living in any large city in the U.S. will have mixed couples- like the man from Austin Tx stated. There was also a young Asian man on here that said that he had some problems with women in the U.K.- that is completely understandable. I have a friend who is half Hispanic and lives in a small village in England. She said that the British are very cliquish, and are not that open to foreigners like Americans are. Americans are used to immigrants more than other peoples, so its easier to date outside one's race, especially since people pick their own mates, and family and religious considerations are not as important as say in the Middle East or India. So overall, whether it be the U.S or large modern metropolitan areas in the world, mixed couples are more common, and not frowned upon as much. So I think that Asian men, for example, dating outside their race has become more common. One interesting thing I want to mention is that while I was stating earlier that since many people live in large cities- like in the U.S for example, and how that makes it easier to intermarry, there is another trend going on simultaneously that might slightly offset that trend. Since we are having a global economic crisis that of course has hit the U.S on a large scale, people are moving out of the cities and back out to smaller towns or even rural areas where the price of living is lower, the neighborhoods better, etc. If this trend continues, then even though there is the trend of of intermarriage, people moving into small towns may cause more of a tendency to marry one's own kind more often. However, it should be taken into consideration that the people moving out of the cities are not only whites- they are also other races, especially some Asians who are moving out as well. So even in the small towns there might still be intermarriage because of the theory of familiarity and not race, I'm taking a guess.
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 12 Mar 09
nysgirl, thats right ! Who has time to worry about who shares a pillow with who? I'm trying to make sure mine doesn't end up with her head on someone elses pillow! LOL
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nysgirl says:Posted: 12 Mar 09
I am a black female married to an Asian male(Southeastern). I don't think Asian men look funny. The sex is great. They work more at pleasing you rather than just satisfying themselves and are great to be around. It shouldn't matter who someone else is with just as long as they are not trying to have sex with your spouse or significant other. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. P.S. I think Asian guys are very sexy!!!
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NotABro says:Posted: 03 Mar 09
While we are on the topic of racial sensitivity, why not protest against Miley Cyrus and her insensitive portrayal of Asians. What's next? She's paints her faces black and does a "Jazz Singer" routine?
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Arcangel says:Posted: 08 Feb 09
hahahah! yeah. Asian US president should happen really soon. Im running for it. No really. LOL. Look at the United Nation guy, Ban Ki Moon. Hey Jude(LOL), have you ever seen southeastern asian hunks? like moi?LOL. you dont stand a chance against me dude. =) . You'll wish you have my skin, its honey brown natural you know, go cook yourself under the sun still thats the best thing you can ever do to get the same result and still thats not close enough, hahahahah!!. And i have a big eyes too. LOL. We southeastern guys looked good naked. You dont even look like you have a skin,...pinky.
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guy says:Posted: 05 Feb 09
Check out Hung Lo the first Chinese male porn star fucking white women at shelovesasiancock.com. I hope this website will bring awareness to white, black, hispanic, jewish, arab and native indian people in America that many asian men do have large penis size like Hung Lo and are not always shorter than white men. Look at Yao Ming he is the tallest basketball player in the NBA. Yao has better skills than any basketball player in the history of the NBA that was taller than 7' 5" that includes the likes of Mark Eaton, Shawn Bradley and Manute Bol. There was this fear in the early 20th century in america by white men that asian men were animals, beasts and barbaric because they have large families, very horny and must fuck a lot. The white man then made a concerted effort to dehumanize the asian man to be sexless, unappealing, skinny with buck teeth, short in height with a small penis size so as to protect the white women from cross breeding and having mixed race kids. This disinformation has been constantly circulated in the media (movies, tv, radio, books, newspapers, and magazines) for the last 80 years. How can so many white people believe these stereotypes for so many years. The late Bruce Lee the martial arts expert and actor is so macho, robust, masculine and is a stud with no buck teeth. Are we to believe that he is uglier than Kelsey Grammer, unappealing, feminine like all asian men, too soft, can't fuck white women because he is asian, by the way his wife is white. Are we to believe that Yao Ming who is asian has a penis size smaller than Mini Me who is white from the Austin Powers movies. For all those asian men haters out there, wake up and smell the coffee, Porn star Hung Lo is not the only asian man in America fucking white women. Face the facts asian men haters, times have changed and an asian man/white woman couple will no longer be perceived as taboo, odd, a rarity or an aberration but will be seen as mainstream and ubiquitous. A black man is now the president of the U.S. and an asian president will happen in the future. Keep it up Hung Lo at shelovesasiancock.com
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Member says:Posted: 03 Feb 09
Hey Jude, The only off-human here is YOU my man. You must be delusional if you think ONLY Asian women date other races. Just because you don't see Asian men in the movies and tv shows in the states don't mean we don't represent. Please do not pass outdated judgment based on the Asian fetish porn we both know you spend too much time on. And the femininity part, it has been imposed on us since the first Asians started representing in the U.S. Trust, my friend, if we weren't representing, they wouldn't cater to us ballers in Las Vegas. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/13/business/13vegas.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1&adxnnl=1&ref=business&adxnnlx=1181765111-kQcb6PY7YZlotqsliOCMMA You wouldn't see all these ballers putting Asian ink on their skin http://www.eviltattoo.com/sp.html If we don't rep, who the heck invented the book on F*cking, my man. Kama Sutra, ever hear of it? Its Asian. Or are you too busy eating FLIED LICE? Ain't it funny how Chinese eat dog and cat but then you STILL order from Golden Wok? Or Happy Panda? Oh, it must be the FEAR that permeates your entire being to want to hold the Chinaman down. No matter how you try to denigrate me, oppress me, force me to take up jobs that aren't masculine (cooking, cleaning, beauty) we will STILL SURVIVE. Its been happening since we built the railroads. It's the year 4097 and because of "off-humans" much like yourself, it still happens. Trust me playboy, you will be working for me someday. Now, GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM.
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jude says:Posted: 03 Feb 09
asian men are weird looking. some call it ugly but i call it off-human. that's why their women come to us, be it white, black or other. simple truth. we represent the beauty they lack and can't see in "their" men. you asian men need to man yourselves up in an american society. we don't idolize femininity in men as the asian/chinese culture does as in the wen-wu relationship stressed there. men and women have specific gender roles to play once you recognize your sexual preference. stop looking for a handout! get your respect by earning it! you just have to overcome more than others so good luck.
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SAVLuvAsianDudes says:Posted: 30 Jan 09
Fortune Teller I am from Texas and I am friends with bunch of different Asian Guys that would totally disagree with you! In fact a whole huge community! They do not get treated different, unless you are talking about getting treated with the upmost repsect. Now, I dont know about the smaller hick towns, but in the big cities like Houston, Austin and Dallas. LOL! They own some of the hottest spots, they have connections in other big cities too, like LA,San Fran, NYC, New Orleans and MIA. If there are anyone with a problem with any of these men being Asian they hide it very very well. I know racism still exists and unfortunately there are always going to be sick, ignorant people and they are everywhere. And so what I dont care as long as they stay out of my way and out of my face!
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SAVLuvAsianDudes says:Posted: 30 Jan 09
Thanks Guy!!!! I am going to check him (Hung Lo) out right now!!! And as for ArcAngel!!! Love your post!!! Let me know when ya single and I am so there!!!lol!!!
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guy says:Posted: 14 Jan 09
For all those people who believe in the stereotype of Asian men have small penises check out Hung Lo who is Chinese the first Asian porn star in America at shelovesasiancock.com. He is endowed and does deliver with the white women he has sex with. I believe for many white people in America the thought of an Asian man having sex with a white women is so taboo, so unacceptable and so abnormal. Asian men have been neutered by the white media for so many years with the stereotype of being sexless, duds, having small dicks, unromantic, not good looking and can never be jocks. As the Asian population increases and more Asian men are involved in the entertainment field like actor John Cho, director Justin Lin and professional sports like Yao Ming in the NBA and Hung Lo in the porn industry more white women will date Asian men and the myth of a small penis is not related to a race but to an individual. Some White, Black, Hispanic, Native American and Middle Eastern guys have small penises. Hung Lo has shown that you can't judge a man's size by his race...
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Member says:Posted: 13 Jan 09
Why Asian American females in interracial relationships are worthy of the "sell out" moniker.? This concerns Asian Female/white male hypocrisy: Asian American females often assert that Asian males are intolerant of Asian female/white male interracial relationships yet the truth is that any intolerance with Asian interracial relationships exists with white males who support Asian female/White male relationships yet denounce Asian male/white female relationships or any relationship involving white females and nonwhite males in general. Not only do white males have a history of violence and prohibition against these kinds of relationships but they have shown their discontent of these relationships through violence, laws that inhibit these relationships and in modern times divergent depictions of support for white males in interracial relationships and disapproval of Asian males in relationships with white females and any relationships of nonwhite males with white females in general. Asian females do not have the right to question Asian male tolerance towards Asian female interracial relationships with white males as Asian males have been more than tolerant with these kinds of relationships probably to a fault. The fact that there aren't news stories about Asian males acting disapprovingly towards Af/WM relationships by spitting, punching, verbally abusing or trying to physically or socially inhibit these relationships prove that Asian males are more decent guys than white guys when it comes to these kinds of relationships. White males have had a history of inhibiting their women from having relationships with nonwhite males even to this day through violence, passing of laws, social and media conditioning and other despicable acts of intolerance. In modern times, white males are prevented from committing racist and hypocritical actions to prevent nonwhite male unions with white females by law, yet these racist and hypocritical sentiments are shown through social disapproval and media disapproval of nonwhite males with white females and support for white male/nonwhite female relationships. This includes violent and threatening actions shown to relationships between nonwhite males and white women. If white males were given the power, they would make every effort to inhibit relationships between white women and nonwhite males. In modern times, the only real way the white male can control interracial relationships is to manipulate images in the media hoping that these images would shield white women from interracial relationships with nonwhite males and if possible promote nonwhite female relationships with white males. It's difficult for white males to manipulate the black and Hispanic community in this regard because their population sizes are too large and because they have political and social influence that Asians do not have. Blacks in this country have the NAACP, Nation of Islam, Bloods and Crips street gangs to defend against white media denigration and manipulation of their people. If they can't influence the media to control their image through politics, they can thug their way to make sure that their images are portrayed correctly. Hispanic groups have a huge population base with bordering nations which minimizes them from the negative effects of the American media. A majority of them keep true to their identity which makes it hard for the media to control their social patterns. Asian people neither have a large population size in this country nor do they have any prominent social or political groups that can defend against the negative manipulation of the white media which allows whites to divide and manipulate Asian Americans. They have made Asian female interracial relationships with white males acceptable yet denounce any unions between Asian males and white females. Though this hasn't stopped Asian male interracial relationships with white females, they are doing their best to make sure that Asian males have a hard time with these relationships. Asian women are deserving of the "sell out" moniker not because they're in interracial relationship with white males but because even though they know that white males have a history of racist hypocritical patterns when it comes to Asian interracial relationships, they see no reason to question this hypocrisy yet finds it easy to blame Asian males to boaster their hypocritical behavior. Asian females do not have the right to question Asian guys for questioning their interracial relationships when white males have had a history of making it illegal and in the present time denouncing Asian male relationships with white females. It is because of the Asian female's unquestionable acceptance of white male hypocrisy and racist pattern which includes constant deriding of Asian males to support their relationships that they are worthy of the sell out moniker from Asian males and everybody else who’s familiar the meaning of word "decency."
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Too bad Asian men don't like black women. They seem to be in the same boat. For the Asian man "lucky" enough to score a white woman, he must be feeling the same joy as black men have been enjoying since the white man made it legal for black men and white women to walk around together in public.