Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?
Have you noticed a recent surge in Asian men and white women being together lately? Bruce Lee and Linda Lee Caldwell were one of Hollywood's first Asian man/Caucasian women celebrity couples … and that was in the 60s! So what's changed?
The question is, why is this interracial combo not as widespread as other interracial combos?
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There is definitely a higher percentage of Asian women with white men than ever before. Why?
The video below was taken by video crew who asked random and predominantly Asian guys and girls "Why Asian girls are attracted to white guys". Guess what... Stereotype! Stereotype and more Stereotype!
According to the video, most respondents described Asian men as being too shy or unassertive. The woman also stated Asian men were too effeminate and even too short! Apparently this is turning Asian women away and they are beginning to look elsewhere.
Asian stereotypes have been created by society in general. Enough articles have been written about what I would like to call stereotypical racism in the Asian community – for instance, how Caucasian men actively seek an Asian woman because of their exotic looks and supposed submissivenes?. How many have this so called Asian fetish or yellow fever?
Asian females, on the other hand, have constantly been disgraced and labeled "white-washed" women busy trying to climb the social ladder by their own communities and are finding more acceptance with races other than their own.
So what about the rise of interracial relationships between the Asian man and Caucasian woman? Is it that Asian men are fed up with their female counterparts and that they take revenge by dating Caucasian women? (just a thought) Or just that there are fewer Asian females in their dating pool so they are expanding their own horizons?
My conclusion is that maybe it's not that at all. I think people should be intelligent enough not to allow trivial stereotypes to conform to their preferences on who to date. Why do you think there is a rise in the Asian man-Caucasian woman interracial combo?
447 responses to "Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?"
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Rabbitz says:Posted: 21 Jan 10
I don't know where people are getting the idea that AMWF couples are on the rise? I live in the San Francisco bay area where we have one of the highest Asian American populations in the country. In all of 2009, I saw fewer than 5 AMWF couples. So I don't think this is a growing trend. But I wanted to say something about our Asian females dating Caucasian men. This is ultimately a good thing. We as Asians are in our infancy as far as our integration into American society. Just as African Americans gained acceptance into the US through music and sports among other things, Asian people will gain acceptance through our women. It will mostly be AA women who will reap the benefits of this, but some AA men might catch some spill off. So to all of you Asian American women out there, you are our ambassadors to mainstream American society - do your best to represent us and foster acceptance.
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Peter says:Posted: 20 Jan 10
Hi, just gota say im am a 17 yearold British white guy living in Canada (moved here 2 years ago). My girl friend is asian (chinese) and recently moved here too, i have to make it clear the reason i am with her is becouse i love her and thats it.
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OC says:Posted: 18 Jan 10
You know the saying once you go Asian you don't go Caucasian? I'm white and I proved that saying to be true (at least about myself) by dating a Korean guy for awhile, then dating a white for a very short period of time. Dating my own race felt wrong and now I am back with my Korean boyfriend. Maybe I just find him more intriguing than white guys because he's from the other side of the globe.
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Cookiejack says:Posted: 17 Jan 10
I guess no one in this world can speak for their own ethnic, is not like if you're asian, u are speaking for the whole Asian race. This is wrong, we are all Americans, how come we treat each other so different just because of our look. I'm an Asian, and I always thought of myself as just some kind of stupid second class citizen that can't take charge. It's like I was born to be treated that way. And i think we should all see each other not as asian, black, hispanic, caucasian or any other ethnic. We're all Americans, and that's what we should treat each other as. (lol , it's not like anyone will read the last comment, whoever that read it good for you have seeing my will.
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theman7 says:Posted: 29 May 11
i know eh. it's the same thing here in Canada when it comes to the dating game and relationships Asians are retreated like 2nd class and the only non-asian girls into asian guys are those that seem to be obssessed with anime or stuff like kpop, kdramas XD the f**king asian pop culture.
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Erica says:Posted: 15 Jan 10
I am mainly attracted to asian men only, and im currently dating a vietnamese guy. I perfer asian guys only because they are clean, Very sweet, and respectful.
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SGBoy says:Posted: 13 Jan 10
Wow Yap i dont buy this race-mixing crap. I want my kids to look Chinese.
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blork says:Posted: 10 Jan 10
white men want feminine = long hair, pretty, soft voice, respectful, dresses, etc women asian women want masculine = independent, adventure, provide, protect
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Distain says:Posted: 08 Jan 10
I have always found Chinese, Japanese and all other types of Asian men to be very attractive! Im a white women so I guess we don't all buy the stereo type.
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Alan says:Posted: 07 Jan 10
i'm british chinese and all my exs are white and a couple of blacks. My current gf is italian. She loves me to bits and beg me never to leave her. Certainly i get lots of attention from white girls all around so i don't see any fuss. I fink ppl jus try to put ppl down or stereotype. Eitherway i'm havin a great time wif my woman.
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Member says:Posted: 07 Jan 10
I also have noticed more Asian American guys with white women in recent years. I think its just simple fact that many Asian Americans guys have come of age. Most have grown up in America and have assimilated to the white dominated culture. I've dated mostly white women all my life. These are the women who are most abundant in my life from work to dating circles. In my case, it doesn't hurt that I'm 6' 1". According to US Census, 1 out of 3 East Asian American guys who were born in US or raised here are married to white women. With surprisingly Korean American guys with the highest outmarriage ratio. There goes that KPride theory. Didn't know that did ya?
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zachMac1985 says:Posted: 06 Jan 10
I'm a caucasian male and not racist. However, I simply do not find oriental women attractive (facially). An ethnicity I find attractive that are non-Caucasian (I consider latinas caucasian so I'm not counting them here) are South Asian women (e.g. Indian, Sri Lankan, etc)
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RycherX says:Posted: 06 Jan 10
Basically, if you're an asian guy in the United States, you have to be an above average asian guy in terms of looks and/or money. Not only do you have to be above average, you have to be socially assimilated. All of the asian guys I've met who've been tall good looking and popular growing up in their respective cities hold their own. They have no trouble getting their fair share of white/brown/other girls. Granted, they may not own the show as as white male who looks like Brad Pitt but will still get their fair share poontang. If you're the average run-of-the-mill asian guy, you're at a huge disadvantage.
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CG says:Posted: 01 Jan 10
The whole discussion is funny. I just ended a ended a relationship with a Caucasian. It was great when it lasted. Sometimes she never understands why I am emotional. I turned out to see things better after it ended. At the end it does not matter. You get what you deserve. Cuz it does not matter who you marry, just treat and respect each other properly. All is well. jl good for you dude.
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jl says:Posted: 29 Dec 09
asian guys are usually hopless because they're simply idiots who spike their hair. Im an asian dude with a hot south african (caucasian) gf. She's 5'10'' and I'm 6'6''. My height is probably what got me in. Ha
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denawong says:Posted: 27 Dec 09
Hey Ramen "Please,speak for yourself. Maybe this is true in Chinese culture but certainly NOT true in Korean culture. Among Asians Koreans are perhaps most nationalistic. We don’t hold whites on a pedestal. Japanese are famous for that.No offense but most self loathing Asians tends to be Chinese. I’ve come across more ChineseAmericans with such low self esteem here." WRONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXJpq99Xoxs
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Member says:Posted: 23 Dec 09
well i think its da person inside. who da h* cares bout da race.. dats wat stupid ppl go by is da race! da only ding dat matters is the person inside ppl! but dink wat ur want! but im rite! i really luv asian men esp. da 1's dat r short wit a ponytail n really squinted eyez! so dam sexy!!
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Rick says:Posted: 23 Dec 09
I'm an Asian guy in California and maybe 90% of the women I have dated have been white. I've dated Asian, Black, Latinas as well. Asian women who choose non-Asian men should do it if they don't feel the attraction for AM's. Just means more non-Asian women available to us anyway.
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homesteader says:Posted: 19 Dec 09
Morgan ; Stay on the Blogs and it openly shows your pretty Picture / More people will see you Daily . Best of Luck / this site worked for Us .
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John says:Posted: 19 Dec 09
Im an Asian man. I only get into relationship with Asian females. Not putting down any other type of females. Many asian females should be damn ashame of themselves for their self hate. You're disgusting. Treating yourself like a whores for some white guy with a fetish. For white guys that puts down their own sisters. You need some real ass kicking by some white females. What they aren't good enough for you??? For the white guys that respects their own women..how can you sit back and watch these asshole put your own women down like that??
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Morgan says:Posted: 18 Dec 09
I have only recently begun to think of finding a partner (I'm 22 but was busy with school and stuff and didn't want distractions) so now I started to explore who I am attracted to and somehow I have realize that there is nothing cuter than a dark haired Asian guy with nice eyes. I think it must be the culture too, I've never been the typical american girl and find most white guys intensely annoying. And like Krystal above I look very young for my age and the white guys seem to look right over me and think I'm 16 because of my shyness, young face and bellow average bust. I even took a silly facebook quiz the other day and was laughing too hard cause it told me I was really Japanese lol. I'm of course still open to the right guy of any race but so far there has been nothing about the white or black guys that I really want. Asian is just my preference. I even prefer the food, growing up I wouldn't eat a hamburger, sooo unamaerican of me haha, and yet I'd eat all kinds of other stuff that would turn my friends green. One thing that is baffling to me still is that I keep offering my favorite candy to white friends, which is crystalyzed candied ginger, and they all think it's gross. Wierdos :P
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JCheng says:Posted: 17 Dec 09
I'm an Asian guy and I've had white girlfriends and so has my friends. You know I think a lot of it is mostly in our heads. There's so many Asian guys who go around thinking that a white girl won't have him and they have these limiting beliefs even before they go over and just say hi. So guys just react in two ways. The first way is to just resign to that thinking and never approaching (and staying dateless) and the other reaction is to get angry about it and it shows when they talk to white women - like they have something to prove. I mean, some of it is definitely also about how the media has portrayed Asian males as either Kung Fu masters with heavy Chinese accents or geek, computer nerd types and it's inexcusable really, but how you react to that is entirely up to you. In the end, women are attracted to confident men and if you are comfortable with who you are, then it's going to show and you will be attractive to women. I worked hard on getting over my negative thinking. I also took the advice of some Asian guys who were very succesful with white women. I made friends with them and went out with them. I also bought a product called Asian Dating Superstars (http://asiandatingsuperstars.org), that was really good at motivating me. My current girlfriend is Chinese, but it's not because I couldn't date white women, she is just a great girl!
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Mason says:Posted: 16 Dec 09
Nguyen is an idiot. You cannot equate AM/WF with AF/WM because there is a class differential. Men will screw anything that moves. Every man knows this. So does every woman. Asian women only want White men. And Asian men do not approach them because it has been too long that AF's shrink away at the sight of ANY other Asian, whether it be male or female. When a White man can get White women, he will go for nothing else. When he is over the hill and single, with no prospects for White women, he will go for younger Asian women. AF's are sacrificing their diginity and standing in the world just for social camouflage, which is only an illusion--everyone knows what's going on.
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kayman says:Posted: 16 Dec 09
I think it's because Asian women tend to put whiteness and white men on a pedastal. The desire to be like white women and dating white men in their mind is the key to getting there.
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homesteader says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
Truth ; Is boxers shave their heads to keep sweat from Clouding their eyes in the Heat of Battle . Women treat Men as Men treat them / Did you ever feel Lightheaded after spreading all this unrelated Manure . My hair is Full and far longer than just past my Shoulders . Title of topic - " Why are Asian men and Caucasion women , more common lately ? " First sentence - " Why Asian girls go for White guys . " Is this a Riddle ? or just Confusion on Authors part ?
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ugh says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
Vixfix: knowing Thailand, those women threw themselves at white men because the women see them as sugar daddies who will bring them to the US where they can have good lives. This has been thoroughly documented and I`m not saying it to bring anyone down.
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TheTruth says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
Also, no one wants white girls anymore because of their bad atittudes
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TheTruth says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
White men have a higher risk of balding than asian men. African american men have the least likelihood of balding. Once you go black, you will end up in a wheel chair.
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vixfix says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
I'm first generation Chinese-American. Went to Thailand on vacation a few years back. Many beautiful Thai women who ONLY dated white men. Actually, they only TALKED white men. It was nuts. At the clubs, they just threw themselves that them. But funny thing was, I met a waitress at a restaurant, and she fell in love with me. But only because I was "American". Crazy stuff. What does this say? Here in the States, (especially on the coasts), the whole AW/WM phenom has been happening for quite some time. Remember the movie China Girl in the '80's? That was the harbinger of the phenom. Then came the "Lover", set in 1930's French Indochina (now Vietnam) about a rich Chinese man and his teenage French girlfriend. Personally, I've dated both Asian (Chinese, Korean, and Japanese) women, as well as white (Irish/German, Danish/French Canadian, and Romanian/Israeli) and latina (Mexican, Salvadorian) women. No preference as to race, but found I got along better with non-asian chicas. Anyway, I'm just rambling at this point, but I think all of this inter-racial dating is analogous to people being tired of eating the same type of food. For example, if one eat hamburgers all of the time, and was introduced to a delicious pizza, one would then be fascinated by that pizza. And if one ate pizza all off of the time, and was introduced to a delicious pulled-pork sandwich, one would love that pulled-pork sandwich. Similarly, if one was dating people of the same race all of the time, and was introduced to an attractive and receptive someone of another race, one would feel an attraction for that "other food".
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whateva says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
i guess Asian women see white men as a premium breed. They are the most superficial species on earth..Not all Asian women are like but fake, ugly chink women are the worthless sort... they think they are the worthy and feel the need to be validated when seeing walking hand in hand with with a white dick.. They cannot see beyond skin color cos to them white represents status and they will be treated as white superiority..... Lame but true .. I dont make this one up.. i have encountered and seen all same chinese women.. same ol, same ol pretentious fakeness.. dont get me wrong, I have nothing against interracial dating but not for wrong reasons
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thecurious says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
Are east indain guys with white girl couples common in America? I heard that east indian guys have the worst here in the dating scene, that true?
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theman7 says:Posted: 29 May 11
where im from yes, because they come off as creepers [no offence] in bars and clubs and dont know how to talk to women. they are weird or too shy but of course not all of them are like that lol
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Lisa says:Posted: 04 Dec 09
Alright so I think White girls like asains because well.. Look at them~ They are so cute. They are pretty different. its no different if its black and asian or latino and asian. And well If you like there background there culture, You will probably fall in love with people in the background. I mean Im with a viet. And he is the sweetest thing ever! -planning to get married-. Its just A adventure for us. Somthing else to explore. I know NO one that does not like there background even if they like it alittle. But really I fall for there smile <3 Im so happy its like this now. White guys though like asian girls because they are pretty cute as well. They are like little dolls, that just lures them in. Or somthing..uh.. well there..private area. I dont think alot of guys knows this so mostly just there look but they have it well.."tight" so yah.. But for asains there "thing" is small , Well for some. But really its all in love. You cant help it if you fall in love with somone thats different. I think its pretty Magical.
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joe says:Posted: 04 Dec 09
To be honest, I have been physically attracted to every race I was exposed to so far: Caucasian, African American, Asian (includes Eastern Asia too). I don't have any skin preference, don't have a type of eye, hair, or skin color I prefer - you may call be desperate but wait . . . I do PREFER a nice smile (straight teeth, not yellow either), and to be somewhat in shape. Love is love isn't it? I love all, if they love me for me (and I like to better myself everyday, so it's not like I don't care of myself).
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BlondeGuy says:Posted: 02 Dec 09
Well, it seems to me that there is a lot of paranoia about Whites marrying non-Whites and that Whites are going to end up disappearing from the face of the Planet. Well, in my family, there is just me and a white female cousin living with a black man, who has got a couple of kids. The rest of my family are all married to Whites, pumping out a lot of white kids. The fact remains that 95% of Whites marry Whites, those of us who date and marry outside of our race are still a very small minority. Even though I think my fiancee is a godess, most white guys arent interested in non-White women (more fool them !)and so those of us who prefer non-Whites will always be a small minority.
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Cassie says:Posted: 29 Nov 09
i personally am very attracted to asian men...to me it doesn't really come down to the fact that they are asian it comes down to what i'm physically attracted to...i'm a sucker for a guy who has black hair and brown eyes...i have green-blue eyes that change color and red hair(no it's not natural) and i love men who look different than me...and yes that mean that i'm attracted to asian, latino and black men...does that mean i will only date them no i have dated white men but it's just what i'm attracted to...because lets face it no relationship with work if your not physically attracted to someone...
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 20 Nov 09
@ Bellara - as far as the guys comments and the Hi Fives from his buddies, tell me what does his persspective have you thinking? Men who need to be in control will seek out women that they can control. For him to state that, "you cant control BW", implies that she needs to be controlled. What man in his right mind wants a woman that he has to control? You control children not grown women! You right this guy is not the brightest!
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petroxg says:Posted: 19 Nov 09
Bellara, those asian guys you are talking about make me sick. I m a chinese guy, but those kind of asian guy u r talking about don't deserve any wife at all. I agree with u. Wow, didn't know that white women like asian men that much. I am already married to an asian wife, and I love my wife very much. But if I would known about white women actually interested in asian men 10 years ago, I would of ask one out and the outcome might of been different. What can I say, I am a nerd and was too chicken to ask out any other race of women other than asian. Now for men that get jealous of any interacial relationship/marriage. I think those men need to get a life and move on. There are plenty of men or women out there single looking for a relationship. Why do they have to be so short-sighted and can't look past a few of those interacial relationship they run across.
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mariqueta says:Posted: 18 Nov 09
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Bellara says:Posted: 18 Nov 09
in my psychology class we had a similar discussion like this and one guy said "am into asian chicks because u can't control a black girl, white girls are too whiny and has her family all up in ur buisness but asian girls can be controlled and even abused and nobody will care because the families are against divorce and strong believers of "for better or for worse", and they will rather cover the situation up than speak out about it. he was hi5ed by some of his buddied... this guy is obviously a pure bred fool, but his perspective has me thinking.
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shawna says:Posted: 16 Nov 09
i'm a white woman who dates mostly asian men. i have always been more physically attracted to asians. i don't know why. i'm 5'9" and don't have any trouble running into plenty of asian men taller than me. that myth about the size of their goodies is just that: a myth. i didn't read all the posts, but i skimmed one that mentioned not wanting to date people who look like they could be your bro/sis. that might be it for me. asian men are as different looking from me as it gets. soooooo sexyyyyyyyy =)
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Krystal says:Posted: 13 Nov 09
There are a lot of am/wf couples in Los Angeles and I'm half of one of them. I'm very small and I look young for my age... like a lot of other white girls I know who have these same traits... we have been getting more and more attention from asian guys. None of us are complaining. White guys used to tell me I had a pretty face but I was too tiny, now I'm with a wonderful (and ridiculously hot) asian guy who treats me like gold. I came out the winner, to be honest. I'm seeing a lot of jealous and catty comments about white and asian women, which leads me to believe that many people are seething with jealousy. That's their own problem. And I don't know if you guys have read the news about this lately, but there have been several studies showing that white american men do NOT have a preference for asian women, but asian women choose not to discriminate against white men. There are a handful of asiaphile white men just like there are a handful of europhile asian men (I have had the displeasure of running into these guys and once they start fawning over my hair and eyes I run for the hills). To the jealous, racist fool who said that white american men are "sick of" white american, I highly recommend that you educate yourself and look at the US census which clearly shows that more than 95% of those men are marrying white american women.
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Moviefan says:Posted: 13 Nov 09
Hello Everybody, I have found this site in response to my own confused googling: I am an American white woman ,1st generation Northern Italian on one side, and northern European decent on the other. I am in a troubled marriage ; I'm married to a white guy who is very controlling and domineering. Within the past few weeks, I have been blatantly "hit on" by two East Asian guys. I was struck with how romantic, intelligent and funny both of these guys were; particularly the latter. They both made me feel like a Princess,.... at a time when I was feeling particularly low about myself. Incidentally, I get hit on a lot by white guys, too. But they make me just want to roll my eyes. If I go through with a divorce, I would love to hook up with a nice Asian man, partiularly the last one that flirted with me. He actually walked into a door because he was staring at me. I couldn't help laughing. What earned him lots of points was that he laughed, too. I felt an instant connection on a spiritual level with this man. I would be worried about an Asian guy's intentions. Both guys who flirted with me were prominent upper class, higher income males. Were they just flirting with me because I am white and therefore a status trophy of sorts? ( I'm a tiny, slender petite (5'2"), feminine woman: fit but with curves, blonde with big greenish blue eyes). Would an Asian man consider me for a serious relationship, or is that just reserved for other Asians? I must say that it is tremendously flattering to be hit on by two east Asian men in a few weeks, more so than when white guys hit on me: after all, Asian women are so beautiful, it made me feel special to gain attention from their men . : )
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BlondeGuy says:Posted: 11 Nov 09
From my own personal experiences of dating white, black and asian women, ive found asian women come out top just above black women. Black women maybe make better girlfriends but Asian women better wives, hence im now engaged to one. Both ive found better than white women. Sex: Black - +9 Asian - +7 White - +6 Fun to be with: Black - +8 Asian - +7 White - +4 Caringness: Asian - +9 Black - +7 White - +5 Easiness to offend: Black - -6 White - -4 Asian - -2 So total scores are Asian - 21 Black - 18 White - 13 As I said that's just from personal experience.
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petroxg says:Posted: 10 Nov 09
This is all stereotype. Only 1 thing is true, inter-racial relationship/marriage is more common now. Other than that, everything else are stereotypes. They are just as commom. My best friend, white guy is engage to a japanese girl, marrying soon. However, my other good buddy, chinese guy, have been in relationship with just about any race other than his own kind (chinese), he has been with white, brazilian, latino, japanese...and so on. So both are equally common. I am a chinese guy married a cambodian wife. We are both asian. Still exist. I know a lot of young asian couples these days still. So the point is? All type of relationship are just as common. There is one thing though, I do find that the difference in culture actually make the couple trying to understand each other better. Even within the same race, there are still differences in cultures. Versus if u r chinese to a chinese opposite sex, both will insist what they know about chinese culture and more right and will never work out. My wife and I even though we are both asian, we have different culture, chinese/cambodian. To make it worse, our family have different religion, Buddhist and Catholic. You have no idea the kind of craps and drama we went through just to get marry officially and make everyone happy. But our faith and love to each other were strong, and pulled it through still. Now we are 1 big happy family.
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ImAwesome says:Posted: 28 Oct 09
im a asian male who grew up in a white and black community. my first Girlfriend was black and now she's a model for source and king magazine. Also for all those sterotypes out there that were all number crunching nerds that's completely false. Because i suck so bad at math it's not even funny. Im 5'11 which is pretty average but im bigger then your average American muscle wise. I just wanted to erase that scrawny asian sterotype out completly Im attractrated to all races mainly any chick with dark hair,tan, and light eyes. but i have not once dated a asian chick. It's not that i wouldn't but i havn't had the chance to. Right now im dating a italian girl i've noticed that our cultures are pretty similar, like that were pretty family oriented. Her family seems to like me and my family feels the same about her but when we do go out we do get them funny stares. All im saying don't belive all them sterotypes and if your do your just a ignorant fuck that deserves to get shit on simple as that
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Member says:Posted: 15 Oct 09
Its nice to know that there's a website like this.I live in a area where I'm like the only asian around within two hundred mile ya in the middle of nowhere.I'm adopted raised by my white parents.at the beginning it was hard for me to get a girl but now I'm 26 yrs old and it seems like I've became a commodity in this area with the girls especially with the older hot ones I love it.But I do wish I could find someone to settle down with not like I wasn't giving any of them a chance for something real.And oh ya with the guys in my area where I live there is lot of hostility at me when I do have a white woman with me,but I don't care.well try to not let it bother me.Like I have any choice there's nothing but white women and that's all there is.
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Nguyen says:Posted: 09 Oct 09
I am an Chinese female who was born in American with a more traditional family background. Currently, I’m dating an Italian guy who seems like a sweet guy and has every good quality a person should have. On a personal level I don’t have a problem dating Asians or Caucasian guys since I’ve found both attractive. However, with my past experience I have always have been hit on/sexually harassed on by Caucasian males, usually by older men who are one step away from looking like a homeless person *shiver down the spine*. I have also joined dating sites and end up getting messages from guys who have no problems discussing their young Asian girl fetish *again shiver*. So I’m a bit of a sceptic as to what is going on in this guy’s head, since he is always saying that I’m beautiful and sexy. But if I’m all those things then how come I have never had an Asian guy ask me out? Is it really because Asian guys are shy? I kind of don’t believe in the whole Asian guy being shy thing. I honestly think that is an excuse, since most Asian guys are very ambitious and goal oriented. So why couldn’t they focus some of that ambition on a girl. Honestly, the worst that could happen is the girl is not interested, it wouldn’t determine your life. The guy I’m dating is both a Caucasian and older then me by at least ten years old. So this could just me being paranoid but none the less I would still like to hear you opinions. Particularly, the other Asian girls and you’re experience on this subject. I would truly like to believe that Caucasian guys are not marriage/dating Asian girls for their exotic looks but more for their compatibility and personality.
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MKIM72 says:Posted: 29 Sep 09
I am a white female that loves Asian men too... Most of my boyfriends have been Korean (an nyeong ha seyo!) But my current sweetie is Chinese. I just never found white men to be attractive at all... maybe its wrong to have an Asian fetish but I cant help it if I find Asian men to be sexy :-) I prefer men that are shorter than me... Im 5ft 8 Yes Asian men are more feminine looking than white guys (lack of body hair in general) But I like that.. Korean men are the tallest its true but they are so beautiful with those Korean bunny rabbit cheeks :-) I love Asian culture because its complex and has depth . American culture lacks that... IMO Asian men are superior to white american males... (plus Asian guys have better sexual stamina LOL) Asian men tend to be a bit more possessive with their women but they treat their women better.... More white women need to hook up with Asian guys... you just don't know what you are missing out on... As I like to say... aint no finer fellow than one thats yellow!! :-)
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theman7 says:Posted: 29 May 11
obssessed much with yellow fever, and the kpop/kdrama world, korean pop culture XD jks regards, korean guy
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mariqueta says:Posted: 27 Sep 09
well. most asian men tend to go for white women than their own kind. asian men needs a white girl instead of stupid asian women!! a white girl will treat an asian man with more love and have a more sexual side than an asian girl. a white women will love them more. and mostly all the time asian men tend to go for blonde hair girls. like me. of course!!! but all i can say is asian girl are fucked up and they have to suck it up!! asian girls date white men and asian guys date white girls. it looks much better. asian guys are just really sexy and do it for me, they are my type.
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asiansensation says:Posted: 24 Sep 09
I believe this video was shot by undergraduate college students - which was well done - except they did not interview any white women. If you are going to do a video on something like this, it isn't effective to exclude a group from it, especially if they are a part of the research! Additionally, some of the comments were made on a superficial level (what these girls individually find attractive, which is entirely subjective) and really very unimportant in establishing a long term relationship. What matters is within, not height, penis size, etc. And I am sure someone has mentioned the stereotype about Asian men and small penis size - a huge myth, let me tell you. And then to shyness: isn't this a universal truth with men interested in women? Few are able to just waltz over to a love interest and confess their adoration and desire for them. It is human to be shy or nervous, not a ethnic characteristic to blanket entire groups with. This is a shame because we are just creating barriers with these stereotypes. Also, for every metro sexual Asian dude, there are five metro sexual white dudes, so go figure! I just felt like I needed to represent the white females out there: I am a white woman dating a handsome Filipino man and have been exceptionally satisfied in all situations and from every angle. I am tall, much taller than him, and this has not been a problem in anyway. My attraction to him is strong, not just physical (he is gorgeous) but emotional and intellectual as well. He is protective and attentive, and just wants to please me. I am loved like I have never been before, and it is beautiful. Like others have mentioned, we need to get past this "oh my god, he is dating someone outside his race!!!???" drama. It really isn't a "race" issue as it is a willingness to move past stereotypes, embrace the very very small differences between people and enjoy the huge commonalities that we all ultimately possess.
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I am a Chinese guy from The Netherlands and have been living in Switzerland for the past 10 years. My current girlfriend of 3 years is a Swiss blonde. My last two relationships were with a Tunisian/Greek woman and an incredibly sexy (if I may say so) Sri Lankan woman. You could kind of say that I am an equal opportunity guy when it comes to dating women. Personally, I happen to know of a string of Asian man-western woman combos among my acquaintances. For example, one of my Swiss girlfriend's work colleagues is married to a Japanese guy. My barber, who just so happens to be a Japanese guy, was married to a Swiss woman, just a like a couple of his own Japanese friends. Then there is the daughter of my girlfriend's private flute teacher who married a Japanese guy. Just in case you were thinking that we are dealing with some kind of local phenomenon mainly limited to Japanese guys, I am befriended with a Chinese opera singer whose 19 year old son is being romantically pursued by a number of his Swiss girl classmates in school (he is a good-looking, and a very outgoing and confident chap). Last but not least, a Chinese friend of mine has been pursued by a Swiss lady, asking him to date her. However, he stubbornly wants to date Chinese women only. I have been trying hard to convince him to go for European women, but so far without any luck – I may have to resort to putting (ground) hallucinogenic mushrooms in his drink one day…. In addition, lately I have started to actively pay attention to interracial couples on the streets, and so far I have sighted an increasing number of such couples involving Asian guys. As one example, last Sunday, as I was strolling in the park, I came across a Chinese guy walking arm in arm with a Swiss woman, probably married judging from the two young mixed looking boys who were with them. It is undeniable that many decades of racist and demeaning stereotyping perpetuated by Hollywood have had a severe toll on the dating chances of (East) Asian men. With this in mind, one could discount my personal observations as just anecdotal "evidence"; nevertheless I believe that things are finally changing for the better for Asian guys in the dating scene. In the latest release of marriage and co-habitation data by the European census and marriage registry bureau for the year 2008, analysts have discovered a significant trend toward greatly increasing numbers of European women marrying and living with Asian men residing in European Union member countries. Globalization and the gradual shift of economic and political power to East Asia have also led to an increase in more balanced, positive and truthful images of Asian men. Even Hollywood is realizing this and catching up. On a personal level, what also helps a lot is to be confident when approaching women (especially western ones) and be able to hold an intelligent conversation interlaced with humor (I believe these are one of the reasons why I have been hit on by numerous white women, mostly in corporate environments).