Why Rationality Seems Scarce and Why it Matters {Audio}
Have you noticed that the representatives of every generation between 'The Flintstones" great-grandparents and our own will, at some point, shake their wise old heads at the folly of youth and proclaim that life was better back when they were kids? If its true, does it men that human race has been on a downward trajectory ever since the beginning?
Joining us today is Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker, who in his latest book, Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters argues that the opposite is true: there’s never been a better time to be alive.
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He shows us how criticizing the present is really just a way of criticizing your rivals, why taking the time to appreciate how far we’ve come gives us the perspective we need to build a better future, and much more. Listen, learn, and enjoy!
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