Why white men love the black woman
Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?
It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.
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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.
However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.
So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?
Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.
Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.
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steel_core says:Posted: 22 Mar 12
I'm a european, from a pretty mono-racial society. Came to the states and found myself especially attracted to black ladies. Initially I was pretty ignorant about all the controversies even though I thought I knew the history... That blissful ignorance is long gone. :) Being much more aware now I'm still going for what I want. Don't care what anybody says and I'm ready to stand up for myself (and her) when challenged. Peace to you all and respect to all who run after what they want whatever the obstacles!
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WhiteMamma says:Posted: 22 Mar 12
Todd it's just jealousy, plain & simple. They want what they want, but you can't have what you want. They want white women if they want them, but you are not allowed to have black women - haha. I would like to say this here: Any black person who says they "own" their own race is a racist. What I mean, black women saying black men "belong" to them? Haha, you do not own them, they own themselves. Are you not saying here "stick to your own race?" Indeed, you are saying that. I met a dentist on this dating service who preferred white women....He got hate letters from black women saying "After you succeed (he is a millionaire) you dump us black women & go for white? YOU OWE US!" Hey - somebody help me here. Do I own white men because I am white? Do I have the right to tell them who, what race, they should date? I don't think so. They are free men, what's it got to do with me? It's their body. They should date who they like. Really, stop being racists - stop telling people who they should go out with!
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zenpisces says:Posted: 23 Mar 12
So true WhiteMamma no one owes any other person except natural respect and dignity . After that you must represent your self , your spirit and your heart . You should feel free and be free to date who your heart desires . My " woman" would always walk next to me , with me .
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WhiteMamma says:Posted: 22 Mar 12
Thank you Zen, Mike & others...yes I have dated all races & social classes, & like I said, the social class makes the difference...Truly the black males I date who are educated, have social skills, have decent jobs, have less ANGST, FRUSTRATION, TENSION & ANGER than do the poverty class persons. I have been punched (on the street where our clubs are) several times by "ghetto class" men & I have also been robbed three times ON DATES by the same types. The ghetto males have made me fearful when yelling at me behind closed doors. This has never happened with professional class black or white males. Again, I add, black males from ghettos are loathe to kiss on the lips or do oral on a female, (& yet they all expect oral.) There are always exceptions to these rules. A 25 yr old black male I dated did wonderful oral, but, haha, he stole my ATM card & a lot of money from me - but I got the $$ back & he did jail time....Nothing like this ever happened with the college educated black or white males...truly, I think it's the class more than anything. The educated black males have good social skills just like the educated white males, the “hillbilly” or “ghetto” white males are backward also. The black ghetto guys make women walk BEHIND THEM! People need SOCIAL SKILLS - THESE must be taught - those in the poverty class have little chance to learn, there is too much hardship, too little time, too little constructive recreation - life is TOO HARD for those in poverty. And you - when you love them - become their victims. I am doing myself a favor & dating only the professional types, or at least those who have decent jobs, not “underground” work like drug dealing. I might also add that we are moving into a MIXED RACE AMERICA. In the last years I have seen "black" people becoming more & more mixed. This is like another "race". Every generation, there are more mixed race people, it's growing exponentially. Has anyone else noticed? And so, soon, "black" people will be extremely rare - America will be biracial & mixed race majority I believe. No one can stop the races from mixing - the human instinct sees no racial barrier for love, romance & sex - our instincts override our OPINIONS.
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SpeckledDove says:Posted: 21 Mar 12
You can never know whom you fall in love with, it's something that just happens, whether he's white or black but then again, before you fall in love, you always have this idea in your head, of the kind of man or woman you want to fall in love with and once you stumble upon him or her, the rest is history and to hell with what others think :-)
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vanessa2luv says:Posted: 17 Mar 12
love is all that matter , doesnt matter if your black or white...... micheal jackson. lol
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todd1973 says:Posted: 17 Mar 12
WOW lots of great stories and comments here and i agree with most, i grew up in Northern Maine where when i grew up 70's,80's and 90's there were no or few black people, why? no idea, it was when i joined the Army when i met lots of different people, we werent raised racist or anything but really didnt get the chance to interact with other races, but my 2 best friends were black men who i could trust with my life and they felt the same way and as i spent more time in the Army (8 years total) i got to know a lot of black men who became best friends, i got involved with my first black female months after i joined, it was my best friends classmate, he set me up with her and we hit it off....we dated for awhile and thats when i knew i was attracted strongly to black women, i dont hate or wont date other races but my preference is black women, and i was stationed in the south and i will say that it is not easy to date interracially in the south, wow, but i like what i like and nobody will ever tell me who to date, but i have a question and would like feedback from black males, why is it when a black man see's a white man with a black female they get upset, mad, and start using racist remarks( yes this has actually happened to me) but when i asked them who they dated or prefer to date they say white women, well im confused a little, so its ok for a black male to date white women but not ok for white men to date black women, i dont get it, i put my pants on just like everyone else so why the harassment? not saying all black men feel the same just saying i have been through it so i know cause the black men i asked about this they said they only dated white women i will never understand that....lol
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lottidotti says:Posted: 26 Mar 12
i;m 39 and i.ve dated white men all my life dont get me wrong i am attracted to other race but more to white men i think its how i grew up being the only black people in our neighborhood and the only blacks in school it seem like i had no choice but as i grew up hanging out with all my friends and we would go places where all races there well i would never get approched by a black man just my white friends it was always a white man approching me dont know why that was because i knew i was as attracted as my friends are but black men didnt c me attractive at all.but now everywhere i go black men and white men approch me .i do date black men and white men well anyone of another race as long as they treat me right but over all i love me some white men.
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nika23 says:Posted: 27 Jun 12
My point exactly, what's with the double standard. Some black men say that they want black women waiting there for them as an option so they don't want anyone else to have us. They say it's why they make up ridiculous lies about us so men of other races won't want us. I'm glad those lies didn't work on you and you see of as individuals who can also be good people.
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MIKEZICO says:Posted: 17 Mar 12
Yes WhiteMamma l do agree with you. You have a point there. Poverty and class determines so many things and brings out so many behaviors in people( WHITE or BLACK).
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talllady says:Posted: 18 Mar 12
Great question, black females would like answers to that as well...I don't think there will be a good forthcoming answer.
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WhiteMamma says:Posted: 16 Mar 12
the imp. thing of note here is people of various classes. There is a huge difference in behavior between the professional class vs. ghetto class. Professional class black women & men act a lot like professional class white women & men. There are problems with the poverty (ghetto) class white & black males & females. The poverty class are beset with problems, & those who relate to them might become their victims in terms of being intimidated, manhandled or even robbed. There is a difference also in the romantic & sexual behavior. After much experience in this department, I seek only to date professional class males, black or white. There are a lot less problems, I mean you eliminate 90% of your problems when you date the professional class. These guys (haha) even pay for the dates. You can actually carry on a conversation with them. They kiss on the lips, thank God.
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zenpisces says:Posted: 20 Mar 12
Dear WhiteMamma I just read your blog from 3/16/2012 and I do agree with you . I think there is a different mindset in that the mind is more open to listening and sharing ideas , thoughts and similar life experiences once the " professional level" is achieved . Professional people tend to be more out of the box thinkers and have not allowed fences to be built around them either intellectually or socially . In terms of romantic and sexual behavior much of that goes back to the open mind and open ears . I mean really listening to what the other has to say and what the other feels . Taking that in and feeling the body language or the vibe it allows you to act more confidently because while you have heard what that person has said you have listened even better . Communication and great conversation say over dinner or brunch while enjoying good food but even better... delicious company . Holding the door for that woman , seating and unseating her , rising from the table if she excuses herself to the ladies room and then standing and seating her upon her return. It is about extending to her that true feeling that she is a lady , is special and is worth your undivided attention . I would love to know what others think of this .
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Lady_Dy says:Posted: 16 Mar 12
I've come to realize my depths, my needs, my strongest desires and my appreciations change as time relates to my maturity. I've been involved on both sides of the fence: both white and black. I believe as individuals our lives have helped to make and shape us to who we are at each moment we take a reflection of ourselves. By our own accord do we make adjustments to make or break any relationship. I find for me, being in the relationships of past, I've enjoyed relationships interracially, rather than same race. For what my heart desires from my mate and how we allow ourselves to be fully involved, interracially involved better suites me. I enjoy the feeling of being greatly appreciated, loved, gently engrossed through the expressions and romantic inclinations of love and kindness. There seems to be a gentleness and sincere interest in me, family, dedication, our careers & daily life together. This is not a statement against African American males by far. I'm expressing my experiences and differences in relationships I've been involved in. It's really a decision for anyone based on their bottom line. Be it preference based on color, maturity, age, location or any other asset included in their desired outlooks. Be with whom is best for you, mine...just happens to be within the realm of a white/black relationship, and I'm most comfortable there.
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natasha says:Posted: 14 Mar 12
I love whites,just for who they are and the fact that its what my heart desire.i believe women should not give up just because so and so said this or that about whites or you.i've tried 'our black guys' but at the end of the day it has never worked.
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talllady says:Posted: 13 Mar 12
Does this match even exist in a proportion that is relative, though on paper this macth is suppose to be one of the better interracial matches, there is little to no growth with this demographic, even more so in this polorized climate caused by the economic downturn. I look at the threads to this blog and others and find that the comments are overwhemningly from black females, (almost wishful). There seems to be this delusion that this coupling is a growing trend and it's not...I think unfortunately for the black female the lack of quality partners is a cycle we will have to endure, quite frankly until something catastrophic happens.
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Ausar719 says:Posted: 12 Mar 12
I was married to a beautiful black man, who gave me 2 beautiful children. We grew apart. I love black men like the next woman. However, dating on line has opened up a whole new world. White men, and others are unabashingly letting me know that they are attracted to me too. I think being yourself, and knowing what you want helps. But All men, want a sexy, educated, lady in the street freak in the bed woman...
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Mathaps says:Posted: 07 Mar 12
Hey :) There is more to life,other than race, culture, religion and roots.... Its humanity, our souls and spirits to live our fuller lives.....they all equall Love. something we all cant afford to live without.
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Rosso87 says:Posted: 05 Mar 12
It's rare to see a Wm with a BW, unless she's mixed.
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rosebud35 says:Posted: 04 Mar 12
Iam a black woman dating a white man from the UK, we have been going out 2yrs, and i find him to be so loving and kind. We have fun an my sons love him. It was something that just happend. And I don't regreat one moment of it. Love is where you find it.
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BreenaCouch says:Posted: 25 Feb 12
Its 2012 and everyone just needs to be a little more open to other races besides their own. Im black and love white guys :) Skin color is just someting on the outside. You remove that and we all look the same
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Carla says:Posted: 23 Feb 12
Give me a white man any day, they seem to know how to treat a woman well, most black men are lazy and always looking for a hand out.
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caliguy85 says:Posted: 26 Feb 12
Hahahahahahahahahahahah really?? Sounds like u were picking the wrong black men!!!!
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acuteblkguy says:Posted: 02 Mar 12
that prob has more to do with your circle of people, i've always said, if you think black men are lazy and always looking for a hand out, then you need to educate yourself in the friend department and get out there in the world. this day and age everyone should have a successful hard working black man in their life. blacks are as american as apple pie. to further blow your mind, look up statistics of black men on welfare, you'll quickly see that , it is far more common to come across a white male on welfare than a black man, why, simply because there are not enough blacks in the country to assert that we lead statistics in lazy or hand outs.
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Aleeee says:Posted: 06 Mar 12
Carla is right about the unmotivated part, some what... In the black culture, majority of the black women are better educated or motivated then the black men. Same in the white population, majority of the white men is more educated and motivated then the white women. That is why many black women when envolved with black guys complain so much because their unmotivated black man rather be at home baking cookies while she is at work breaking a sweat. In my opinion, the guys education and motivation skills needs to be equal to or greater then the woman.
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Aleeee says:Posted: 28 Mar 12
GIRLS, please read throughly before replying.. I never said all black men are lazy.. I said a lot of them are unmotivated. There are some great black men out there. And personally I love black men and latino men.. They are my first preference.. RELAX.. It doesn't matter what part of the world I'm from. I'm stating facts. In the black culture once again, majority of the black women are more motivated then the black men. And in the white culture white mmen are more motivated and educated then the white women..
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Karrma1 says:Posted: 31 Mar 12
If you're coming across a lot of lazy black men in your path...maybe you should get off the path of the lazy black men....that your choice. In my life path I have come across few lazy people period...what that saying...."YOU are what YOU attract!" ...my .02 cents.
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Aleeee says:Posted: 01 Apr 12
Sweety, your are taking this personal. If you are what you atract?.. Why are you still searching? Obviously your men were not able to hold it down for you. You can't control who work with you, who go to school with you or the people you come across in public. Don't be ignorannt. You can tell a lot about a person from how they conduct themselves. Just like your profile.. Everything says, find out later. And on top of it you only wrote out a few sentences. That spells LAZY. You see whaat I'm saying? I didn't come across you you came across me.. You get it?.. So when I say their are more motivated black women then black men, you can excuse yourself from the list... I DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS.. I don't date your average Joe, Just like I don't rock wal-mart attire or anything that is not namebrand.
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l.shorty says:Posted: 25 Mar 12
All black men are not lazy I have came across some hardworking black man!
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26bunny26 says:Posted: 28 Mar 12
Where do u ppl live saying all this crap. Being haitian American I guess I see things diff from u blk females that r claiming white men are better. It's okay for u to like out of ur race but let's stop putting ur own race dwn to prove a point. Cuz ur not. Ur just proving to be dumb as hell. I love white men. But i'll never sit her and day my grandfather who worked for the government and Haiti had no work ethics or ny father who sewed clothe or ny uncle who spent yrs in school getting phd. And then going back .to learn diff.Things was lazy. Let's not mention that he takes care of his children that the mother has abandoned. Just because i like white men I'm not going to say that my cousin who graduated magna cum laude is lazy My phone is rediculous. If u are reading some jumbled graph that cuz my phone and its auto correct is auto tucking me up.
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Rosso87 says:Posted: 19 Feb 12
Very very rare to see a wg with a bw where I live. More common to see a ww with a bm though.
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sugarmomma69 says:Posted: 29 Feb 12
I love your comment. I agree with you 100%.
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mariorn says:Posted: 10 Feb 12
Ladies i like black women. I like to know all about you. I believe GOD wants it that way. AMEN
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Anna says:Posted: 07 Feb 12
I personally feel that White Men have always been attracted to Black Women. One may want to take a look at history for better enlightenment of the dating scenes and marrying practices of White Men to Black Women. It's been going on long before now. I believe that most people are not aware because of where they generally seek information. The media had not been as open and more covert in publicizing, in my opinion the relationships between White Men and Black Women. Most often you readily see Black Men with White Women because it seems to be common practice with most black athletes. It is common place to hear and see in the media what the Black athletes are doing, who they marry and how much money the make.
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547 says:Posted: 06 Feb 12
its what yo heart feels.if you are comfortable then dont give a damm about what people think.do it
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SIMON1967 says:Posted: 05 Feb 12
I like black women because they're black. I'm sexually attracted to your colour in the same way in that other men are attracted to long legs and big busts. It's as simple as that. I don't belive that people of different races have different characteristics like being more romantic, make better parents or better spouses. I believe that we are all the same on the inside and my attraction to black women is purely physical. However, if you are also well endowed in the chest department, even better!
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kimara says:Posted: 30 Jan 12
what matters is what one feels for the other not colour.
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ThomL says:Posted: 28 Jan 12
White, black, yellow, pink or white....she is a woman not a skin colour.
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gurlwunder says:Posted: 30 Jan 12
@Thom Loveless - you are clearly the wisest one here. Great comment.
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Mimo200 says:Posted: 27 Jan 12
I love white men and always will..:) Its just inbuilt in me... and will never change my mind..;)
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pgirl19 says:Posted: 26 Jan 12
i believe dy reason y dy luv blacks is because of dere god given creature, nd d way d luks. Bt i fink i prefer white guys dan black guys, cus white guys kns hw 2 luv.
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pgirl19 says:Posted: 26 Jan 12
i believe dy reason y dy luv blacks is because of dere god given creature, nd d way d luks. Bt i fink i prefer white guys dan black guys.
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lsg85 says:Posted: 25 Jan 12
im attracted to features that i dont have, thats how ive been. and its really flattering and also a huge turn on when someone with those features finds interest in me or better yet, finds my features attractive.
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balloons says:Posted: 20 Jan 12
Now that I am mature and all grown up, I realize why my father always made sure that his wife and children had the opportunity to reside in a diverse neighborhood. I do not think it is wrong to date a white male. People should date who they feel close to and have real feelings for. Life is good as two,people want it to be. Smile.
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Blenc138 says:Posted: 04 Jan 12
I think it is only fair to keep all the options open in love and relationships. This is a very controversial subject still for the day we live in, because there exists so many hidden and unwritten rules of social etiquette that frowns upon interracial dating and marriage. But I married out of my race, and would do it again. I am not ashamed of who I am, I just know what I find attractive in a man and I get drawn to that often before even considering the race. I am not a stereotypical black woman and neither are many others. But sometimes society would like to keep us in a box, neatly wrapped for its own warped purposes. If others can break out of the box, why can't I?
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Dajomor says:Posted: 30 Dec 11
I have only to say this; several years ago I had occasion to become involved with a black woman. It wasn't on purpose, it just happened that way. I later realized that I was not even looking at a huge segment of the available female population. She even seemed surprised when I pursued her as if we were somehow "supposed" to be separate. She was a beautiful, strong, desirable black woman. Even though it didn't work out over time, she is still my good friend and I lover her very much. Being a single(divorced) white male, 50 years old, at least 50% of the women in my life are of color and, I have a very strong attraction to them. My ex and my grown children joke about it (good naturedly) "Dad only like black women" but hey, a whole new world and groups of cultures have opened up to me. I feel blessed.
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coach26 says:Posted: 30 Dec 11
That was very well said!!! I have also noticed that in interracial relationships, some White men seem to appreciate the very nature of the Black woman. I wear my hair natural and its is curly with alot of frizz to it lol, but however I have noticed that black men tend to veer away from the natural look.
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EddyReady says:Posted: 21 Jan 12
@ Coach26 I liked your comment,you hit the nail right on the head :) ! There is nothing more jazzy than a Black women showing her true god givin beauty ! If it's not broke,don't try to fix it :) ! EddyReady cares !
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bunmi says:Posted: 28 Dec 11
I love wm and forever wil.i guess i was born this way
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Mayowa1901 says:Posted: 22 Feb 12
I prefer to date a whiteman than black because the way the is gonna treat you is gonna different from the way the way black we treat you,white care about their wife but black they dont all they do is to beat their wife,so for me i will go for a white guy.
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SFeath says:Posted: 27 Feb 12
You are perpetuating a stereotype by saying that black men beat their wives and since you did not say "some" black men beat theri wives, your statement seems to be inclusive of all black men. Not all black men beat their black wives. I respect that you've chosen to date white men, but please don't perpetuate a stereotype all while overcoming a stereotype by virtue of the fact that you find white men intriguing and attractive which trumps the ideology that black women are "ride or die chicks for their black men." Meaning we will take anything, do anything for, be treated any way so long as we are with a black man. There are good black men and they are good white men. You should avoid making blanket statements about both--speak from your own experiences for they are not true of all black men nor are they conclusive of whatever "summary judgments you may have drawn about white men.
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acuteblkguy says:Posted: 02 Mar 12
you seem like a really simple person, maybe those black guys treated you that way, because of YOU not necessarily because they were black. look at the statistics, whites far more are involved in domestic violence than blacks. if you took every single black couple and you asserted that every black woman was beat by their black husband and even if this were true, the total population of blacks could not even compare to the number of whites involved in domestic violence. its simply impossible , theres not enough blacks in this country. your theory is pretty much flawed!!
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mikielovinit says:Posted: 24 Mar 12
I agree with this statement and I have seen this first hand. I know what I see and it is degrading to women. This is why black women do NOT like black men any longer, not all black men are this way but from what I have seen lately, the majority of them treat women,(black & white) like crap !!! Michael.
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26bunny26 says:Posted: 28 Mar 12
Oopsie....so many typos in what i wrote...lol. when i said that i think of them as my brothers I was speaking of blk men. And as was reading others articles I someone made a great point. He said he was sexually attracted to blk women's color in the sane respect that a man would be attracted to a women's butt or legs. I guess that's how I feel as well.
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MikeLib says:Posted: 01 Apr 12
I totally agree with you!!! I am a white male, who loves white women, black women, spanish women, asian etc., hope you get my gist. We in America have enough problems with this stereo typing thing. I respect opinions from all walks of life, I spent 4 years of my life in the military just to support all the opinions that are presented in this country.. To make any person a villain because of their beliefs or race upsets me to no end.. I owe a lot of my good fortunes to a number of people, both men and women, black, yellow, brown and even white!! I love all you people!!! But, just not into any one specific race ALL YOU WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL!!
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iamadiva says:Posted: 03 Apr 12
Ms. Mayowa1901, Please proof read before submitting. Your post makes you seem really (not smart) the post is all over the place... Good Luck with finding any guy white or black...
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caliguy85 says:Posted: 26 Feb 12
Daaaaaang like that? Where did u grow up at?
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sahara182000 says:Posted: 27 Dec 11
Yeah I have been in a situation where dudes have given me crap for dating a white man, but you know what I am going to date who I want to date. As long as the man I am with treats me right. I don't see color, I see a wonderful man :)
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taylor529 says:Posted: 25 Dec 11
This is 2011.things has changed,and you love whom you love.Stop bashing and follow your heart.I will and all the bashing will not stop me from love no matter what your race is.Sometimes looking outside the box is the best thing for you.I married outside my race.And will do it again.
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Essence94 says:Posted: 23 Dec 11
I agree with singleinsac. I remember back in high school the BMs wouldn't even look my way and reason being I was too dark and was told that I act "WHITE". I remember asking "what is act WHITE?" do you mean being proper. I was left with a comlpex all my life til this day I have a complex, I only date as I always say "I like them from light to white". I am not attracted to dark skin men. I thought I was the only person that felt that way until a few of my friends had experienced the same thing throught out high school and they also date only WM. The BMs back in high school only dated girls that were light skin, light eyes and long pretty hair or WFs. I remember in my 20's dating WM, relationship wise no problem but when it came to hoildays or family functions we couldn't spend it together because of the older generation not excepting the interracial dating sad to say, so the relationship can only go but so far. I also notice that most white men prefer a light skin woman with pointy nose , what the hell is Black/ Nonafrican Desent? I'm just not sure what a WM is trluy looking for in a black women.
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singleinsac says:Posted: 22 Dec 11
I have always thought that love should be color blind but that doesn't seem to always be the case. I have never looked at skin color (like them all) but I do find myself more attracted to white guys. Hopefully one day I will meet him. :)
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JDigriz says:Posted: 21 Dec 11
There are some really smart people posting here but I think they are just "thinking" a little to much. Looking for long winded explanations and debating sociological issues. Once again, and to simplify what Dire_Wolf said, a lot of Black Women are just really hot! But I'm a simple guy that way.
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Dire_Wolf says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
To say Black women have more confidence, yadda, yadda, yadda is silly because every person is different, regardless of race. As a matter of fact, most of the Black women that I'm attracted to are rather humble. I'm not ashamed to admit that it's a physical attraction. I mean, I've also came across White women that are just as humble as their black counterparts, but I'm not nearly as attracted to them. I'm not trying to objectify women of any race, but, for my personal taste, Black women just appeal to me. I find them to be physically gorgeous. I know other guys that feel the same way about White women, Asian women, Hispanic women, etc.
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HollyM says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
I hope everyone finds their soulmate in whatever shade they are meant to be. IMHO It all boils down to finding a partner who reflects mutual respect, honest communication, passion and the openness for unconditional love. We all deserve that no matter what color the person is. Very interesting topic..Happy holidays all.
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wellamella says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
White Men are d SWEETEST GUYS in d world. I Cherish & admire their faithful & honest nature. I can't wait 2 get connected 2 my sweet white prince-charmin & shower him with geniue love & respect 4eva. A Promise i've sworn 2 keep.
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sammichael55 says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
Why not get into why black woman are opening up to white males . I thought this was aaplace for open talk
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scuba013 says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
I have dated only a few black and beautiful beyond words, women. In our relationship, we had an undeniable bond and understanding. I find black women to be more supportive and caring. They have a passion that is seen upon their faces and yes, those amazing curves and that beautiful skin tone, sets my heart ablaze. I find that they speak their minds openly and express what is actually felt, not what seems to be okay for the moment. I love that. The confidence and beauty, WOW! I cannot say anymore, just, WOW. Amazing women, and I hope one day that everyone can see what I have been taught, Black women are just simply amazing females with a joy for life and family.
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Reese says:Posted: 20 Jan 12
They already did the article on black women who love white men.
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dmisnewbty1 says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
i like all types of men and i'm not going to lie i would like to marry outside of my race although we black people didn't have a great past i think that we shouldn't hold back because of that. the white people of today are not the same ones from that past and with that givin im not going to limit myself from finding the right person for myself. i think that people are always going to stare no matter what you are doing.......i just got used to it because they are not the ones that are making that big diff. in my life ..... on my last note do things to make you happy and forget how others feel cuz they would do you no better.
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r3llim says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
Okay I'm sorry but have to comment to what you just said and this isn't a remark about your choice in interracial dating. But you stated: "the white people of today are not the same ones from that past " and you know what you're right. But boy do some of those white people of today love to get back to the "good ole days" of lynching, torture, and abusing black people. That's why black people still have ill feelings towards whites even after slavery. It has nothing to do with black people holding a grudge over whites for slavery but many white people continuing those racists practices and not giving black people future generations a chance to forget it. Do what you want but please stop thinking that we live in a post racial society. I would love to live there but I'm too realistic enough to know that while some things change others things remain the same.
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Reese says:Posted: 20 Jan 12
Ofcourse there is. Regardless of who you date if you think racism is dead you are delusional.
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msbmb33 says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
I love white men do not get me wrong there are some handsome black men but i am attracted to white men you are right it is not about color it is who you fall in love with I just hope that I find a man that can love me for me and treat me with respect any white guys fit that mold
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RoxyW1214 says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
I think interracial dating is a beautiful thing. The first guy I had a crush on as a child was white and as a child I didn't really look at color. I just loved his dimples and thought his eyes were gorgeous. When we get older we start to look at color and we start second guessing ourselves for the sake of our "race" and/or family's perceptions. We stop "feeling" and start "seeing". But I do not recall in the Bible where God said he saw my color. Hmm...I think all people are beautiful and I find it unfair to judge an entire race and categorize them based off of what?? What society has deemed how one's race should act and behave? I've always been an individual and pride myself on not being what society says I should be. Yes, there is nothing wrong with having a preference of color (being more attracted to one over the other--I definitely have my preferences), but just be yourself and have fun and the right one would come. Right? LOL!!
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ladyshine says:Posted: 15 Dec 11
im looking for a wm, not bothered by societies thoughts, my happiness comes first. and if i knw i can find it in a wm and not a brother so be it.
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medium30 says:Posted: 06 Dec 11
Interesting comments that some whitemen have towards dating black women- I have not dated outside my race before because l felt l was playing it safe dating the blackman. However,my (black) brothers have issues and l decided to move on to the nicer men and one who understands and appreciates a very good woman. One who is not scared of dating an African woman who has desires,needs, wants and dreams and is probably living her dream.
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Dymund says:Posted: 29 Nov 11
Hello All. Truly, I'm so excited to see all the beautiful comments about interracial dating and love being without boundaries or color. I am a black woman, who only dates white men. I love so much about them. No each person is the same, but my perspective is merely dating back to those whom I have come across, befriended or dated. My first boyfriend was white and he was a sweetheart. I moved away from Ohio and we eventually lost contact. Later marrying a black man, nice guy but, I was not in love, it was out of obligation. After our divorce, I realized that I only wanted to be with who made me happy. Due to my personality (Caribbean background), my gentleness, warmth and touchy-feely affectionate self, lol, it was not very welcome by black men. It was about them and not at all much about US. I desired a mate, an equal, a partner, a significant other. Someone I could love on and go hiking or just jet skiing with. Most black men that I have come across prefer all but anything like these things. I like zip lining and discovering new places in the woods and so on, I can't get that out of a black man, lol (gently stated). So when I came back to my first love, "white men", I quickly realize what I had been missing all along. The opportunities to cook diner together, romantic evenings - not made only by me, but them too... aaawww, the best. I can see it now (smile)…sitting by the fireplace snuggled up and drinking wine and watching a "chick flick", lol. It was more scenes of compromise and thinking about US, rather than just hanging out with friends and forgetting that he had a "GOOD THING" waiting for him at home...thrilled and excited to see him. I just got on the dating seen again because I've been in school finishing my Law Degree, but again...my dating scene is still going be with my first love...A BEAUTIFUL IN HEART...SEXY TO ME...WHITE MALE!!! You all have made my day, Happy Belated Thanksgiving...I'm thankful I found this site and have now joined with like friends like you... Dymund (yes, this is my real name)
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Ausar719 says:Posted: 03 Dec 11
I started dating white men by accident. I joined a black dating web site, and to my surprise all of these white started flirting and emailing me.. I have been courageous enough to go a few dates with white men. They were attentive, made all of the plans, and daily these men let me know I am thougt of. I am educated, divorced with two sons. Black men did not mistreat me, all of my relationships the black men propsed with a ring. I believe black men become resentful for the same reasons that they fell in love with you. For example, your beauty, independence, education and your classy persona. As a social worker in new york for 20 yrs, sisters and brothers have relationship issues. One thing is for sure. We must stop putting each other down. Date whom you want because of how they treat you. Remember that you are modeling for your sons and daughters. Daily show self love, by eating and living right. Please, we have to stop sexing, drinking and drugging our problems away. You know there is a saying. You can fool anyone, but you can't fool yourself. Peace, love and blessings..
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As for me, i decided to try white men for the first time just to look outside the box, and believe me,it has only been 2 weeks and i am blown away. white men sure do know how to treat a woman. i am dating a white man now, and he treats like no man or should i say black man? has ever treated me before. I feel blessed.