Why white men love the black woman
Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?
It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.
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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.
However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.
So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?
Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.
Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.
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SHASDW says:Posted: 24 Dec 15
Whatever your reasons are. I say LOVE a whole lot. I'm not just referring to only the physical either. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL. I wish you unspeakable PEACE, HOPE everlasting and unwavering LOVE.
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Niece_B says:Posted: 12 Dec 15
I have been saying for the longest, once the lights are turned off we are all the same color. I have dated all ethnicities but prefer a Independent, educated, white man. Today I went on a date with a man and it was turned on by the conversation, and how he conducted himself. We have a second date approching this upcoming week!
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Chrishibbert says:Posted: 26 Nov 15
Black women look great on the beach sipping a cool wine, they remind me of a paradise island every time I see one.
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toniiaa28 says:Posted: 26 Nov 15
Love is love.most times what attracts you to someone at first is their appearance but what attracts you more and keeps you in love with someone is their personality. By knowing them better, you see past the physical looks and more concerned with the inner person. Thatz why sometimes, the good looking guys don't end up with good looking girls and vise versa. Its that simple.
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lupira says:Posted: 21 Nov 15
As an English woman,i even dirvoced my ex hubby to fulfill my dream of been in the arms of a white guy,I love them cause they are honest,loving, respectful, understanding, and helpful in all departments
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Queenie_Cake says:Posted: 18 Nov 15
Honestly it should not be an issue of why white men love black women it should just be a man loving a woman and vice versa. At the end of the day love whoever you want to love but do it fearlessly and with every ounce of you society and stereotypes have made us feel as though there is something wrong with wanting to be with someone outside of your race there's nothing wrong with it as it says in the Bible we are all created in His image we are all alike image of him so love whoever the hell you want to
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denese1974 says:Posted: 15 Nov 15
I gonna marry a white man that comes my way
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BklynMike1 says:Posted: 11 Nov 15
Some white guys find black women attractive. It is what it is as. End of story
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meoni says:Posted: 01 Nov 15
Honestly guys let's get real, white men are easy to love,understand and they are quite selfless. So to ma fellow blacks ,am marrying a white man what come may.
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loyal4lfye says:Posted: 07 Dec 15
A man is a man. If white men was so easy to love then you would be married to one right now!
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ShayBanks says:Posted: 26 Oct 15
Some of the comments on here by Black American women are outrageous and ignorant. You can like who you like but some of the comments smack of self.hating. I date any type of woman, I'm an African man but I will not be so ignorant as to put down my own Black women.
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desireeeee says:Posted: 26 Nov 15
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 28 Nov 15
No one is putting down BM. BW are just expressing their love for the men who love them. How is that putting down BM?
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urbanposh7 says:Posted: 01 Feb 16
I hope you share this same sentiment regarding self-hate with black men who make comments like these and worse.
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Summer_03 says:Posted: 10 Jun 17
Me, I will never put down a black man. Never ever. I know the struggles, I know the fight. I will not desert you just because I now choose to date another race. I love you my black brothers. Okay,.. I will only put u down in the privacy of other black peeps. Lols, wink, wink. Much love. Spread it.
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Loztaz says:Posted: 11 Oct 15
The fact is that guys like simplicity no mater the race n black ladies love being simple in all aspects compared to white ladies..
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ShailaBaila says:Posted: 30 Sep 15
I honestly find white guys more caring, outgoing, wanting to make it work with you, and I am SO extremely attracted to them. I don't discriminate, at all, but I TRULY see myself marrying and having a family with a white man. Not saying all white guys are perfect, nor are all black guys dogs. But what I've came across so far in my life and have seen, I know that I would like to have a white man. I do belive that true love should be flexible, understanding, limitless, mature, unconditional and passionate etc., but it's okay to have a preference sometimes. If you know what you want, great. If you just go with the flow, and anyone, even better. We all just want our soulmates, or "the one" lol All I know is, I'm ready for him. Wherever he is.
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greyskies1 says:Posted: 15 Jul 16
I was briefly in contact with a white guy. Looking back now, an entire year later, I honestly believe that he was looking for the black experience. However, there was a difference in how he spoke to me, and related to me. He was uplifting, complimentary, and encouraging. I had NEVER received that from a black man. I have more reasons than these, but I black men are no longer a dating option for me.
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Mikkilove says:Posted: 18 Sep 15
It is more challenging in the South to connect with a non black man. I find that some white men are attracted to black women here but it is still very much frowned upon. Add to that equation that I live in a fairly small town. I never sat out to date a white guy exclusively. It's all about the individual and what I hope to find in a relationship.
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BenP1974 says:Posted: 18 Sep 15
No love can compare to an Ebony woman's love. It is the purest. I could not agree more with the author and despise these racists and stereo-typists who have no idea what is fact and what is just their belief. Myself. I have been engaged to an ebony woman and married to a white girl. TBH white girls have nothing on you black beauties. I never loved anyone as much as my ex-fiance. Not even my white ex-wife of 10 years. I never regretted going black and have never considered going back. I will marry a black woman and have beautiful children with her. I have to say that I wish more white men would give black women a chance because black men do not treat you with the dignity that you deserve. Most are complete A-HOLES.
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JJhook8nh says:Posted: 15 Oct 15
I just love ebony women and there full of love and many many great attributes, I feel they know more how to teat the one they love more then any white woman! I have never dated a Ebony woman but i sure would love too
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Jettoe says:Posted: 24 Oct 15
You are so right and I could've said it better myself.
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Mooore says:Posted: 14 Sep 15
Colour, race is not important, love is vital, blind and unconditional
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Skyb11 says:Posted: 06 Sep 15
I wont speak for all but for myself. As a black woman, I respect a man's ego, I respect my man, polite, l know what it means to keep a family, and I would stand by my man though thick and thin. Then black women are clean. I would love to meet my own white man to show him the love and romance of a black woman. Lol
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swtie22 says:Posted: 05 Sep 15
hello i love the comments ...big up to the white guys that date black ladies ...
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swtie22 says:Posted: 05 Sep 15
am ablack beautiful muslim lady who admires to get true love from dating awhite guy.... my family is ok of who ever i get to choose white or black as long as muslim & they dnt mind..... but my problem here is that white guys here dnt like muslims i guess coz iam not noticed here ....... help guys am tired ov being lonely..... thanks
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cjmuffy says:Posted: 03 Sep 15
They are open to natural attraction. I was told that I was exotic. I love when I see mixed couples. The depth of that type of relationship has endless possibilities. I also see as a way of achieving world peace because your willingness to learn about other cultures.
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Sunryze says:Posted: 13 Aug 15
It's very erroneous indeed to attach patterns of behaviour - be they good or bad - to a 'race' or skin colour. Interracial dating holds a natural attraction visually for people like myself, but actually getting to know someone and what they are about takes time. Don't fall for positive cliches, no matter how well-meaning, and instead look deep for the character traits of that individual person....no two people are truly alike, and your 'white prince', 'black queen', etc may prove to be totally the opposite of what you want if you don't use common sense. We are all individuals, and therefore a lot more complex than what these articles can cover....having said that, enjoy your dates and be the best of who you are!
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ShayBanks says:Posted: 26 Oct 15
The most sensible comment on here. You'll be great for my sister.
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Ntsikie87 says:Posted: 09 Aug 15
I was scared to date one didn't know why..or maybe it was the fact that I grew up in a village of only blacks..till one day my boss took an interest in me..he really showed me how a woman should be treated n later on he said "I love black woman coz they love for real n respect sincerely most of all they forgive n forget"
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Loztaz says:Posted: 09 Aug 15
Black ladies are known to be respectful n carvy...the other thing black ladies believe in real romance n love n they give it 100%..
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Mmmathapelo says:Posted: 06 Aug 15
Men are men.. Black or white, its the same to me.. Personality is what matters to me..
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summer-luv93 says:Posted: 05 Aug 15
One thing I keep hearing is that we're strong. It's a compliment of course but I want to be able to be vulnerable with the man in my life too. I want to be able to cry in his arms if I need to and not just be this stoic "strong black woman"
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BenP1974 says:Posted: 18 Sep 15
You are implying that crying is weak. That is exactly the point. Strength is the ability to show vulnerability. So you just strengthened the argument that black women are stronger. Crying is not weakness sweetheart, it is strength. God Bless you
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triniti says:Posted: 08 Oct 15
Amen, I feel the same as you. I want a man I can lean on if there is a need to. I want to be vulnerable as well but I haven't found a man that is confident enough for me to express my vulnerability. Good Luck :)
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freedie says:Posted: 26 Jul 15
I have always been interested in dating white men, never had much connection with people of my own race and I have always been put down for feeling that way. I respect black men and there are really nice ones but the feeling is not there,I don't think I should be blamed for that. I am hopeful I get to meet nice ones here.
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BenP1974 says:Posted: 18 Sep 15
It is the same if someone is attracted to blonde with blue eyes. Your preference is not dictated by a birthplace or race. It is who you find visually appealing.
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Honey.Butter says:Posted: 02 Feb 15
I've ALWAYS loved other races. Just being into the different culture and lifestyle and mix babies are just the cutest! Glad I read this. So funny how I know a lot of white guys are indeed attracted to black women but they never approach or I find myself to scared to approached because of rejection.. Definitely would love to have a actual relationship with some of another race
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bencraig says:Posted: 05 Sep 15
Me too. I'm actively looking for a black woman to date. There is a fear of rejection. I've always been attracted though.
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BenP1974 says:Posted: 18 Sep 15
I am a fellow ebony lover. I am also named Ben. LOL. Do not be afraid. Black women are worth the risk and the reward is far greater. Trust me
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BenP1974 says:Posted: 18 Sep 15
Sweetheart you are gorgeous. I have to simply give you this advice. White men are very approachable. If you see a white guy smiling at you, give him a sign. Most of us don't know if you like white men or black men. So we are stand offish. Once you give us the "Nod" it is ok to approach you without fear of rejection, most of us will. A simple smile and a touch as you compliment them will work wonders. Just watch for the ring on the finger LOL
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Metrine says:Posted: 20 Feb 16
It's not only you guys that are afraid of rejection, I love dating out of my race but fear of rejection due to cultural differences and preferences cripples me...but am looking forward to have an actual relationship too..someday I guess
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SharShanelle says:Posted: 16 Jan 15
I am happy to see an article like this. I have had IR with latino men, few black men, and other cultures, although I have always had an attraction toward dating white men, I have never been approached, given compliments, no follow through, but definitely would like to explore.
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Mwaluke says:Posted: 08 Aug 14
I feel its individual taste so its not a crime to love...no matter how bad tempered somenoe can be,give them love and you will see a smile.Love has no boundaries be it white black green...LOVE has no colour.that's my opinion
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Brenad says:Posted: 29 Jul 14
seeing a white guy dating a black lady is a nice sight to see.... and it still happens because love goes where love is.:)
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MissTexas01 says:Posted: 28 Jul 14
I live in the south. I can tell you that white men definitely like black women. I catch them staring all the time. Not as many approach. It wasn't until I watched another one of your vlogs about the differences in how white men show interest vs what we are use to. I never knew there was a difference and I had to giggle a bit at all the subtle clues I had missed throughout the years. I digress. My hang up has not been if a white guy is interested but why. For a while I had unfair expectations of them. It was ok for a black guy to express sexual interest and desires but when I was on a date with a white guy and he did it I dismissed him. My reasoning was all he wanted was sex. The truth is when you are sexy a man can't help but have sexual desires for you. If they are heterosexual than endless walks on the beach, reading poetry, fixing things around the house, being Mr fix it is fueled by their desire not just bc they like holding hands. The article mentioned either being conservative or being a slut. There are many options in between. Most black women are not the twerking half naked rap video types. Well at least not in public. If you show that you are genuine and sincere you will be surprised at what the most conservative of black women will be towards you.
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mibu says:Posted: 29 Jul 14
Miss Texas. I think a lot of white guys feel they can be themselves around black women.one reason being black women don't expect that a white guy might be interested in them as much so they don't have to be nervous around black women. That takes a lot of pressure off a guy. I have felt that way in the past. When I can be myself around women . They are friendlier towards me.
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WM4Ebony says:Posted: 28 Oct 15
It's crazy but you lovely black women are incredibly beautiful....sensual.....and sexy......it's not our fault. Now how the man navigates around all that beauty is what needs to be sifted through so to speak.
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Odiri23 says:Posted: 23 Jul 14
My Preference has always been a white man I just love how they treat black women but you can't tell if they like black girl and I am scared to approach them. But I am on here to see if I can find my special guy.
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patou3012 says:Posted: 06 Aug 15
yes they know how to treat girl just be yourself and approach them
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Keisha35 says:Posted: 06 Sep 15
That is why I chose to visit this site to see if I can find my special someone and to see if I can find a white male confident enough to message me or flirt with me. I love men no matter the race but have always been interested in white men just haven't found one that would approach me. Luckily I've found a nice gentleman on here and we hit it off and have already had our first lunch date. Can't wait to see him again!
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Cocoa_elixir says:Posted: 22 Jul 14
I really admire the white men who love their Chocolate. Y'all are the best! :)
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TANGOBLAST64 says:Posted: 21 Jul 14
My view black women are the most natural forms of beauty
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Loztaz says:Posted: 09 Aug 15
Yeah n now racist who av been against our skin color since colonial time are starting to see the beauty in the color n it makes me more happy
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ruforme_ says:Posted: 09 Jul 14
I have always been open to dating all races and shades, its seems in American more black men seriously date and or marry white women, than white men doing the same with black women, black ladies be patient. I've had two amazing white boyfriends. Most people LOVE chocolate world-wide, so why not sweets in human form :-)
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mibu says:Posted: 03 Jul 14
Black women have always been friendlier to me than any other women. As the saying goes, people like people that like them.to me it is like having a hamburger with nothing on it but a stale bun.then someone comes along and offers me one with lettuce tomatoes pickles ketchup onion mustard cheese and mushrooms. And I am like wow this is so much different than what I had before. Why would I go back to that plain burger. Different isn't stale.my apologies for using a hamburger to make my point.
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Evelyn7 says:Posted: 05 Oct 14
Well I really enjoyed reading ur example that was nice. thankds for sharing..
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Evelyn7 says:Posted: 05 Oct 14
I'm hoping and Praying to meet the Man who God has Just for me, I know that he is out there somewhere I Pray that he find's me more Sooner than Later?..Im tired of being Single...
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Metrine says:Posted: 20 Feb 16
Me too Evelyn7,this world is so cold when alone
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Boyo2 says:Posted: 01 Jul 14
I never "decided" on dating white guys when I met my ex-. He just happened to be the nice guy that asked me out and boom I was in an interracial relationship. We went our separate ways on completely different grounds other than the dishonesty I previously suffered within my own race. I agree that all women are passionate about romance... and white guys bring that out well... Black guys are my brothers ;) no hard feelings... That's just as far as it goes, though... There is no way I am looking back.
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Sweet0909 says:Posted: 30 Jun 14
I dated a white guy before and I was blown away, I was treated like a queen and I hope I can find my soulmate here.....send me an Instant Message .....
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Ambermonique says:Posted: 25 Jun 14
I've always grown up in predominantly white societies so I was always attracted to white men but I never had the confidence to approach them in any way besides a friendly manner, nor did they approach me. I don't see many black woman and white men it's definitely the other way around, but when I do see an interracial couple (black woman/white man) it is nice to see!
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BrianLee1973 says:Posted: 23 Jun 14
I have gone on "dates" with and had sex black women. Never had a real "romance" or relationship with one, until now. I am absolutely in love, in every way, shape, and form. I love EVERYTHING about her. I couldn't be happier, and would take nothing away. Do I believe she is with me BECAUSE i am white. No i think its just part of who I am. Do i love her dark skin? Yes. I love everything about her. I absolutely am proud to be with her, be together, and want to marry and have children. I have never been happier, or with a better woman. Ever.
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Evelyn7 says:Posted: 05 Oct 14
Brian I am so happy for you Guy's it's also what I dream of and desire but for now I'm still single and waiting..Keep me in ur Prayer that God will bless me with the Mate that he has Just for me...Truly I am READY?.. You Guys be blessed and Be happy? Love is a Beautiful thing between two People...Keep other People out ur Relationship..
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Mulacys29 says:Posted: 16 Aug 15
BrianLee, reading your post gave me joy. I'm so happy for you guys. True love is so rare these days. I pray that one day I will be blessed with my love of a lifetime. She is one bless woman to have a man that is so proud to let the world know how he truly feels about his queen and with pride. May God continue to bless you both with many many years of love and happiness. I know my king is being prep by the Lord for me and I am going to embrace him with my all. :)..
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Rai4sure says:Posted: 23 Aug 15
Brian, I am so happy you have found love with a women who happens to be black. Most importantly, you're who you desire to be with regardless of what others may think or say. Besides, black men have no shame and have been doing it for the longest. I believe it's time for black women including myself to broaden our love interest and try something new. We have been limiting ourselves by just wanting to date a black man. While they choose to date who they want. So, so happy for both of you. God bless
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PLEASURE55 says:Posted: 21 May 14
I date white men because it's something different, not in a negative way. I was raised that the color of your skin is not the issue. I was raised I guess you could say color blind. I like getting treated good by men, treat me good and I will treat you good too. I have been dating white guys since 1976 and it's been all good met some good ones and some bad ones but I am still looking for that "Prince Charming" to come sweep me off my feet. Any takers???
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Nimssy says:Posted: 20 May 14
I love white men cz they are real and knows a woman's worth,,anywan here 4me??
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Islandkiss72 says:Posted: 16 May 14
Just signed up on this site not sure what to expect, but hoping to connect with someone who will compliment me inside and out. Not just into experimenting with me because of the color of my skin!
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coolestyet says:Posted: 16 May 14
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careen2 says:Posted: 12 May 14
love is not abt colour t is abt heart apart from our beautful
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Geetih says:Posted: 12 May 14
I am also waiting for my kind of man ....am waiting...
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illbwhiteblk says:Posted: 12 May 14
Me personally God made everybody equal first and He gave us all a choice in life but then you have the people that are clueless some people don't deserve to have a choice because they lack common since they think because of a color there better than others anyway I choose to date black women because im attracted to black women they are beautiful and nobody needs to be ashamed of color because of others lack of integrity. But in all races theres beauty but true beauty to me comes from selflessness and through the regeneration of the Spirit of Christ and being transformed rather than conformed to this world..Having a loving and forgiving attitude
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dearmelony20 says:Posted: 14 Jun 14
thats the spirit my friend. i love this this
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Cessshish says:Posted: 27 Jan 17
I simply love this site!!I can't wait to meet the man of my dreams
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lil1994 says:Posted: 06 May 14
Really just joined the site but I love the lines here black women rock Mwwaahh.
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roostergod says:Posted: 04 May 14
I dont know bout others but for me a black woman is so damn beautiful. It has nothing to do with stereotypes or dumb racist stuff. I dont care about color and/or race. Hell if you known my families back story u would understand me. But either way a black woman just screams beauty. Now I just gotta find me one ;)
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mf40 says:Posted: 21 May 14
U could not of sad it Better roostergod,loving this :)
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Black woman is very strong an passionate we take care of our man all d way...ride or die...am hoping to find my white prince....
You couldn't have said it better. I am with you waiting on my white prince to become my king