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Today could be the happiest day of your life - you just have to let it be! Sign up with DateWhoYouWant to start meeting Black men in Dedza near you. Begin your quest for love now with a DateWhoYouWant account and find that ideal partner who shares all of your interests. There's no reason to hold off the search for your perfect special someone!

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  • Shakesfire
    44, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 25
    Honest guy seeks honest girl.I'm a very honest person, hardworking and serios when it comes at meeting my life targets. During freetime I like charting, listerning to Music prefarably Reggae and playing games like chess and Bawo. more
  • Hazoo
    42, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    Black in complexion, 1. 5 metres tall. I am working with an international NGO. I am interested in long term relationship which can lead to our future. more
  • Ninho
    34, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 35
    Desperate young man.An honest young man who loves chatting especially with women. My hobbies are watching soccer, chatting and playing video games. Looking for a real sexual and dedicated relationship. more
  • Makina1982
    43, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    Lets Have FunLike Listening to Cool Music, Swiming , Playing Chess, reading books and Travelling Am a Very cool and nice guy. more
  • MKL56
    37, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 30
    I know skills of romancing I know skills of romancing, I like music of Driemo. I like most slim ladies to date with brownish completion more
  • Moyoeli
    38, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    Sociable and likes traveling. Like to listen to reggae music A devoted christian who uses most of free time chatting or playing bawo more
  • Trospas
    28, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    Um African man with height and blown in skin and also heart kind which can manage to love woman deeply more
  • Kapeer
    27, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    I'm cool guy I'm a person who likes to chill with friends, I like hip-hop music and relocating, I'm also someone who likes praying and partying more
  • 0993
    37, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 25 to 50
    Am proud to be whom I amHobbies- Watching Soccer Favourite Music - 27/03/1987 Personality - Love & friendly but don't torelate with nonsense, more
  • Masina271070
    44, Black Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 20 to 50
    Interact with walks of people. I love travelling ,football, my favourite song is one love by Bob marly. My jumble and respectable man. 27 Oct more
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