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  • Philimon
    44, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 50
    A listening ear is a solution. Don't forget to be a listener. That's why my friends call me black. Thanks cheers. more
  • Nagwani
    30, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    Am a civil society watch member and political activist I need to have an serious relationship with an American Ladies more
  • Tekasoh
    51, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    I am a care free and easy going man, who believes that every woman is a raw material and can be defined to desired what I desire. I love music, playing Chess, sitting out sometimes, I smoke but not an... more
  • Kingloverboi
    25, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    I don't what to bit only fun to be with Am John love making friends fun to chat with I don't give bad vibe all fun to be around whit more
  • Jameso1290
    38, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    I be myself without any doubt.I am a Humble and easy going. I like music, research and chart. More of all just be yourself and be Happy. Believe in the beauty's of nature and it would take it own caused. more
  • Calvinus27
    46, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 26 to 45
    Young man of honesty & intergrity, loving & caringI am a young man of 28 years old. I attended High Institution. I hail from Nigeria. I am ok. more
  • Yungkaly
    27, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    Am handsome and loving i like playing football.my favourite music is only by ymcmb.i need a beutiful and loving woman like me more
  • SteveBrownd
    29, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99
    I am 27 years old looking for a lovely woman that will love me and take me for who I am more
  • Farukdollar
    30, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 35
    I'm Engr  simple like making new friends playing with kids playing badminton traveling dating construction 👷 eating fruit more
  • Yajodam
    31, White Men
    Looking for a: Woman aged 18 to 24
    People say am humble and gentle, but i daught much, likes true love hobie; i love to listen to blues more
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