White Men For You In Oyo, Date Who You Want
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38, Ibadan White MenLooking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99Am the most perfect gentleman, good looking guy, love to catch fun and making new friends. Am a guy with pink lips more
39, Ibadan White MenLooking for a: Woman aged 18 to 99I'm a very cool man.with fear of God.i like listening to hip pop,I like playing football.am light in complexion more
34, Ibadan White MenLooking for a: Woman aged 18 to 40ClassicwolexHiya, I'm a 34 year old Asian/Black man living in Ibadan, Oyo, seeking a serious relationship with a nice girl more
24, Ibadan White MenLooking for a: Woman aged 18 to 40Startmond12Hiya, I'm a 24 year old Asian/White man living in Ibadan, Oyo, looking for dating and romance with a nice girl more