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  • Montrevo
    19, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 18 to 99
    Thanks sI like listen music,delicious food,vacation,and I’m kind and love to each other also I like to wear like designer and traveling more
  • Lireen
    43, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 40 to 99
    I love cooking, travelling, listening music, taking picture also watching movie, i like a simple friend who has a fear of God. more
  • Taky9144-
    22, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 18 to 99
    Sharing experiences of life . Spiritual talks and rituals . Loyalty is the key🥰 Meditating under the sun Cooking , diving. Explore the life together . more
  • Nyamizi82.
    42, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 40 to 58
    I like r&b music, love cooking, Honest caring and friendly person will match me. I like traveling seeing new places and people. more
  • Tildani
    26, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 25 to 99
    Serious love Loving,caring not close to perfect a girl that wasn't to build a family ... I love nature cooking reading spend time with my family and friends l love all type of good music. more
  • Racqute
    30, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 34 to 99
    I am short brown skin girl, interested in walking, Natural environment (hills, river etc.), watching movies and eating though 😁. I like listening gospel music from different countries and continent... more
  • Miss.Briana
    30, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 30 to 48
    True Love still exists I like cooking, traveling, and I like slow music,I’am God fearing, humble and am matured enough! Also am mentally fit. By professional am medical personnel. more
  • Theblackcat.
    28, Arusha White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 35 to 55
    Brains,Beauty and a little bit of mischief I love traveling and exploring new places, enjoy gardening,dining and cooking experiences, I love deep conversations where ideas and beliefs are not judged… Send me a text if you can handle a woman... more
  • .UNA
    20, White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 18 to 99
    In God we strust Seriously personal who love and care: soft heart,care about other, trusting and talking to much NB; Never trust sweet words because nowadays people have sugar on their lips and poison in their heart ... more
  • 20040108T
    21, Dar Es Salaam White Women
    Looking for a: Man aged 18 to 99
    It's all about the relationship My name is Theopista, my hobbies are Watching movie, listening music, traveling, motivation speak. I'm here for a perfect date. more
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