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25, Kampala Asian WomenLooking for a: Man aged 18 to 99" Bookworm looking for fellow page- turner"."Hi there!" I'm Sharon,a coffee-loving outdoor enthusiastic. When I'm not working,you can find me hiking and trying out new restaurant. Looking for someone to share my passion for life's simple joy an... more
22, Kampala Asian WomenLooking for a: Man aged 18 to 99Like swimming,dancing,Jamaican music on my perfect date I want my man to look simple take me for dinner at a restaurant more
20, Asian WomenLooking for a: Man aged 27 to 50I'm lianah I want a man who love god someone who iI want a man who is really honest with me a man who went to love me the way who I am I want true love long relationship more
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